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Number 1,091, November 1, 2020

Western Civilization is in a global
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This Election
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

If you had told me five-years-ago that I would find myself supporting a reality star and a crony-capitalist like Donald Trump for the presidency, I would have thought that you were pulling my chain. Yet, I find myself supporting the Don once again for the 2020 election. To say that Trump wasn’t my first choice for the presidency, would be an understatement. At one point I wasn’t even sure that I was going to vote during the 2016 election, until I decided that I could stomach a Trump presidency much easier than living under the reign of Hillary Clinton. Afterall, Donald Trump seemed to love this country, while Hillary Clinton seem to subscribe to the amoral, American hating philosophy of Saul Alinsky. I also enjoyed how this man was able to easily trigger the snowflakes on the left. Just writing his name on a sidewalk was able to work the woke students of Emory University into a frenzy. Though what really changed my mind about voting for Trump was the arrogant way that all the major news networks told us that Trump didn’t have a shot in hell of winning, since Trump was so behind Hillary in the polls.

I would have to say that one of the best moments of 2016 was seeing the looks on the faces of all the reporters of the mainstream media when Trump starting pulling ahead in all the swing states. It was also fun watching SJW’s throw hissy fits once it was announced that Trump was the winner. Then we would see the left become more blatant about the fact that they were socialist and that they were coming for our guns. It reminded me of a line from Bill Murray in Ghostbusters II, “I’m a voter. Aren’t you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?” Then you saw the left double-down on issues that actually worked against the Democratic Party such as impeachment, The Green New Deal, high taxes and just about anything else that the average person found repugnant. For a brief moment it made me wonder if Trump had supernatural powers similar to that of the protagonist in Lucifer, where he can make people reveal their true desires, only on a much greater scale.

Whatever it was that made these leftists reveal their true selves, it made me more determine not to ever give these people more power. Then we had COVID, which the left tried in vain to place at Trump’s feet, since he didn’t wish hard enough for it to go away. What I really find interesting about this experience is that it was the blue states that took the most Draconian measures against the virus, while Trump for the most part took a less centralized approach to the whole pandemic. The pandemic also brought about the most tyrannical nature of the left. Just take a look at Governor Whitmer of Michigan, who was so out of control with power that the higher courts in her state had to put her in her place. Then you have Governor Como who brags about his police state like response to the crisis despite the fact that he had the highest death rate of any other state. Of course, he blames his own failures on the president, despite the fact that death toll in New York is largely due to his order that forced nursing homes to admit Corona patients. Yet that somehow became the fault of not only Trump, but the nursing homes that followed Como’s orders.

If you think that was bad enough the left became even more unhinged during the wake of the death of George Floyd, which gave neo-Marxist groups masquerading as police reform advocates an excuse to loot, smash, burn, assault and even murder in the name of social justice. Once again, the left revealed its true self when you had mayors around the country who fiddled while their cities burned. They didn’t even want Donald Trump’s help in quelling the riots, but had the nerve to demand federal funding to repair the very cities that they allowed those Marxist thugs to destroy. The left also went on a campaign to emasculate the police and prevent law-biding citizens from acting in self-defense. As much as I hate to sound like a broken record, the left manages to act more like the villains from one of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies every day. After all this, it makes you wonder how anyone on the left can keep their credibility.

It also makes me wonder how anyone who isn’t a hardcore ideologue could possibly vote for anyone on the left. Seriously, when you see family stores getting looted and buildings burn, how can you possibly think that it’s a good idea to elect the very people who are allowing this to happen? I think the left is staking its hopes on the low information voters. The people who are willing to vote against Trump simply because “he’s a big meanie” or that they actually believe that he didn’t wish hard enough for COVID to go away. Though what they underestimate is the enthusiasm of his supporters. Compare a Trump rally to that of Biden. At a Trump rally you can hear hundreds, if not thousands of people chant “USA” with patriotic vigor. At a Biden rally I have seen more enthusiasm at the DMV. The media also relies on the polls, which have proven time and time again to be unreliable. Seriously, have they forgotten 2016 already? I think what they are hoping for is that Trump supporters will think it’s hopeless and give up. Wasn’t that the strategy they used last time? Of course, calling your opponents racist isn’t exactly a winning strategy either, but that doesn’t stop the left from using it to smear their opponents.

Before I conclude this article, I want to tell, the Never Trumper Republicans who keep trying to sabotage Trump every step of the way, to do everybody in your party a favor. Leave the party and join the Democrats. Yes, your days of pretending to share the values of your voters is coming to an end. As Gregory Hines said in Mel Brook’s History of the World Part I, “The jig is up and gone.” I would tell the low information voters to either do their homework or stay away from the voting booth, but it’s unlikely that would even now that this site exists. For that matter they probably wouldn’t even know what a libertarian is, which actually brings me to my last point. To all the libertarians out there who are criticizing their brethren for supporting Trump, I would simply tell them to shut up or come up with a better solution. The one thing that has always annoyed me about certain libertarians is how incredibly shortsighted they can be at times. While I would agree that Trump is far from being a dream candidate, I think it will be much easier to build that libertarian society that we have all dreamed about in Trump’s America than under what Biden/Harris has envisioned for this country. What really annoys me is that these same libertarians never offer an alternative solution, except to keep voting for a candidate that will never get elected. So basically, I offer a put up or shut up ultimatum to these people. If you guys have a better idea than I am willing to listen. Otherwise, I am sticking with the Don. There is just too much at stake to be divided over petty nonsense of the Never Trumpers or shortsighted libertarians.

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