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Number 1,114, May 23, 2021

The 20th century was a century of war

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Newfound Respect
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Back in 2011, a man named Piers Morgan replaced Larry King on CNN and I can certainly say that I was far from impressed with the man. To me he seemed like an arrogant, pompous Brit who liked to tell Americans how to run their country, despite him not being a citizen of this great nation. Though what really made my blood boil was the way he exploited the mass shootings at Sandy Hook to demand more laws to gut what is left of our Second Amendment. I have never been fond of anybody who jumps all over a tragedy to further an agenda, while pointing a judgmental finger at anyone with enough sense to oppose it. I even had a greater contempt for the way he would invite guests with opposing viewpoints such as Larry Pratt and John Lott Jr. only to shout them down. Though he didn’t quite have the same success with Ben Shapiro, who came out swinging when he called Morgan a Bully, who liked to point fingers at law-biding gun owners while standing on the graves of the Sandy Hook victims. I will never forget the deer in the headlights look that Morgan had when he realized that Shapiro didn’t quite have the same gentle persona as John Lott Jr.

Back then if anyone tried to bet me that I would find myself sympathizing with this man or   possibly finding a newfound respect for him, I probably wouldn’t have taken that wager. There was an instance that occurred years ago when Morgan made an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, where I actually found myself in agreement with him. When a fellow guest went on a rant where he compared Trump to Hitler, Morgan chided him and said that the comparison trivialized the actual horrors that people experienced under the Nazi regime. It was refreshing to see somebody on the left breath some form of sanity into the conversation about Trump. Fast forward many years later and I would once again find myself in agreement with Piers Morgan when he showed that he was one of the few people who had to guts to criticize Meghan Markle for her interview with Oprah.

I am going to be completely honest when I say that I am usually indifferent when it comes to the Royal family of Great Britain or anything in relation to it. While I don’t wish any ill-will towards the family, I just don’t care what they do or what they say. I pretty much had the same feelings towards Markle, whose only claim to fame was to marry into that very family. Needless to say, I was far from impressed with the pity party she threw for herself in her fourteen-million-dollar house, while wearing a five-thousand-dollar dress and being interviewed by one of the richest women in America. Markle would make a serious of unsubstantiated claims about how she suffered from mental illness and was refused help by the royal family. On top of that she accused certain members of the family of racism, when they speculated on the color of Markle’s baby, though she never actually named those offending members. Most members of the mainstream media pretty much bought into her claims without question, except for Piers Morgan who actually had the exact same doubts that I had about Markle’s claims. One of those claims was Harry’s inability to get his wife the help that she needed, which is something that seems highly unlikely. We both found it dubious that Markle accused members the family of racist behavior, but didn’t have the fortitude to actually name them.

As I have said before I usually don’t care one way or the other when it comes to anything related to the royal family, which means that I probably wouldn’t have even paid this so-called bombshell of an interview a second thought. That is if Piers Morgan hadn’t experienced such a backlash from daring to question the validity of Markle’s claims. On his show, Good Morning Britain, his co-hosts tried to pressure him into backtracking or apologizing for what he said about Meghan Markle. Morgan, not only refused to apologize, but he walked off while the show was still taping, before tendering his resignation. Now, before anyone sends me any angry emails reminding me that Morgan is hardly a champion of free speech, I will tell you that I am well aware of the fact. This is a man who actually called for America to ban neo-Nazi groups, which shows me that he misses the entire point of free speech. However, my respect for Piers Morgan comes from the way that the man has stuck to his guns when he refused to apologize. Granted, he lost his job over it, but that probably would have happened even if he did apologize. At least Morgan was able to walk away with his pride and dignity still intact.

Sharon Osbourne could have learned a thing or two from Morgan, when she fell victim to the woke mob. Her crime was having the audacity to defend Piers Morgan, which brought on an attack from her co-host on The Talk. After being called a racist, Osbourne broke down in tears and later apologized to her co-host. Osbourne would later receive death threats from the woke mob and would be forced off the show. I don’t know if things would have played out any different, but Sharon Osbourne should never have apologized to the woke mob. No good ever comes of it. It’s like trying to ward off sharks by dripping blood into the water. It’s ironic that she is married to a man that was once considered by many to be one of the most offensive rockers of all-time, yet she is so worried about offending her co-host over something that is petty and ridiculous. What Osbourne should have done was take a page from Piers Morgan book and not only refuse to apologize, but demand one from her co-host for her abhorrent behavior on the show. Seriously, Osbourne was unfairly berated on national television just for defending Piers Morgan. She should have pushed back. Granted, she may have ended up losing her seat on the Talk regardless, but at least she could have walked away with her head held high.

People could learn a thing or two from how Piers Morgan (that’s something I never thought I would hear myself say). If you truly feel that you are side of right, never apologize. Stick to your guns. Apologizing does nothing in the end, but allows your opponent to gain more high-ground. This has been demonstrated time and time again. I have this to say to the woke mob who attacks anybody that refuses to join Markle’s pity party. Get a life. Seriously, since when do any you of care about Meghan Markle? This woman lives in a home that the average American can only dream of owning and walks around in dresses that you wouldn’t find on the rack of your local Macy’s. This woman’s life is the very definition of the word “privileged.” Yet, you people act like those loser Beyonce fans who try to shoot down anyone on social media who doesn’t think their queen is the greatest thing since sliced bread. If they ever encountered Beyonce on the street, she probably wouldn’t give any of them a second glance. The same goes for Markle. Though the one thing I can say about Beyonce is that she at least got her notoriety through her talent. Markle got hers from marrying into the royal family. Still, you have so many that are willing to bully others who don’t think she is God’s greatest gift to the world. Am I missing something here?

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