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Number 1,118, July 18, 2021

What the hell did we ever do to them?

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada

Letter from A.X. Perez

I Know You

While I recognize that TLE opposed American military intervention in Afghanistan since the get go, and that sooner or later the Afghan Government had to stand on its own, it’s the comment about the Uyghurs that gets me.

When asked about cutting out on women and our friends in Afghanistan

Biden replied. “Look, are you telling me that we should … go to war with China because what they’re doing to the Uyghurs, a million Uyghurs, out in the West in concentration camps? Is that what you’re saying to me?”
—The Daily 202: George W. Bush is right about Afghanistan. It doesn’t matter. (

Now substitute Nazi Germany for China and Jews for Uyghurs.

Mr. Biden, I appreciate your honesty. I know who you are now. Thank you for saving my nephews and nieces from war in China, and curse you for the day they have to fight Chinese troops on the Pacific’s eastern shore.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

“Senate Unanimously Passes Legislation Forbidding Products Made with Uyghur Slave Labor into US” by Rebecca Downs.

We’ve come a long way! Not so long ago China was shipping these people to us and we were holding them in Gitmo!

This could be one of Washington’s brighter moments of virtue in these dark times. The vote was unanimous. Meaning all present members of the quorum—democrats, republicans, and independents—voted to pass this legislation.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Break Rules by John Stossel


More power to Elon Musk! If they try to shut him down he should go offshore and then off planet and build his own O'Neil cylinder and start a new nation in orbit where the rules of the Prog Law don’t apply.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada

It gets hot in Death Valley in summer… who knew?!


Or it “could be” a typical summer day in a spot that is known as one of, if not the, hottest places on earth. :-) Mind you, the sheeple don't know that, so it's easy to stir up some Global Warmism panic.

Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” — Marcus Aurelius

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