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Number 1,123, August 29, 2021

Mumbling, Bumbling, Stumbling Moron

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Everything Is Stupid
by Sarah A. Hoyt

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

They said the world would end in fire next time. But no one said the fire would be set when a bunch of buffons de derriere were running around with matches, misinterpreting everything, and claiming we had to listen to them because they’re experts.

Seriously? They didn’t know Afghanistan, a place that is like our primordial tales where parents are served a stew of their children, a place that not only has never been civilized but relishes barbarism, would fall that fast. And now there are Americans—not all of them aligned with the idiot chauve-souris de la lune—there, exposed to the barbarism and the horrors, and America can’t help them. Which btw, is going to make our enemies sharpen their teeth and think we’re ready to fall, when it’s just the idiots at the top who are…. well, idiots.

Meanwhile the Junta has its hair on fire over Covid, or at last that’s their pretense, to get us to look away from their craven failure.

Here’s the inside scoop on those “overloaded” hospitals. It’s true. They’re overloaded. Oh, not because Winnie-the-flu is that terrible, particularly not the “dreaded” Delta variety. It’s because many medical personnel chose to exit rather than take the vaccine as condition of employment. So “I’ve got weasels in my pants” Joe’s attempt to fix it by making all the nurses take the vaccine means–

Come on, guess it. Go for it. I give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.


And do you know why everything is stupid, boys and girls?

Oh, sure, Socialists and Communists who’ve lied so much they don’t know where truth is anymore are running around and ordering things in the way that makes sense to them. (Spoiler: it didn’t make sense to anyone else.)

But they are the symptom, not the origin.

The origin is the idea that “experts” have special magic and should be given control of everything.

Now, that virus bit sometime in the early 20th century.

Sure, if I want to build a house, I’ll find an expert. But if the expert is building a house with the roof two inches above the floor, I can tell him to go soak his head and have it fixed.

And that’s the way things used to be. People were judged on accomplishments not credentials.

Sure, after WWII, probably because of the GI bill, we became very hot on credentials, but that was not terrible, because people were still judged on what they did.

And then– And then in the eighties, sometime, everyone started worshiping “expertise” by which of course they meant credentials.

It had nothing to do with ability, just “knowing the proper procedure” and having the right manner, and saying the right words.

And things that had never before been under the “proper procedure” protocol now fell under it. Business. How to dress. etc. etc.

There were “ways” to do things.

My problem, of course, is every time I looked into those procedures and “ways” and established modes, at least in any field I had the slightest bit of expertise, I found that it was all smoke and mirrors and buck passing.

It’s probably not coincidental that worship of the experts ran hand in hand with leftist takeover of fields and institutions. After all, they don’t want to be judged by their results, do they? Who of them would escape a whipping?

So they default to tab a, slot b and didn’t they teach you to use the right term?

I remember being yelled at by a bunch of undergrown brains on this blog because I questioned their teacher. How dare I? She was the ‘expert.’ I had to respect her.

She was an English teacher, whose corrections on my son’s papers led me to believe that English was her second language. The first was dumbass. (Turned out I was wrong, btw. The first was cannabis.)

And that was my warning that everything was stupid. And getting more so.

From now on, in the wake of Fauci—whose insanity led to people dying of AIDS 30 years ago, because he was sure it was airborne, so people were neither warned about dangerous sexual practices, nor was our blood supply secured nor, btw, were the poor people dying of it get family support, because it was “airborne” and “anyone could catch it.” Now he’s led the country into a rathole, destroyed the economy, and is preening and posing, demanding fascistic rules and restrictions on citizens.—I suggest a new rule. Which is in fact a very old one.

By their fruits thou shalt know them.

And the fruits of these experts are all rotten and filled with death.

I say we shall have a great Simplification. (The first one to get the reference gets a signed book of his choice. Though he/she might want to remind me of this mid-September.)

No more experts. Question everything. Apply common sense. And keep an eye out for obfuscation and passing the buck.

A man with a (mental) overcoat is an enemy. You know what to do. (What? A book for that one too? Okay fine. just remember to remind me in September.)

Build under, build over, build around. Because she’s gonna blow, and we—heaven help us—we! are the last best hope of mankind.

Be not afraid.

Hearts on high.

Yes, some of us might very well die of this. But dying isn’t the worst fate. There are much worse things. Like being abandoned in Afghanistan by your government run by “experts.”

No more experts now. Just us.

We might not be the ones we were waiting for—I was expecting someone taller and less tired—but we’re the adults. And it’s time the adults came home.


Reprinted from According to Hoht for August 19, 2021

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