Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,065, April 5, 2020

What makes America absolutely unique
and admirable—exceptional—is not
democracy, it is freedom.

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Thoughts In Isolation
by L. Neil Smith
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It’s a failing on my part, I realize, but it’s hard for me not to like or dislike actors and actresses on the basis of the characters that they portray. That’s why I was delighted, for example, to discover that Tom Selleck, who has played many likeable roles, such as Thomas Sullivan Magnum, Jesse Stone, Matthew Quigley, and Frank Reagan, is a solid supporter of President Donald Trump.

It’s also why I was disappointed (and not a little disgusted) but not particularly surprised to learn that Pauly Perrette—who was once the lovably whacky “Abby Sciuto” on NCIS—is an uncritical fan of and political collaborator with Witchfinder General Adam Schiff (C-Ca.).

Now it is being reported that the Usual Suspects are working up to something resembling the late impeachment farce—again. They don’t seem to have noticed how the President’s numbers went up with every day the slapstick pantomime went on. They are grimly determined, at all costs—including the survival of the Republic—to remove the hated Donald from office or at least to damage his 2020 re-election prospects. It seems to be the only thing they’re capable of thinking about. It doesn’t really matter, but the pretext this time, apparently, is the Communoid Party narrative that Trump’s response to the dreaded corona virus (a bogus malady the kills fewer people every year, statistically, than the common cold) was inadequate or too slow, or didn’t have pink bows tied to it or wore a propeller beanie.

Leading the charge, of course, is that infamous bottom-feeder Schiff, living proof that the one good thing about pond-scum is that it keeps worse stuff from rising to the top. Like so many of his collectivist ilk, this is a man—if that is the word—whose rumored personal habits, inclinations, peculiarities and perversities cannot be adequately described in a column like this for fear of lawsuit in a judicial climate that does not favor honesty or justice.

Judging from his creepy appearance, his even creepier body language, and the way he is said to treat those around him, especially his subordinates, Schiff is a tiny, shriveled spirit—Alec Baldwin’s Mini-me—who bitterly resents his relatively unimportant position in the scheme of things, and deeply envies the achievements of his betters that he cannot ever hope to match, himself. His only psychological alternative—and this is the case with the left in general—is to attempt to steal or destroy what others have striven to create and to persecute them for the very virtues that made their achievements possible.

Another real possibility is that Schiff and a great many of his vile, despicable cohorts (their number would surprise you) worry constantly that their repulsive wrongdoings will be found out in an era—and under an Administration—with little tolerance for the Anthony Wieners, the Jeffrey Epsteins, the Harvey Weinsteins, and possibly the Adam Schiffs that “liberal” society wretches up. They desperately yearn to go back to a time—the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama period—when justice turned a blind eye toward such abominable transgressions.

Again, I’m very sorry that I can’t be more specific. I simply don’t have enough money—or lawyers. What I’m alluding to, here, is not that great a secret, however, if you do a little poking around. (Hint: start by looking up “Q-anon”.) People may come to call you a “conspiracy nut”, but at least you’ll be more in the know than they are. The world has always been run by conspiracies of one kind or another, some benign, some malign. The Declaration of Independence was the product of a conspiracy, but so was MK-Ultra. Operation Paperclip was famously somewhere in between.

The great question of our time is this: how did all of this slime, what Rush Limbaugh calls “human debris” come to be in charge of things? Maybe it has always been that way. When I was just a little kid, somebody pointed out to me that a democracy can elect an Adolf Hitler and effectively vote itself out of business. It does seem to be a weakness of our system that liars, cheats, perverts, and thieves can ingratiate themselves enough with the publicly-educated electorate to take power and destroy our lives. Yes, I am aware that we’re not supposed to be a democracy, but a democratically-operated republic, with built-in checks on government power. But can you be satisfied to be diagnosed with just a little bit of cancer?

It’s time to face the terrible truth: like socialism, fascism, and communism, democracy is a just another form of collectivism, under which the will of the majority—or at least those who claim to speak for it—crushes the rights of the minority. What makes America absolutely unique and admirable—exceptional—is not democracy, it is freedom. And as long as contemptible freedom-haters like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Swalwell, and Company hold sway, we are all in grave danger of losing what we value most.

Thanks to the corona virus hoax, we may already have.



L. Neil Smith

Award-winning writer L. Neil Smith is Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and He is available at professional rates, to write for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-60s. His writings (and e-mail address) may be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at Patreon. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. If you like what you’ve seen and want to see more, he says. ”Don’t applaud, throw money.“

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