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Number 1,112, May 9, 2021


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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from James Carter

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Kristophr

Letter from A.X. Perez

Texas Consitutional Cary

Texas’ Constitutional carry bill (HB 1927) has indeed passed the State Senate with Amendments so it has been referred back to the State House of Representatives to be approved, then sent to the Governor, who has made his brag he will sign. Unless we get a game of adding and removing amendments that will wind down the clock, effective First September, 2021, Texans will be able to publicly carry handguns (in a holster) without a license.

One of the complaints made by a liberal state senator is that HB1927 will not make Texas safer. It also won’t make Texas more dangerous. Criminal types and other unfit people are already going armed without a handgun carry license. While there may be a few more irresponsible people going heeled, people who cArnn ot afford the fees (class, plus fingerprinting, plus license fee, plus range fees for shooting test) or can’t wait the thirty days for their license to arrive (assuming all goes well) will be able to pack. Should balance out.

I recommend that if you don’t apply for a Texas license out of frugality (ahem, codo*, ahem) you spend the money on ammunition for practice. Also, gun safety and carry license classes are offered through adult extension classes offered by colleges, universities, and so on. Won’t hurt to take them.

I’ve noticed that even as Texas and other states pass legislation to protect and enforce gun rights other states are passing laws restricting them. This deepens the divide between liberals and conservatives in this country. Such a divide is not in the interest of protecting liberty simply because there are both enemies and friends to liberty on left and right. This dichotomy makes it harder for eleutherophiles to join forces.

*When slangy Spanish speakers want to signal someone is cheap they tap their elbows. The Spanish word for elbow is codo. So is one of the words for cheapskate or tightwad.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from James Carter

May 4, 2021
Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College

Dear Mr. Arnn ,

Your plea for support to educate the public on the adverse affects of Socialism has been noted. It is respectfully submitted the adverse affects are not from the manifestations of Socialism but from the method of financing the government enforcement of imposed social benefits.

The benevolence of homo sapiens is visible in every natural tragedy. The physical involvement to assist the victims, and the received financial gifts freely offered witness the love and compassion for unknown victims of tragedy. But when government becomes involved, with forced extractions to fund the benevolence, the methods of financing become extortion with corruption and not love.

Governments have developed methods of confiscation of the public’s wealth without touching the pocketbook of each individual. One such method may be called deficit spending. Ginsberg has identified the forefathers of the USA system resulted in chaos and social ruin for more than 800 years. Tayyab Mahmud’s lengthy analysis has concluded financial entities consistently receive great benefits from recent financial collapse. Let us turn to the financial structure imposed on the USA some 100 years ago.

A cabal of gentlemen, consisting of a powerful senator, a European financial mogul, and several Wall Street financiers secluded themselves on Jekyll Island for a week and developed a format of what became the Federal Reserve. (Fed) The operation of the Fed requires the U.S. Treasury issue a deficit spending Treasury security to it and the Fed will enter credit to a government account in that amount which the government can spend. The Fed magician will then palm the deficit spending Treasury security from public view.

The writing pasted below traces the path of wealth from the palmed security. That amount, one trillion dollars Annually at 2020, which amounted to $3000 for every man, woman, and child in the USA, has been multiplied by a factor of seven in the past 100 days. That value is analyzed to be received by select Primary Dealers in violation of a charter provision that all profit of the venture belongs to the government. That would appear to be embezzlement.

Your institute has extensive expertise in business, accounting, law, public exposure, and a unique awareness of oppressive government. Is the investigation of this theory, to avoid a catastrophic social collapse and impoverishment, of interest to you?


James Carter

[Pasted Link]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

In a different message [above] I mentioned that unless time is wasted adding and subtracting Amendments Gov. Abbot will soon be signing a bill establishing Constitutional Carry in Texas. This time wasting has two possible opposing purposes. It can be used to kill CC (Boo, hiss) by "running down the clock" and have the legislative session end before CC is passed (catcalls). Conversely, it can be used to pass the bill so late that even if Abbot breaks his word CC passes anyhow (yay and other sounds of celebration). It seems that instead of pocket veto Texas pocket passes bills.

I bring this up to remind people that Texas politicians can be a slippery bunch with a talent for getting their will carried out while avoiding responsibility for their acts. I’m sure this is a common characteristic of legislators everywhere but I can only attest to the acts of those in my state.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Kristophr

Defund the police!

So … if the left defunds the police, exactly how will the left prevent me from converting all of my rifles to full auto, and then carrying them?

[email protected]

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