Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,092 & 1,093, November 15, 2020


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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Jim Davidson and Sarah Hoyt

Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Ed Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Just Thinkin’

The United States of TEXAS
Is where I want to be.
They don’t require a permit
If you need to take a pee.
They stole our free elections
In United States of A.
So United States of TEXAS
Is where I want to stay.—

— El Neil
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson and Sarah Hoyt

Dear Editor,

There is no biblical injunction to respect your parents. The words are “Honour thy father and thy mother.” (see Exodus 20:12)

In her essay from 27 October, Sarah Hoyt writes to the effect that one should respect one’s elderly parents by not saying a word to them about how stupid communism is and how they should stop promoting it. I paraphrase. Her exact words are here.

But, that is not according to scripture, and the words in scripture matter, very much. The commandment to honour thy father and mother does not mean that you have to keep yourself silent when they are saying foolish things, it does not mean that you must allow them to fall into sin, and it does not mean that you have to adore the ideology they promote if it is in fact deadly and disagreeable.

Far from it. To honour your father and mother you should tell them the truth, show them the truth of your moral philosophy, teach them the importance of the zero aggression principle, and not mindlessly ignore their errors. It does not honour anyone to allow that person to believe in a huge government that destroys freedom and enslaves everyone. Far from it, nothing would be more dishonourable.

You don’t have to be nasty to tell the truth. You do have to be nasty to tell lies, even by omission. And the truth is that communism killed hundreds of millions in the 20th Century (most of the 262 million killed in genocides by governments) and is in the process of killing today. More than 100 million have been killed in communist China since 2000, at least 78 million Falun Gong and many tens of millions of Uighur and other “unwanted” groups.

Yes, it may be confrontational and you may be too timid to talk to your parents with kindness about ideological and moral matters. Too bad. Don’t dishonour them by leaving them in darkness. Honour them with the truth.

If your parents do not deserve the truth from you, who does?

Your friend and brother,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

Sarah Hoyt replied:

In my defense:

I’m thinking of people like my MIL who was …. Not fully there. Arguing with her would only upset her and DO NOTHING. In those circumstances, it is kinder not to upset them, since it will change nothing.

Sarah Hoyt

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Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)

Mr Ken Holder:


I sent a brief message to suggesting that they recant their previous support for Eric Margolis in light of said scribe's endorsement of the KLA/UCK and its Nato backers in the War Against Yugoslavia, and this: Kosovo president resigns to face war crimes charges

Kosovo president resigns to face war crimes charges

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci, a guerrilla leader during Kosovo's war for independence…

[Read More]

which was posted at their own site. I reminded them, and would like to remind all your readers, of the following article which was published at TLE a few years ago: Eric Margolis is a Warmonger!, …and he has no place in an antiwar movement, by Kaptain Kanada a.k.a. Manuel Miles

In closing, I wish to point out that my current contact email is: [email protected], and to request that anyone who is moved to make a contribution in endorsement of this letter make a payment to either yourself or L. Neil Smith or both [but NOT to me].

Yours for Peace and Liberty,

Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Quote of the day (68 years old)

“Oh, yes, I remember—vaguely. You told me about North American politics once, a few years ago. Dead men, ringers, repeaters, ballot-box stuffing, and so on, you said?”

“'And so on' is right, Chief!” Morgan assured him, heartily.
—E.E. Smith, First Lensman, 1952.

Everything old is … even older but higher tech today.

T.J. mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Ed Smith

Save our country!

I did it….


Send this to everyone you know that is pissed about this dishonest election!

* Important * Send this to Republicans only and people who voted for Trump. (via messenger, email, text, not posting to everyone) This is not a joke, look up the Supreme court website yourself and you will see this link is real!

Subject: “WE THE PEOPLE” have a voice and it needs to be heard!!

Comment: Send a comment that you voted for Trump/Pence and you demand a full investigation of this election!

This takes 2 seconds. Let's inundate the email inbox of the Supreme Court and let them know we are not standing by the dishonest media, corrupt liberal Democrats, and any illegal votes!

Contact Us:


I wrote this to them!

You need to write to them!


Ed Smith
[email protected]


”Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.”
— Maimonides

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Personality v. Policy

I happen to dislike Donald Trump as a person. This is because he acts exactly like a person I know who would get off on filing false red flag protection complaints against people with whom they have a quarrel. I’m not saying Mr. Trump would pull this particular stunt, I’m just saying that he has a personality similar to a personal acquaintance who would.

I am totally disgusted that we’re going to get stuck with Joe Biden as President (uuurrrhhh) because he will use that office to promote Red Flag Protective Orders. The person I am comparing Trump to would, of course, claim they didn’t mean to get someone killed as a consequence of their false complaint, which they would have brainwashed themselves into believing wasn’t false. Joe Biden comes across as if he considers the killing of innocent people being served false complaint red flag orders as acceptable collateral damage. His probable successor, Kamala Harris, strikes me as someone who would actually groove on people getting killed this way as a method of intimidating others to give up their guns.

All in all, I wish President Trump had gotten re-elected. I’d rather have a lousy person than a person supporting murderous policies as President.

Speaking of Red Flag laws and other gun control laws out there, we need to get after Republicans in Congress to resist the temptation to go along with the anti-gun Democrats with various gun control laws and policies, whether they are presented as “reasonable restrictions to prevent firearms abuse,” “reasonable compromises between anti-gun and pro-gun factions,” “compromises to pass other, vital legislation,” and other excuses to cave on gun control laws.

Meanwhile, in states where supporters of gun rights control the legislature we need to push through as many pro-gun laws as possible. Starting January 20, 2021 we need to be prepared to survive 1461 days of an anti-gun president. We need to get ready to try to take back control of both houses of Congress in the 2022 election, and to groom a candidate for 2024’s presidential election.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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