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Federal Reserve Transparency
by Jim Carter
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

The Federal Reserve’s lack of transparency, which is perceived to be impenetrable, is an erroneous assumption.

Volume 12 C.F.R. § 261.2(i)(1) Identifies public FOIA requests for “records (of) any Federal Reserve Bank in connection with the transaction of any official business.” are authorized. A Federal Court of Appeals has concurred. Ref. Bloomberg L.P. v. Board. of Governors of Federal Reserve System, 649 F. Supp. 2d 262, 274 (S.D.N.Y. 2009), aff'd, 601 F.3d 143 (2d Cir. 2010). Exemptions 4 and 5 are not applicable. The deceptive CRS Report 42079, Federal Reserve; Oversight and Disclosure Issues relates to a public perception; it does not relate the law. Ref. [Link 1] (updated).

The Federal Reserve’s creation of fiat currency [a credit extended by the FR system] depends upon the Treasury Department issuing a debt instrument [Treasury security] containing a promise to pay back the principal plus interest. The interest does not exist nor has it been created. The only way to procrastinate bankruptcy is to issue more debt (principal) and pay the prior interest due from the new principal. This results in an exponential increase in the amount of debt [inflation] that will be created. The National Debt can never be paid off. It is a classic Ponzi scheme. [Fractional reserve multiplication of currency by commercial banks does not alter this conclusion.] A contract that cannot be culminated, or does not convey consideration for funds, is an act of fraud and is void upon its inception.

The manner in which the Fed is used to assist Wall Street conceal >$3 billion daily from the government [and the public] using the auction accounts of Treasury securities for the benefit of TBTF banks is alleged at [Link 2] ; [Link 3] ; [Link 4] , [Link 5]. The analysis has been sullied; it has never been discredited.

The Treasury security auction accounts are exclusively controlled by the FRBNY and handle more than $11 trillion annually. The accounts have never been audited and are a proper subject for public review using FOIA. [The cited CRS report broadens the meaning of audit to imply two reviews of FRBNY’s security procedures are audits.] TreasuryDirect identifies the apparent commingling of government funds with private funds. The destination of new cash is not disclosed. Ref. [Link 6]

Benjamin Ginsberg in FATAL EMBRACE reminds readers of historic similar related banking systems resulted in repeated economic exploitation, societal collapse, and civil disruption in medieval Europe. John Perkins [CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN], Douglas Valentine [CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME] and others have identified covert Wall Street actions as the origin of world-wide chaos and subjugation. The use of these funds for world domination and national chaos, which is occasionally projected to include the United States, has been documented by William Blum, Greg Palast, Michel Chossudovsky and many others. Pathological Wall Street war mongering using the CIA, US military, the IMF, and the WB to impose economic control or for destruction of industrial rivals is standard procedure. [Link 7]; WHENSE THE DEEP STATE ?, [Link 8] .

Potential national financial chaos resulting from the US economic instability is mentioned in current US headlines. How the TBTF banks can utilize the existing legal structure to collect on the $22 trillion (and growing) national debt is theorized at [Link 8]. The resultant social chaos would be similar to that found in Greece and Argentina, and could involve seizure of demand deposits and pensions, slashing of wages, confiscation of national assets, etc. Wall Street representatives’ testimony before congress has confirmed destruction of government sovereignty does not hamper their collection of alleged national debt. Apparently the fly [US citizen] on the spider web is enjoying the view but has not visualized the next meal.

Is this concern a proper cause for FOIA action to preserve the government from total Wall Street domination?


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