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Number 1,070, May 31, 2020

We are undergoing a managed transition

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Letter from Brian Wilson

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Brian Wilson

We are transitioning to a centrally planned technocracy. Google and Microsoft are developing the Artificial Intelligence, Apple and Facebook collect and funnel the big data, Amazon is the central distribution/consumption hub. Obviously there are other big tech players involved, but that's the basic layout of "the economy". 5G rollout is HUGE, and it's not a happenstance that it is being rolled out now at this juncture. This sets up the architecture of Internet of Things and BIG data necessary to feed and grow the central AI management systems.

The virus was used as an excuse to provoke the policy response of shutdown/lockdown, which popped the Everything Bubble, allowing for extreme measures by the Fed and Gov't. The economy has been placed in Fed receivership for reorganization along technocratic socialist lines. Markets are now officially dead and centralized management has been established. The labor force has been started along the path towards dependency via UBI beta test programs such as the $1200 payment and the expanded unemployment benefits.

The coronapanic was essentially a controlled demolition. While there may be occasional controlled demolitions of select areas of the financial system or economy from time to time, there will be no uncontrolled "collapse". We are undergoing a managed transition.

Brian Wilson

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

On Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, please permit me to honor my father, Lester Neil Smith II. Dad was born in 1919, a few months after his own father died at an Army camp in Waco, Texas, nursing fellow soldiers with the Spanish Influenza. Dad was a war hero who flew two dozen-odd bombing missions in a B-17 over Nazi Germany until he was shot down and spent a year in a German POW camp. During the Korean War he worked on aircraft a Buckley Field in Denver and at United Airlines. As an Air Force officer for the next 25 years, he served in Strategic Air Command and Northeast Air Command. As such, and as a Scout leader, he taught me dedication, diligence, and humanity. This extremely kindly, thoughtful man died in 1992 and I miss him every day.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Some Didactic Comments

The following may seem didactic. On the other hand, it is information worth reviewing and conclusions I expect you will share.

People will be telling jokes about the toilet paper hoarding and resultant shortage that marked the Covid Apocalypse of 2020 for the next generation. This was followed by the run on and shortage of cleaning supplies, the run on and shortage of ammunition and basic food stuffs, the run on firearms as the various states and the Federal government started calling a lockdown, then a run on computers as people began working from home and kids were suddenly being home schooled en masse. As workers in food plants began testing positive for CV-19 food production was slightly reduced. These are just the shortages of which I've kept track.

As the law of supply and demand kick in this will cause a rise in prices of the products in questions then others also, that is, we will experience a certain amount of inflation. Meanwhile workers are being furloughed and laid off as a result of the lockdown, unemployment is now at 40 million and rising, The combination of these two will reduce demand for some products, especially as the economy remains in lockdown.

Simultaneous rises in unemployment and prices combined with decrease in demand is called stagflation. The US is in a recession as a result of the lockdown. The longer the US stays locked down the more likely this recession is to drag out even after the quarantine ends. On the other hand, it is suggested that a timely reopening of the economy will lead to a V shaped recovery, one that is marked by a rise as precipitous as shutting things down crashed the economy.

If the economy has recovered fully by November, or reasonably close to fully, Mr. Trump will look like a genius and he and the Republicans will handily dominate the election. If the economy is still crashed in November the Democrats are quite likely to win the election.

It is worth noting that the Democrats and their allies in the Mainstream Media push for extending the lockdown. Where this is not practical they act to try to convince people to keep themselves in lockdown even as it officially ends. It is even possible that the current recession will take on its own life lasting long enough to drag the Republicans down. Of course, if the rest of us have to take a set of lumps, to the Democrats that's a price worth paying.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Thought for the Day

While political rhetoric is rhetoric, legislation, executive orders, and judgements are actions and are legally constrained in content and effect by the Bill of Rights.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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