Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,080, August 16, 2020

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Rob Gillespie

Letter from A.X. Perez

Time to Read

Have been reading a lot lately. Of course, I read a lot anyhow, but thanks to the current ammo shortage I’ve got even more time to read, a good three to six hours a week extra.

Definitely must recommend Give Me Libertycon. This book is a collection of short stories written by past attendees of Libertycon. Not all the stories have libertarian themes, but they are all fun.

I read At the World’s End by Charles Gannon, a jugendromane set in John Ringo’s Black Tide’s Rising universe. At least we don’t have zombies in our current crisis, yet.

I am down to my last 100 rounds of .40 practice ammo, and I’m out of 9 mm. practice ammo. I have a decent stash of social ammo in both calibers.

I don’t need anyone’s permission to read books published by Ring of Fire Press. So far, I’ve read only one. Eric Flint and his fans are successful capitalists for a group started by a self-proclaimed Trotskyite, not to mention good writers if you consider how much they publish in Baen and still have to start their own press.

No one is going to bust me for reading capitalistic books with occasional libertarian themes set in a fictional universe created by, to repeat myself, a self-proclaimed Trotskyite.

Not as long as it’s legal for me to have a couple of pistols and an adequate supply of social ammo. Mind you, if an adequate supply of practice ammo doesn’t hit the market soon our freedom may depend on the company bulls being intimidated by near misses.

Vote for whoever you think will let you protect your freedoms and help end the ammo drought.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Rob Gillespie

Clint and Nancy

Hello All!

My brother found this in his Facebook feed, although I somehow did not get it. I could not stop laughing!!!!!!! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

(Although, the comparison is very insulting to Clyde...)


Rob Gillespie
Signatory to the North American Covenant
[email protected]

The opposite of comedy is Germany.
—Samuel Foote (1720-1777)

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