Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,087, October 4, 2020

The pursuit of happiness and excellence must go on.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Wayne Grantham

Letter from stormy MON

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Another Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Dear Ken—

It says here that John Legend and Chrissy Teigan (whoever they are) are now contemplating leaving America because of Donald J. Trump. They could be joining Whoopie Goldberg if she’d only had the decency to emigrate, as she promised us she would four years ago.

Perhaps Jon and Chrissy will go to communist China, communist North Korea, communist Cuba, communist Nicaragua, or some other communist shithole more ideologically comfortable for them. I applaud their declaration, however insincere and hypocritical it may be—the land of the free and the home of the brave will be a better, cleaner place for it—and I urge them to take Robert De Nero with them.

Where we go 1 we go all,


L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Wayne Grantham

Editor, The Libertarian Enterprise,

While I can appreciate El Neil’s backing Mr Trump as President, I have some disagreements.

I did vote for Mr. Trump in ’16, since I thought he was the better choice over the thoroughly evil Hillary Clinton. I haven’t changed my mind about this. I also think he’s the better choice over the stupid and superannuated Sleepy Joe Biden. Biden is a liar, cheat and a criminal.

Even so, Trump, though, has some deficiencies that can’t be discounted. His senseless continuance of the “Forever Mideast Wars” is unforgivable. He’s said he’d put an end to them, instead, he’s intensified them. Many young Americans are dying because of his inaction, not to mention the heavy financial costs.

His domestic spending is insanely over the top. He makes Barry the Red look like a Scotsman. The future generations, should the US survive that long, won’t possibly have the quality of life we do--and ours is much lower than it ought to be. (Read my book.... Freestate California.) [ I highly recommend this book — Editor]

His schmoozing and apparent adoration of foreign despots, Kim Jong Oink, Eleven JinPing and whichever white-sheeted Soddy is cutting hands off thieves right now, is unforgivable.

His continual sword rattling without following through lets foreign despots know he’s another American paper tiger.

I can go on, but you get my point. If the man would just shut the fuck up once in a while, and do what he wants to do (within the confines of the constitution which he seems never to have read), he could be a real President.

Wayne Grantham
[email protected]

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Letter from stormy MON

stormy MON Neil: re A New Covenant

“Unanimous consent”: the only consent I need in individual liberty is my own. UNANIMOUS of any group is unrealistic—i.e. European Union.

Thank you for continuing Imagine Freedom on your links page. “Voting is Immoral” below, will be the intro to that manuscript. We are thinking along similar lines:


Like you, I've put heart and soul into individual freedom for many, many years, and things have only become WORSE! At some point, we've got to stop beating our heads against this wall. Good news: there IS a light at the end of the tyranny tunnel!

The bottom line:

1776: “Whenever any government becomes destructive, it is the Right of the People to alter or ABOLISH it, and to institute new government...”

Okay, we tried that; how did it work out?

Here's the fatal flaw: government is aggression—theft and coercion—it can NEVER work.

Next, the last step in our long journey that started with The Magna Carta (1215), is NO GOVERNMENT = no coercion, as Thoreau imagined in 1846, Rothbard in 1973, Doug Casey 2018.

stormy MON
[email protected]

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Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

Dear Ken,

It says here (in Breitbart) that the Anti-Defamation League, which has represented itself for decades as a Jewish civil rights organization, is jaw-boning other Jewish civil rights groups, pressing them to denounce President Donald J. Trump on the basis of what they know perfectly well is a bald-faced lie.

I am not Jewish myself, but as an Honorary Life Member of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and a friend and colleague of its late illustrious founder, Aaron Zelman, I feel obliged to ask a question that nobody else will ask.

Exactly how credible is an organization that, despite the profound atrocities that happened to their helpless grandmothers and grandfathers, their mothers and fathers, their uncles and aunts almost 90 years ago—the merciless cold-blooded slaughter of six million Jews—continues stupidly to argue that Jews today should be as disarmed and defenseless as their forebears were in Nazi Germany?

While ADL faithfully serves the interests of Marxist-Leninism at the expense of the Jewish people for whom it falsely claims to speak, JPFO fights the fight every day against what most media ignorantly call “gun-control” but is more accurately described as victim disarmament. When I wrote for JPFO, my personal motto was always, “Never again—not even the first time.” I continue to live by those words today.

Donald Trump labors constantly to loosen the lethal talons around our throats of collectivist entities grimly determined to control every aspect of our lives every second of the day, forever. Unfortunately, ADL has revealed itself as one of those entities. They should withdraw their “advice” and apologize immediately.

L. Neil Smith, Publisher and Senior Columnist
L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
[email protected]

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Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

A couple of "interesting" NatGeo articles

…and I don't mean that in the good (or polite) way.

Will new travel technology invade your privacy? Digital facial recognition. COVID-tracing apps. Innovations that make trips safer during a pandemic might expose your personal data. by Johanna Read.

A 'herd mentality' can’t stop the COVID-19 pandemic. Neither can a weak vaccine. Debates over herd immunity and natural infection arise with every outbreak. Effective vaccination always wins., by Nsikan Akpan

Sophocles Ozaki
Email address witheld by request

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Another Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Ho-lee carp… smoking gun?

NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse! (Pt 3/3) by Michael Thau

…Is ANY of this worth [expletive redacted]???

They’re doing “science” SO BAD that I have no words. That’s calculated to not just produce false positives, but to produce false positives at a rate that extends this pandemic forever.

Never mind all of the cases that are starting to come out where the test results don’t exist and never did.

“The Times claimed that around 90% of samples taken from a set of positive tests that used 40 cycles were really negative because, when they were run through only 30 cycles, no viral remains were detected.

“But given that 30 cycles also appear to be way too much amplification, it’s likely that a lot more than just 90% were actually bogus…

“…Even for people with symptoms, the research seems to show that regardless of how few cycles you use the PCR test is going to diagnose a lot of people who aren’t actually infected with the COVID-19 virus as positive…it’s very possible that, for all intents and purposes, no one in America who tested positive but didn’t have symptoms was really infected.

“…Moreover, given the available research, a positive PCR test isn’t even a reliable indicator of COVID-19 infection even if you do have symptoms. It wouldn’t be at all surprising if most of the people with symptoms who’ve been led to believe they have COVID-19 by a positive PCR test really have something else.

“…And, since PCR tests are the standard diagnostic tool that’s been used to detect COVID-19 infection, all the data we’ve been given is worthless too. We don’t have a clue how many people have really been infected with the COVID-19 virus or what it’s fatality rate is.”

And that last bit is the kicker.

But wait! There’s more!

“The CDC was hyping PCR tests for COVID before any of this research was even done. They were also using the results to compile data which they then used to scare the public and justify the never-before-seen widespread adoption of extreme measures to slow down its spread.

“They even ignored all the precautions they took to limit the use of PCR-testing in all of the previous four viral epidemics that occurred this century.”

I’ve been saying for weeks there was something fishy about the way Fauci and the CDC were running this.

Can you say “manufactured emergency and panic”? I knew you could.

Sophocles Ozaki
Email address witheld by request

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