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Number 1,137, December 19, 2021

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jim Davidson

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: The World‘s Funniest Joke

I remember that joke It specifies they were hunting in the Jersey woods and implies they were “family men.”

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Belief in Aliens May Be a Religious Impulse - Scientific American


This article explains a lot about not only people who get into the UFO thing but also those inclined to have a superstitious awe for government. It’s a cargo cult mentality.

Maybe Joe Biden is the Second Coming of FDR.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez


Originally this was posted in Facebook. Actually, I wanted to start it, “Admit it. A bunch of us want to be standing in a field of corpses...” go on to closing paragraph first. Probably would have caused a fact checker to break his/her wrist taking it down and banning me and my next incarnation (if there is such a thing as reincarnation) from ever posting on FB again.

The question is, are we at that state in our public discourse out of random psychosociological factors or are we being manipulated to this state by people seeking to make themselves that tyrant. Mind you, it doesn‘t have to be one group, remember that great minds think the same.

So on to the FB post:

There is one advantage to believing in original sin. It means accepting the idea that you are not a good person who occasionally does bad things, you are a bad person who with God‘s help resists the temptation to do evil things and may occasionally do good things.

I mention this not to provide a come to Jesus moment (though many of the Christians here could stand to have one and members of other faiths a similar mystical conversion) but to point out that we need to let go of the self-satisfied conviction of our own righteousness and that of our side that in the minds of so many of us excuses acting like spiteful mean-spirited bitchy little brats to each other.

Or we can find ourselves standing in a field of corpses with guns with burnt-out barrels in one hand and broken blood anointed blades in the other because we were right and the other 98% of the human race was wrong hoping some tyrant will come along and stop of from kicking ourselves to death.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Re: Letter from A.X. Perez (previous)

Dear Al,

Thanks for your letter. It is very clear to me that the time since the last three months of 2019 has been about creating anxiety. Those seeking control want people to act irrationally.

How does that help them? First, about ten percent of the population are very susceptible to hypnosis. They are nearly always manipulated. About 25% cannot be hypnotised. They always refuse the programming but may feel compelled or obliged to do what "everyone else" seems to be doing. Leaving 65% who will go where they are led either by those seeking control or by those of us seeking to thwart further centralisation of power.

Fear and terror are not our best weapons. Love, humility, and mercy are. So Jesus taught us to love our enemies. It is impossible for them to destroy love. Whereas it is easy for us to destroy fear.

Thus it is my suggestion that each of us resist the temptation to start shooting the bad people. When there is no other choice, I prefer to stand and fight, die on my feet rather than on my knees. But such is a false dichotomy. I far prefer to live on my feet, dancing.

Which is at the heart of 5th generation warfare. Hearken back to Sun Tzu. It is the height of skill in warfare to win the war without ever fighting a single battle. God is with us to save us.

Your friend and brother,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Gerard K. O‘Neill: The Vision Uncut - YouTube

[Link to YouTube]

O’Neill hit it out of the park too.

Our chance to go out there and do our own thing. A future worth fighting for!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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