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Number 1,073, June 21, 2020

The Crazy Years

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Brad Zartman

Letter from A.X. Perez

Some simple proposals

Please note this has been a libertarian issue since way before liberals/progressives were concerned about it, especially as they probably want to use no knock warrants, careless murders, and paramilitary forces armed with military gear to deal with gun owners and other people resisting their agenda.

Proposed reforms to law enforcement use of force:

1. Outlaw no knock warrants.

2. Restrict qualified immunity. (note: all apply to federales, such as FBI, DEA, BATFE, IRS, etc., as well as all state and local police agencies)

a. Officer(s) automatically liable for $1,000,000 for killing unarmed suspect without extreme extenuating circumstances, even if not criminally liable.

b. Officer(s) and department(s) liable for $1,000,000 for "dry hole raids," and $3,000,000 for wrong address raids. That is each officer.

c. Injuring innocent by standers will result in $1,000,000 liability per by bystander.

d. Officer(s) liable for $1,000,000 dollars for each civilian killed in "dry hole" or wrong address raids. Department liable for $10,000,000.

e. Lower settlements for non lethal injuries, indemnification for destruction of property on wrong address.

f. $100,000 for each pet killed unless the animal is actually biting or clawing officer.

g. If officer(s) unable to pay they will face 25% garnishee of wages and pension until debt paid, and will not enjoy homestead protection for this debt.

3. Officers may not wear camouflage or other paramilitary SWAT gear for SWAT call outs.

4. PD's will no longer be receive military surplus equipment. State and local PD's will be required to turn military gear over to National Guard.

Sure there's more, this is just a start.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Brad Zartman

Racist or Realist?

I do not believe there is a single individual in this (or any civilized) country who cannot be called a racist by someone. I personally don't know, nor have I ever heard of, anyone who is not at least a little prejudiced against, or for a particular race of people. Not necessarily their own race, either. I know plenty of folks who show preferential treatment to their favorite minority, be that 'native-', 'black-', 'muslim-', 'lgbtqrstuv-', or whatever-American who do not, themselves, belong to that minority (nor, often, to ANY minority group). (I also know far too many members of various minority groups who treat their own with extreme preference, and many who blatantly and openly discriminate against other groups.) To my understanding, this is what all the anti-racist groups are so pissed off about, other people getting treated better than them.

How does one go about treating everyone better than everyone else?

A lot of the crap we hear on MSM makes one believe that as long as everyone else is treated better than straight white men, everything is alright. Have you noticed that 'equality' is seldom mentioned any more? Could it be that equality is not good enough any longer?

Sometimes, people who have no racist leanings are turned into 'racists' by witnessing the actions of a sufficiently large subsection of a particular race's (or group's) members over a sufficiently lengthy period of time. This is not brought about by ignorance nor generational hatred, but by life experience. No one likes to talk about this kind of racism, because it does not fit the narrative, and it places the blame more upon the 'race' in question due to being based upon their observed behavior, rather than rhetoric or stereotype.

This type of 'racist' is known, by people with life experience beyond their television set, as a Realist. Said realist does not automatically 'hate' members of the group in question, being aware that not all, nor perhaps even most, members are bad. Heightened awareness when in the company of said group is the only evidence displayed by the realist. How dare anyone be extra vigilant around a group that they have witnessed behaving badly on a regular basis? Up until recently, this heightened awareness was applauded by the general public as a positive trait, now it is deplorable.

Brad Zartman, Realist.
email address withheld by request

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