Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,068, May 17, 2020

America can be free again if we demand it.
Think about Moses and the Pharaoh.
You cannot beg to be set free.

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You’ve Got to Tell Them
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

[Continued from Part One,   Part Two,   Part Three,   Part Four,   Part Five,   Part Six,   Part Seven,   Part Eight,   Parts Nine, Ten, & Eleven,   part Twelve,   part Thirteen,   part Fourteen,   part Fifteen,   part Sixteen &Seventeen,   Title and Art Contest,   part Eighteen,   part Nineteen,   part Twenty,   part Twenty-one,   part Twenty-two,   part Twenty-three,   part Twenty-four,   part Twenty-five,   part Twenty-six,   part Twenty-seven,   part Twenty-eight]


"Among all the democide estimates appearing in this book, some have been revised upward. I have changed that for Mao’s famine, 1958-1962, from zero to 38,000,000. And thus I have had to change the overall democide for the PRC (1928-1987) from 38,702,000 to 76,702,000. Details here. I have changed my estimate for colonial democide from 870,000 to an additional 50,000,000. Details here. Thus, the new world total: old total 1900-1999 = 174,000,000. New World total = 174,000,000 + 38,000,000 (new for China) + 50,000,000 (new for Colonies) = 262,000,000. Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5’, then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century."
― Professor RJ Rummel, Death by Government, 1994


Grim Revelations

Bill Watson, Bob Nolan, Sam Smith, Pete Williams, and Tyrone Johnson stood around the sides of the big table where they had eaten the previous evening. On the table before them were screens filled with images and short videos from the slave and torture camps that had been opened the day before.

Susan Nolan and Mary Sue Watson had seen some of these images as they started pouring in on Monday evening. All night long, while they had watched the space launches and listened to reports from the teams in orbit, more and more reports had come in from San Diego, Los Angeles, the high desert at Victorville, Santa Barbara, Lompoc, Santa Clara, Sacramento, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Chicago, Delaware, Baltimore, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.

Bob and Susan had agreed that Little Bob and Kathy were too young to be witness to such horrors. Earlier that morning, Susan had taken the two children into the family room which she and Bob shared with the Watsons when they were all together. The door was firmly closed, but they could be heard playing a game of cards together.

Amy Nolan and Clementine had asked to see the truth, which, because of their ages and willingness to be responsible for the knowledge, had been honoured. Amy had asked her friend to go first. So her mom and dad had stood at either side of Clementine as the horrifying images of bodies torn, twisted, starved, wasted, and abused had appeared on screen after screen across the surface of the table.

Clementine was now in her room with her mom and Amy Nolan.  The three of them were consoling one another and talking about what would come next. As Clem had looked on, Amy had stood across the room watching her friend’s face. At first Clem had been shocked, then horrified, then torn completely in her agony. When she finally tore her eyes away and looked at Amy, tears were flowing down her cheeks and she simply shook her head, then turned to her dad and collapsed into his arms.

Her mom had joined the embrace, and both her parents had been crying. Amy had come over to join her friend, and had only glimpsed the images which held her spellbound for a few moments. Then she had turned to join her friend. Finally Mary Sue had gathered the two younger women and taken them to Clem’s room.

So, this Tuesday morning, it happened to be the five men looking at the information. Bob looked at Tyrone, then Sam, then Pete, then Bill. Bob said, "We cannot keep this information to ourselves. Even had we wanted to do so, all the people who have seen these things with their own eyes have no desire to keep quiet. Everyone is outraged and horrified."

Tyrone nodded. He turned his head to the right and looked downcast. He knew what was coming.

Pete looked at his friend and mentor. "I’m sorry Ty. You’ve got to tell them."

Tyrone glanced at Bill, who simply nodded, then at Sam. Sam turned away from the table, clenched his fists, and turned back to look Tyrone in the eye.

Sam said, "People have to know. I wish it were otherwise, but it isn’t. I wish this whole stupid business had never been started. We didn’t start it. But it is up to us to finish it."

Tyrone leaned forward and gripped with both hands the top of the back of the chair he was standing behind, which had been pushed all the way in under the table. Leaning on this support, he drew a breath. Then he nodded at the table, and stood erect, his hands now resting on the chair back. He looked at each of the men in turn.

He said, "Okay. Let me have half an hour by myself to compose a few words. We’ll go over what I’m going to say and what images and videos to show on the screen while I speak. I’m already known in Colorado, and I doubt there are any kill lists I’m not yet on, so let’s set it up for me to speak on camera. I’ll be in my room."

With those words he turned away and walked with determination to the bedroom he was using. Going in, he closed the door gently behind him.

The Broadcast

Word went out to the entire freedom alliance. People in the rebellion saw the images, watched the videos, read the reports from the incident commanders, from the medics, from the teams assigned to document the torture chambers and the mass burials. Requests went out with the details.

In parts of the country where free people were in control of their own destinies broadcast radio and television stations were presented with the information and a request to broadcast an upcoming message from one of the leaders of the resistance. Bloggers, podcasters, and decentralised video producers were given the goods to go live with the story. Within minutes, reports began to be composed, articles and essays were written, and the horrifying information began to spread.

Things were far different in those parts of the country still under the domination of the owners and their minions, including wherever the Red Rangers had teams. In those places the work was directed at first silencing the broadcasts from cable and television and radio stations, then replacing them on the same channels.

Some of that work involved demolition. Radio towers were brought down. Television studios lost power and found their backup generators had been sabotaged.

Cable television relied on broadcasts to satellites on known frequencies, with known encryption algorithms thanks to a huge number of shows that were first encrypted and sent to the satellites, then sent down to various earth stations, decrypted, and distributed on cable stations. In some places, the cable studios lost power and in other places, infiltrators briefly took over the outgoing cable feeds, then left their jobs to disappear in the hinterlands. In a few cases, the communications satellites themselves were taken over by teams on the ground and in space.

Wherever a signal was involved, a replacement signal was transmitted, typically from temporary broadcast sites using temporary antennae and as much power as could be arranged. Where radio or television broadcasts were suddenly off the air, replacement broadcasts on the same exact frequencies were put in place.

All over the world, the truth came out.

The Message

Tyrone sat at the empty desk facing the camera. The polished wood of the desk provided a lower frame for the video. Behind him there was a gold cloth that completely covered the wall. On it was embroidered the silver A for abolition with the superimposed red copper V for voluntary. Above this symbol were the words "Choose Freedom" forming a semi-circular arc above the A and V. Such was the symbol of the alliance.

After seeing the red recording light go on, Tyrone said, "Good evening. My name is Tyrone Johnson. Three years ago, I raised a company of militia in Colorado and was elected its captain. Since then, I’ve been asked to accept the rank of colonel in the freedom alliance. Yesterday a series of rescue operations were arranged all over the United States. Wherever known slave camps, torture chambers, or death camps were located, our teams went in and took necessary steps to free the slaves, stop the tortures, and document the crimes.

"This afternoon, the information we received from our teams has been distributed. All over the world, and out in space, free people are now able to access the original photos, videos, and written reports from the people on hand. In many cases, impromptu interviews and written accounts from survivors are also available," he continued.

At this point a frame wipe was used to move the image of Tyrone down to the lower righthand corner. The other three-quarters of the screen now showed images and silent video clips of the horrifying camps, the brutally injured survivors, and the dead bodies. Many many images and videos of piles of corpses and open pits filled with bodies were shown. In some places, ovens had been used to cremate some of the bodies, and these were also shown. Most of the ovens shown were still filled with partially burnt corpses at the time the cremations were ended by the rescue teams.

Tyrone spoke during this part of the message. "We don’t yet have a full accounting of all the people who were captured, tortured, killed, or enslaved. However, we did secure records at each of the camps we visited and wherever possible, recovered the living. To prevent these camps from being used again, we chose to destroy the buildings. Later there will be time to recover the bodies of the dead and restore them to their families, in those cases where any survivors of the dead can be located."

The brutal images were replaced with a light grey background on which appeared in black letters two phone numbers, an email address, and a web address. Next to the top phone number was the word "texts" and next to the second number were the words "voice messages" in smaller letters. Tyrone paused to give the audience time to see and understand the numbers and words.

After about ten seconds, he continued, "You are going to want answers about people you love. We have volunteers all over the world with access to details about every camp we liberated, every survivor we rescued, every atrocity we documented, and all the records we captured. We aren’t able to let you call in to speak with any of our volunteers yet, though they are free on individual initiative to call or write back. We show here the phone numbers for receiving your texts and voice messages. Emails may also be sent in. Mirrors of the web site you see indicated are already up in the hundreds, and we expect soon thousands of instances. Several blockchains are now available with all the data we have, and hundreds of volunteers are replicating these public databases on systems far and wide. So you can search our records online and know that every document is permanent. We’ve take the steps we can to address crank texts and phone call flooding as well as distributed denial of service attacks."

The frame holding Tyrone’s image faded away, leaving only the contact information displayed. Again there was a pause of about ten seconds.

Tyrone’s voice continued, now in voice over. "We regret the difficulties in organising and executing our rescue operations caused some delay. We moved as soon as we could coordinate strikes all over the country so that the owners had limited time to respond and multiple attacks with which to contend. Our goal was to keep them from liquidating slaves and other captives in large numbers to attempt to hide some of the truth of what they’ve done."

The pale grey screen now faded out and Tyrone’s image was restored. Along the bottom of the screen, over the visible part of the desk in front of him, there now appeared a crawl with somber black letters on the same light grey. The crawl showed the phone numbers, email address, and web address, moving slowly so they were easy to copy down at home.

Again Tyrone spoke, "All of you know who we mean when we say ’the owners,’ and we have established a series of indictments for their crimes and torts in our independent judicial system. We have also provided notice to competent authorities who would be capable of entering indictments against some or all of these criminals. All of the data we’ve gathered is available to private attorneys willing to file suits agains them for damages. But, as we all know, those responsible for these crimes against humanity are not willing to be held to account. Therefore we call on the militaries and law enforcement agencies who protect them to capture them and hold them to account. You know who you are.

"The horrors you have seen are only a portion of those inflicted on millions of victims. We are all saddened and angered by these facts. As one of the many leaders within the freedom alliance, I wish to convey my thanks to all of the volunteers who were involved in these rescue efforts, and the thanks of the friends and families of victims and survivors everywhere," Tyrone continued. He closed his eyes.

"Dear Lord, the Lord Our God, YHWH the Lord of Hosts, please bless the rescuers, heal the survivors, and help the families reconnect. Please guide those seeking compensation for damages and please bring to justice those evil doers responsible. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Thy will be done, amen." With this prayer concluded, Tyrone opened his eyes. The view of him faded to the silver background, where the contact information re-appeared. The crawl ended.

After two minutes, the message ended. It would be seen again and again on various video distribution services.

[End part twenty-nine, continues in part thirty]


Jim Davidson is an author, entrepreneur, actor, and director. He is the cfo of and the vision director of You can find him on as well as and also as planetaryjim. He appreciates any support you can provide as times are very difficult. See the Paypal link on this page. Or email your humble author to offer other choices. Visit for more information. Those seeking a multi-jurisdiction multi-hop VPN for communications privacy please visit For those seeking colloidal silver try Ask Jim about CryptoWealth.

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