Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,100, January 10, 2021

We deplorables must be silenced at all costs

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Bob Gibson

Letter from Dennis Wilson

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Now What?

On 6 January 2021 supporters of Donald Trump forcibly occupied the Capitol Building to prevent the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election because they believed the election was rigged in his favor. They believed they were saving America from a left wing dictatorship and asserting that Donald Trump was the rightful victor of the election. So they believed.

What they actually accomplished. This time next year we will be under a law I will call the NARSA, Nifty Acronym Rights Suppression Act. This act will call for censorship of “potentially dangerous political speech,” “religious responsibility licensing,” “restriction of dangerous weapons,” “responsible ownership of weapons,” “observation of potential terrorists,” “detention of suspected domestic terrorists,” and a whole bunch of other quotation mark surrounded violations of the Bill of Rights justified as a necessary defense against terrorism and unjustified insurrection.

Of course, the Progressive/Socialists Democrats will all vote for it. Out of revulsion for the events of 6 January Moderate Democrats and Republicans, not to mention RINO’s, will vote for it. President Biden and his bureaucrats will make regulations to enforce this law, many of which will be more repressive than the authors of the act will admit they intended their law to be.

To throw in another of course, the Bidenistas were going to do a lot of this anyhow. The people who seized the Capitol gave them an excuse to go further and provided cover for people who would have pretended to oppose the NARSA. There will be resistance, some successful, some providing an excuse to pass more repressive legislation. The thing is now they get to do it in one big omnibus bill with less debate. Before they would have had to fight for each part in separate pieces of legislation. Maybe they still will, but the fights will be easier for them.

The bottom line is that the events of 6 Jan. were the Shots over Fort Sumter for which Biden and company were hoping. Those who want to enjoy liberty had best figure out how to defend her, because those who wish to destroy her got a whole ammo dump with which to attack.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

A Sad Day at Black Rock

What I saw Thursday evening sickened me. Saint Nancy and Saint Joe and Chuck the Schmuck and wishy washy Mitt grandstanding and the left in general and their media and celebrity sycophants all jumping on the opportunity of a lifetime to paint the multitude who do not want to live under an administrative dictatorship with a centrally planned scarcity economy—as fascist barbarians. It is the epitome of hypocrisy after 4 years of doing everything under the sun to overturn the results of the previous election.

I know they can’t wait to take possession of the levers of power and inflict everything on us that they’ve spent the last 4 years accusing and fretting that Trump was going to do to them. Even before this awful debacle or even the pandemic they were openly calling for a world war 2 style command economy to address their pet issue of climate change and a host of other pet issues piggybacked on. And have openly called for people who oppose their agenda to be arrested for sedition or made baseless accusations that anyone who disagrees with them on any issue is a racist. It’s amazing how things can turn so fast. From a year ago when it was the democrats who were on the Crazy Train running the most extreme or lackluster campaigns to the total meltdown and implosion of the Trump Administration. It’s amazing to see the democrats wrapping themselves in the flag and the Bill of Rights although they’ve done it before and that’s scary and dangerous. We have to hold their feet to the fire on that and make them own the responsibility for dealing with the Covid crisis too.

And there must be an investigation into the people who stormed the capital. If they are ANTIFA the world ought to know.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Bob Gibson

Re: The World Turned Upside Down by L. Neil Smith

When it comes to popularizing prophets/lights of Liberty, don't forget L. Neil Smith, F. Paul Wilson, and J. Neil Schulman*. As well as my sister in spirit Sarah A. Hoyt, often found in these pages.

Bob Gibson
[email protected]

* What is it with the initial, uh, initial with you guys, anyway?

[ I dono — L. Ken Holder … I mean Ken L. Holder, Editor ]

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Letter from Dennis Wilson

What now, Patroit?

Dennis Wilson
[email protected]

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Booted from Facebook

Dear Ken:

While attempting to read a friend’s post yesterday on Facebook, I was presented with the following notice:

You can’t go live or advertise for 30 days [I don’t actually know what that means.]

This is because you previously posted something that didn’t follow our Community Standards.

This post goes against our standards on dangerous individuals and organizations, so no one else can see it.

Then after a line of meaningless gibberish [FebrSuahometSrhpohntys 6a, s201soreim9dSuSS · Shared with PublicPublic] they quote the post I made last February, for God’s sake, that set them off:

As difficult [I wrote] as it may be to acknowledge sometimes, things like wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit, or even blackface, are supposed to be protected by the First Amendment’s guarantees of freedom of expression. That’s what those guarantees are all about, not just when it’s easy, but especially when it’s hard; otherwise, they’re meaningless. And what could possibly be more insanely disproportionate than trying to depose a sitting governor [Ralph Northam] over a photograph—maybe of him, maybe not… See More. [etc. etc. etc.]

I can’t “see more” because the miserable dimwitted poltroons took the notice down.

In short, the pathetic cretins at Facebook have actually censored a post advocating nothing but the First Amendment and, by implication, defending (sort of) one of their heroes of hypocrisy. Tell me, is it the current governor of Virginia or the Virginia Democrat Party who are the dangerous individual or organization? Northam’s the only individual I mentioned in the post.

Everywhere we look these days we see the disgusting influence of the vicious stupidity of the Democrat Party and, by extension, of their attempted communist takeover of America. Facebook, which is clearly guilty of massive consumer fraud, is not the only online platform that must be taken away from its criminal operators, dismantled, and rededicated to something resembling the truth. In the coming year, I’m going to make that the object of continuous effort on my part.

Thanks for “listening”,

El Neil
[email protected]

L. Neil Smith, Publisher and Senior Columnist
L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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