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Number 1,073, June 21, 2020

The Crazy Years

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Be Not Afraid!
by Sarah A. Hoyt

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Look, we’ve talked here before about how the lockdown affected people. I think it was part of the reason the left was so insistent on the lockdown, and why they still don’t want it to end.

People are not going out and seeing other people, catching snatches of conversation, seeing the expression in people’s faces. Instead, they’re relying for all their news on an increasingly more deranged MSM and an increasingly stranger social media. (Some of the banned words on FB don’t even make any sense.)

Even I who am mostly anti-social but rely on my one day out a week, and who haven’t been getting it in far too long (do you know how hard it is to schedule things like the zoo ahead of time when we’re also in the middle of various things like the Great Office Move of 20, and don’t know what crisis will happen next?) am feeling cranky and impatient and, frankly, horrified over the bilge being thrown at us by all these megaphones.

Look, it’s nothing new. I had a preview of this in writing circles last decade. These people really, really really treat Marxism as a religion and view their inevitable ascendancy as set in stone. The future will approve of them! Young people are all revolutionaries!

This is all crap. Fables. It’s a Christian heresy, but frankly the Cathars and all the other early Christian heretics are looking on in awe, at how little it takes to get a heresy going these days.

Part of the problem is that the cult has started being disproven. If you read about how cults fall apart, members become more strident and insane and often homicidal or suicidal. This is what we’re seeing. 2016 was the discomfirmation of prophecy for them. And they can’t handle it. It’s like the day for the end of the world was set, and then no UFOs showed up to blast away the heretics.

All we’ve seen since then is a meltdown because they can’t abandon the stuff they’ve believed all this time. They’ll be left without an identity if they do. On the other hand, they keep raising the ante, and nothing goes the way they planned.

And that last is what you should remember.

You see, there are generations in revolutions. It is probably the reason the USSR disintegrated when it did.

When the philosophy animating the revolution or the revolutionaries, at least, is completely at odds with the way reality actually works, corrosion sets in.

The revolutionaries that seize power have to be sane enough and in enough contact with reality to seize it. It doesn’t matter if those revolutionaries seize power with an AK or by pretending to be completely average people until they have some power over institutions.

But once they are in power, they see preserving the revolution—the ideological bend of their change—as more important than anything else. Because if they lose power, everything they did was for naught, and they’ll not only fail but be exposed as failures.

So they hire mostly for ideological compliance. These people won’t be as competent as they are, but then they also don’t need to seize power and/or slide in under cover. They have power now, and keeping power is easier than acquiring it.

But those second wave people hire third wave people. At this point no disguise is needed, and rewards come mostly for being vocal in support of the revolution—whatever the revolution and whatever it dictates. This is how we get the arts and literature and news today, where you stare at the supposed journalists on TV, or throw the book against the wall, and wonder how in heck anyone can be that stupid and have that position in the public eye. You wonder how it’s possible for people to actually produce movies that make no sense whatsoever and aren’t even fun to watch. You wonder about someone who was a candidate for vice-president and who is not—unlike Biden—obviously senile, but who says America invented slavery.

The point is, by generation 3 these people are—to be charitable—ass clowns, for whom mouthing the cult chants is the source of all that’s good. They don’t really get what they’re supposed to do—note editors thinking their job is to “educate” the public—or what they’re there for. They just know the slogans.

They manage to have careers, and pass for normal and even stellar human beings, so long as they have a captive (or in the case of the US, complicit) press that covers up all their issues and makes their every little achievement sound wonderful.

And yes, the people who are in charge of most things right now are third generation, since the left took over most positions of power in education, entertainment, news reporting and even government bureaucracy. Which is why we have people like Biden who were never that competent, and who were, to put it mildly corrupt, but who manage to have a life of power and influence.

It’s also why the corruption now starting to come out, the bloody stupid stuff that happened under the Obama administration isn’t surprising. Infuriating, yes, but not surprising…. except perhaps for the utter and absolute pants-on-head craziness of the things they did and tried to do.

It’s like the Russia! Russia! Russia! which had nothing at its back. The only reason the left could hope to win that coup was their belief that the media could convince us all they were right. And they tried…. oh, boy they tried.

But the internet, and people being able to communicate and realizing they weren’t alone, and that, yeah, the mainstream narrative really was crazy, had long since eroded their Media-created shield of invincibility.

Take a deep breath. I know it’s been insane. I know we went from fake scandal to fake crisis, ad nauseum, and it’s stupid and you just want it to stop. I mean, it started right after the 16 elections with attempts to “contest” them that made no sense.

But what you have to remember is that none of those attempts worked.

And they couldn’t work, no matter what the media told you. Their play was on the hope Trump would get embarrassed and quit. Which tells you how out of touch with reality they are.

This latest insanity? It’s not even the third generation. The would be revolutionaries are the kiddies that the people in power have been encouraging. They are very pampered; most of them have no clue where money comes from; and they’ve been indoctrinated with nonsense since the cradle.

They are, in one word, pathetic.

While this is an attempt at the cultural revolution, remember that the people in the cultural revolution were first or at most second generation revolutionaries. They still knew what they were playing for. They’d seen violence against them.

This is not who we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with the unleashed tantrum of the last ten years of college insanity.

These people are cowards and mewling bullies. Yeah, they’ll attack as long as they’re convinced they have the upper hand. But they really can’t take any resistance at all.

Am I saying the left is inoffensive?

Oh, hell no. They retain enough levers of power, and they have enough—more these last few months—audience in the media to cause a lot of havoc. And yes, like the rest of you I’m worried about vote fraud. 18 was crazy and blatant enough, with polls open for weeks afterwards, under an “emergency” order, until they got the result they wanted, for instance. The fraud in this upcoming election will be epic. It will also be visible. Very visible. And when you’re running a reject from the cast of the Walking Dead, I don’t think people are going to buy that he won, much less in a landslide.

Yeah, they can do a lot of damage, and not just by setting fire to things and beating people. They can seize the country, however briefly.


But they can’t really seize it. Not all of it. And if they seize it they can’t run it. Not even for days.

They can’t win.

Yes, we can lose. But that’s if we give up and we inflict that wound on ourselves. I’d say that’s what the Wuflu panic and the lockdown were all about. Making people lost enough, confused enough to put up with that.

But we don’t have to. Just because they broke the fire alarm, it doesn’t mean the fire isn’t raging. Just because they force people to mouth agreement, doesn’t mean people agree.

There is immense rage building in this country, my friends. Not the rage of kiddies on the streets, breaking things and hurting people; no. This is the rage of quiet, solid people, who work hard—if the shenanigans of the left haven’t destroyed their jobs—and just want to live a normal live, and who’ve been subjected to instability and insanity by a bunch of cultists.

They might not say anything—who really needs to have their spouse and kids attacked?—but they are angry.

And their anger, right now? Fights on the side of the freedom lovers.

Be not afraid. This is not the end. This is not even the end of the beginning.

This is not the time to despair.

Lift that torch high. You can always get the pitchforks later….


Reprinted from According to Hoyt for June 17, 2020

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