Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,134, November 28, 2021

The principal purpose for the mass media
in America is to convey government lies
and threats to the taxpaying public

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: “Animals Are Property”, by L. Neil Smith

“Is vegetarianism enough or must we all wear masks, as some do in India, to avoid inhaling insects and killing them?”

Confession: Due to pre-existing conditions and my family taking care of elderly (I’m 67 less than 3 weeks shy of 68) I voluntarily wear a mask in the grocery store and “other high risk environments.” That said, notice I said voluntarily and for my own reasons, not because of some government mandate.

I have received all three of my vaccine doses, again of my own free choice for my own good reasons, not because a potential client for a home for the senescently ill so dictates. These decisions are mine.

Which is why I find it more despicable that our soi disant leaders insist that they have the authority to order us to do these things, not because we see the common sense of them, but because they mandate it.

Lately I have read that some want to use the authority of the state to reduce the production of meat, claiming it produces too many greenhouse gasses (methane and CO2.), They wish to enforce vegetarianism and maybe straight-out veganism, and use the pretext of controlling anthropogenic climate change. Use one secular religion to enforce another.

It is true there may be health benefits to reducing meat consumption, and unless you are an obligatory carnivore (about 35 years ago or so I read about 14 percent or so of the human race are), it is possible that a straight vegan diet may be healthy for you. And given the price of meat nowadays, we may turn to soy and yeast-based substitutes, as Heinlein predicted, yet.

Perhaps we will choose to go vegan, or at least eat less meat, of our own free will. Our choice, not government mandates.

I won’t even get into personal armament, look up Madison’s original amendment on the right to keep and bear arms, or don’t, as your informed conscience dictates.

What health measures to take, at least in most circumstances, what to eat, if or how to arm myself, should all be personal choices, determined by the dictates of our (hopefully) good judgement and educated conscience, not the diktat of the state.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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