Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,061, March 8, 2020

It is my experience that when a politician
wants to render those around him defenseless,
especially females, it’s because he wishes
to harm them with impunity.

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Mike Blessing

Letter from T.J. Mason

Question for the Day

Is the Democrat margin of fraud going to vote for Bernie if they can't screw him out of the nomination?

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

I’ll never vote for another [democrat] so long as I live. My spring property taxes north of five hundred dollars and I’m terrified what the fall ones are going to be. We need a massive tax revolt in pa and need to purge as many democrats from state and local offices as possible. I also will do everything i can to get Donald Trump reelected and hope and pray he wins with a landslide because the democratic party is a vicious bloodsucking vampire that we desperately need to drive a stake thru it’s heart with such overwhelming indignation that it will die and never rise again!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

“Señor, they have all the guns.”

Some years back the Border Patrol experimented with flying undocumented aliens to the interior of Mexico so that the BP agents could at least beat them back across the Border. No joke the UA’s were getting back into the US faster than the BP agents when they were being bussed to Juarez, Brownsville, TJ, etc.

One of the Border Patrol Agents started chatting with one of the aliens and asked him,
“Why do you keep crossing the River into the US?”
The alien answered, “I want to be free.”
BP agent: “So make yourself free in Mexico.”
To which the alien replied, “Señor, they have all the guns.”

Got this from an airplane mechanic that occasionally did work for BP. This is part of the reason I oppose gun control.

The thing about Mike Bloomberg is he wants to own all the guns.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Mike Blessing

Image H/T Stephen Carville

For what I'm seeing at about 3 AM, it looks like Gropey Joe Biden has won a lead on Bernie Sanders, with Sanders coming in second.

Whichever of them is the eventual DNC nominee matters not much to me, as the chances of my casting a ballot for either of them is as close to zero without actually being zero.

On a side note, Amy Klobuchar and Petey Buttigieg dropped out and endorsed Gropey Joe. Did Joe cop a courtesy feel on each of them as a consolation prize?

The best news of the night comes in two parts:

  1. Bloomberg, a real-life Duke of New York, came in third place after he blew through about 500,000,000 of his personal cash reserve while pitching his promotion of victim disarmament policies as a good thing. Serves him right. He appears to be re-assessing whether or not to continue a seperate campaign, or to back Gropey Joe. To be fair, the Duke did win American Samoa.

  2. On the Republican side of it all, Mr. Bill the Original Weldist got his head handed to him by T.rump. At this time (Wednesday, 5 March at 3 AM), Mr. Bill doesn't seem to have received more than ten percent (10%) of the votes cast in any state, including his home state of Massachusetts. To date, his highest vote total seems to be that of the News Hampshire primary, where he got about 13-14 % of the votes cast. Even there, for every vote Mr. Bill got, T.rump got SIX votes. But that doesn't stop him from sending out fundraising emails saying "this is our chance to take down Donald Trump."

On the LP side of the 2020 presidential camapign season, Lincoln Chafee seems to be coming in a solid eleventh place, and deservedly so, as Chafee, like Mr. Bill who reportedly encouraged him to run as a "Libertarian," doesn't seem to have the slightest clue of what the Libertarian Party is supposed to be all about. (I for one am still waiting to see any evidence that Mr. Bill cares or ever did care about the Non-Agrression Principle. Not holding my breath here.)

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing

Mike Blessing
[email protected]

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