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Number 1,104, February 7, 2021

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Reducing An Occupied Country
by Sarah A. Hoyt

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Those of us who’ve read a lot of history, particularly those who grew up abroad and know there is a technique to reducing a conquered country.

In Portugal, we learned about what the Spaniards did, during the sixty years they occupied Portugal back in the sixteen hundreds.

To be fair, I know what the Spaniards were trying to do now. Not that it feels me with warm fuzzies, because there are echoes. But from their point of view, like from the point of view of the globalists, it made perfect sense, was smart and should not be opposed by the illiterate—shall we call them deplorables—of Portugal. Mostly the North of Portugal.

You see, after kicking out the Moors, Castille looked around and thought that what it really needed was a unified land mass: to wit all of the Peninsula. And Portugal was, to be fair, at the time, a rich morsel, full of colonies overseas.

So, through a series of rather bizarre alliances, plus buying the nobility of Portugal and fostering a sense that being Spaniards would be better for them, they eventually took over the land.

Fine and dandy. Well not. Because Portuguese, particularly the North, are a population affected with oppositional defiant disorder. I suspect it it endemic in the culture because of all the invasions or, as my kids put it, Portugal being the reservoir tip int he condom of Europe. (Hey, they’re my kids. They’re occasionally rude.) I mean, you’re invaded a lot, you either become complacent and let the shit roll over you, or you become hells own bastards. And by the way, I sternly resist any impliction this might be genetic, particularly because shut up.

So resistance started on day one and the “reduction” program didn’t work very well. And sixty years later they got rid of the Spaniards by defenestrating the governor. (It is a thing of joy and beauty to hear an entire class of ten years old girls answer the question of “What happened to the Spanish governor in Lisbon?” with an enthusiastic shout of “He was defenestrated.”)

The Portuguese don’t hold a grudge either—truly—which is why 400 years later we were still instructed by our elderly and very proper fourth grade teacher to desecrate the pictures of the Spanish kings in our school books, with swear words and devil horns, and “make them really ugly.”

The funny thing—stop me when this sounds familiar—that Spain would probably have won the battle, long term, almost certainly, if they’d come in and governed with Portuguese best interests at heart, and let the cultures and families merge.

Portugal didn’t even have a very strong sense of national identity at the time, and noble families had property in both families.

But they came in set on “reducing” the Portuguese. It involves a program of destroying the statues of the conquered people, and the stories of their heroes. It involves giving away prized possessions that brought in wealth (in Portugal’s case various colonies given away in the dowry of Spanish princesses) for the glory of the invaders. It involves forbidding the mother-tongue and replacing it with the invaders’s speech (A-men and A-women!) and it involves in general making the invaded country feel its humiliation, in the hopes of making it want to die.

It will surprise you to know this is not the technique of any successful empire ever. It was stolen by the Spaniards from the Moors, and is partly why the Moors will eventually herd camels in a desert where the oil is the most fit thing to drink.

The left, which learned all their conquering techniques from Russians and Nazis is using the same thing. They are trying to destroy our history, sully our heroes, make us speak a lingo that even they can’t do, and impoverish us to the point—they think—that we can’t raise our heads.

Oh, and all this in the service of ”more land.” In this case they want to take over the entire world, because for the left (and possibly crazy Spaniards) the government is best which is most distant and governs with complete disregard for local culture and conditions, by pretending every human is a widget who will follow written rules to the letter.

The fact that the Spaniards keep—still—having trouble conquering themselves, and that the USSR and the Nazis crashed in every way possible, and the USSR would have done it faster, had we not supported them for most of their existence means nothing to the left.

Both sides have weaponized autists, see. Ours are just more amusing and creative. On the left though, because it’s a cargo cult, they’ll follow the procedures, d*mn it, and they will have their wished-for result because shut up h8ter.

None of this will work the way they expect. They can’t even interpret what they’re seeing.

My prediction is a crash of internationalism, a revival of a love of nationality and each nation’s character and heroes, and a glorious upraised middle finger to those who’d be global masters, Winnie the Xi and the UN included, and possibly with petards.

The funny thing is that they could have taken us, in another generation or two. If they’d only pretended to have our best interests at heart, swallowed their phobic reaction to the flag and trappings of patriotism, allowed the working class to keep working, and took it slow.

Their schools, and particularly colleges, were indoctrinating our young in their death credo. In another generation or two there would be nothing to fight from.

But they hate us that much they had to treat us ike conquered land they wanted to reduce. And because they’re using those sectors they already control, like education and the arts, and even finance, they’re also being stupid and causing all of those to crash really hard, thereby destroying their influence.

Stay strong, friends. It’s going to be a few thoroughly unpleasant years, as the dying wild boar the left has become does maximum damage to everything, in the belief this strengthens their position.

But we’re not a conquered country. They captured the hierarchy of power. And that, you know, can always be got rid of—defenestrated! (Though not necessarily literally. Hey, I heard that “Aw!”)—but in the end we win they lose.

Be not afraid.


Reprinted from According to Hoyt for February 1, 2021.

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