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Number 1,088, October 11, 2020

“He’s not chaloogifying! We’ve
got to make him chaloogify!”

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Instead Of A Blog
by L. Neil Smith
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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Every week I have thoughts on various subjects that don’t call for an entire essay, not even for a letter to the editor. It has recently occurred to me to write them down and publish them together.


The first today is this: the 2020 election may be the swan song for the FOX News Network. Chris Wallace is far from the only anti-Trump operative at FOX, but he has exposed himself and his vile comrades. If Trump loses the election, it will be perfidious Fox’s fault and it will lose its audience. If he wins, Trump’s supporters (and Trump himself) will remember, and FOX will lose its audience. I used to keep it on 24/7, like animated wallpaper. Now I only turn it on to see Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin. Mike Lindell had better find someplace else to advertise his pillows.


It never fails to amuse me how anti-Trump individuals I know like to rush up to me and tell me in whispered tones about “secret failings” of the Trump Administration, or of Donald Trump, himself—as if I haven’t been listening to this crap every hour of every day for more than four years. The Donald is the most lied-about President in American history. Sometimes I can even identify the original newsie with whom the phony story started.


No amount of cowardly, hypochondriacal wailing can get around the fact that Covid-19 is a cold from which 99 percent of people recover. A majority of those who have died were very old people, already sick, and forced by butchers like Andrew Cuomo into cohabiting with carriers. Or they died of cancer or driving into a bridge abutment and medical examiners were bribed or compelled to list their deaths as Covid-19 fatalities. If you remember the Vietnam body-count, which included enemy chickens and pigs, you know how that works.


Democrats are absolutely desperate to stop the Supreme Court appointment of Amy Coney Barrett, or any other originalist, using any excuse that comes to hand. They understand that it means their 180-year quest—since Pierre-Joseph Proudhon wrote “property is theft” in 1840—to impose their lame, murderous excuse for a political and economic philosophy on the world, has finally come to a crashing halt.


Leftists like to play word-games. A leftist (Leon Trotsky) made the word “racism” popular for political purposes in 1927. They make up words, and then try to hold decent people responsible for them as if those words actually meant something real. They might say, for example, that frequent and vigorous “chaloogifying” is the only way to combat the NEV—“non-existent virus”. If you don’t chaloogify often and hard enough, you’ll get the NEV. After a million repetitions of that meaningless lie, they’ll point at somebody and scream, “He’s not chaloogifying! We’ve got to make him chaloogify!”

“Social distance” is a noun-phrase that has been assembled out of the general vocabulary, ungrammatically converted into a verb, and used to shame those who will not bend the knee in the currently fashionable mode. When they yell at you that you’re not social distancing, the only answer is, “Yes, but I’m chaloogifying as hard as I can!”


Maskzis are the idiots who will beat you up or kill you if you won’t wear a ritual mask. In 1978’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers. when one of the alien pod people spied somebody who hadn’t been taken over yet, he would point a finger and make turkey-gobbling noises. Now it’s being done by the Maskzis. Are you a Maskzi? Gobbler-gobble!


Having grown up in the shadow of World War II, it is very unpleasant to see what cowardly, risk-averse, hypochondriacs Americans seem to have become.These are not the warriors who defeated Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Soviet Russia. These are a people who have no guts, no spines, no testicles. On the other hand I may be judging them by the TV networks’ correspondents.


Professional babble-droolers like Sean Penn and Howard Stern appear to believe that people give a rusty fuck about what they want the President to do or should have done. Nobody does, not even the bucket-heads on their side. They may be annoying, but they’ll have to be Sean Penn and Howard Stern for the rest of their miserable lives. Personally, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.And don’t get me started on Jabba the Moore and his vicious little toadie Meathead Reiner.


It is reported that as a “public health measure”, New York hospitals are now asking patients, “Do you have a gun at home?” Two observations are relevant. The first is that the only proper answer to that highly improper question is, “Fuck you.” The second is that, if the exercise of one’s Constitutional rights is viewed by officials as a public health problem, it is time for those officials to be fired and start begging with a tin cup on street-corners for nickels from passersby more generous than I am.


If you listen to Democrats and their media mouthpieces, suburban women are all timorous and short-sighted, completely ignorant of history and economics. The only suburban women I know well are my wife and daughter and they are none of those things. Looks to me that, in the absence of the Latino hordes that Trump prevented from flooding the country, and as blacks increasingly “walk away”, Dems are desperately trying to restock their plantation of slave-voters with suburban females.


Can anybody explain to me how it’s possible for any politician to “bring us together” by stealing everything that we earn or save, ripping away our Constitutional rights, and encouraging gangs of mindless thugs to wreck and burn our cities? Never mind; the question was rhetorical. The only things of which the left is capable are theft and destruction. They cannot even conceive of the rights of other people.


The late Ben Wattenberg (look him up) once said that a liberal is a person who is afraid of every known phenomenon. Nothing could illustrate that better than the current fetishism about masks. They serve no rational purpose and possess no scientific validity. They keep us separated from one another and are a visible symbol of compliance with a collectivist social order. In fact, the general hysteria over the exaggerated Chinese malady is even more proof.


A St. Louis couple, Mark and Patricia McKloskey, have been indicted by a corrupt, George Soros-financed prosecutor for the “crime” of being prepared to defend themselves and the home they rebuilt themselves over 30 years from an armed, raucous, threatening mob. Two thoughts come immediately to mind. The first is that we need a Presidential decree (aimed at eventually becoming a Constitutional amendment) to establish, once and for all, the right to armed self-defense.

Secondly, the problem of malfeasant officialoids like this one—already ignoring the prohibition against violating people’s rights under color of law—can be easily solved with a law that forbids candidates from accepting campaign contributions from outside their constituencies. It may take a small army of forensic accountants to stop the money from flowing illicitly from various front groups, shell corporations, and numberless hidey-holes, but it’s important to keep malefactors from distorting our culture.

George Soros himself should be stripped of his artificial citizenship, declared persona non grata and deported. His U.S. assets should be seized and used for a good purpose—like paying off student debt.


To describe the U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson as feeble-minded is to insult the feeble-minded. He is Joe-Biden-in-Waiting, pretending to be conservative while foisting some very non-conservative ideas on the British people—like all “green powered” homes. Britain deserves better. I strongly urge a partnership between Nigel Farage and Laurence Fox.


If he’s a man and setting out his positions in a debate, i.e., explaining them, how can he not be “mansplaining”? On the other hand if she dodges every attempt to make her utter a simple declarative sentence on the issues of the day, she can’t very well be accused of “bitchsplaining”, now, can she?



L. Neil Smith

Award-winning writer L. Neil Smith is Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and He is available at professional rates, to write for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-60s. His writings (and e-mail address) may be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at Patreon. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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