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Number 1,137, December 19, 2021

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JFK, Assange, and L. Neil Smith:
Publishing the Truth

by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
— John 8:32

In the last few days, I have been reading Coup in Dallas: The Decisive Investigation into Who Killed JFK by HP Albarelli, Jr. with my good friend Alan Kent and Leslie Sharp. It is a 679 tome that was delivered to the doorstep of the home where I am staying presently just four days ago.  When I’ve completed reading it through, there will be a follow-up book review.  Suffice it to say that I found the front matter beginning on page xxiii “A Roadmap” to be compellingly clear.  Simply put, the conspiracy to kill the president of the United States and cover up the conspirators with a lone gunman story originated with key personnel in the Central Intelligence Agency including Allen Dulles and James Jesus Angleton.  They were aided by a large number of others and, as is well known, did a poor job of covering their many trails.

The same people had previously arranged the assassinations of other presidents of other countries as well as countless persons in various positions of power or influence during and after World War 2.  Even the Secretary General of the United Nations was murdered on their orders.  They have also arranged for massive election fraud to determine the published outcomes of elections.  How do we know?  It turns out that the project manager of the assassination who moved all the persons and resources into place in Dallas that fateful day left behind a detailed account of his whereabouts and actions.  His widow provided Hank Albarelli an opportunity to make copies of the relevant papers.  These same people and their successors became the deep state and use these same tools to keep power today.

Although Americans were taught in school about the Revolutionary War (1773 to 1783), its settlement with the British empire in the treaty of Paris, and the subsequent counter-revolution of the constitution, we were also lied to extensively.  We were told about limits to power, but nowhere given access to meaningful tools to actually rein in the power being abused.  We were shown an illusion of a free country and a free market economy, but the truth has always been otherwise.

L. Neil Smith knew it.  He called for a Bill of Rights with teeth, with the ability to actually be enforced.  His concepts are now seeing implementation in both Texas and Florida laws which indicate that the people generally are free to bring suits against parties violating those laws.  Inn the case of Florida, the law is to give parents recourse if cultural Marxism is taught to their children in public school. Much tyranny would have been avoided had Neil’s ideas about enforcing the provisions of the constitution gained greater uptake earlier.

In a directly related story, Julian Assange recently lost an appeal for application of British law to the ludicrous, evil, and vindictive attempt to “extradite” him to the United States for allegedly breaking a 1917 law that was and has always been an unconstitutional violation of the first amendment protections for a free press.  That the CIA is up to their eyebrows in the bloodshed involved in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the dirty tricks in all the countries of the Arab Spring that began seeing popular uprisings after the publication by WikiLeaks of their terrible crimes against humanity is no secret.  It is also clear that the CIA is behind the changes in Ecuador that resulted in Assange’s asylum at the tiny Ecuadorian embassy in Britain being betrayed.

Although Assange’s legal team plans to appeal the vicious and ignorant ruling to the very highest court in the British empire, it is most likely already too late for him.  He was jabbed by the poisoners in prison and has suffered a stroke.

No doubt the revelations by WikiLeaks, Open Leaks, Snowden, and many others have set in motion the events we have seen since October 2019.  We live in a world of terrified assassins and gutless cowards in high places throughout the deep state.  They know that we are aware of how evil they are, and they know that tens of millions of us won’t stop until they are rendered completely powerless.  Their propaganda and attempts at mind control are failing.  They quail in fear.

They have launched a desperation play.  Convincing people in high positions in governments all over the world to abuse their authority and enslave the masses, they have launched a programme to root out all vestiges of free thought.  In doing so, they have over played their hand. 

The people they rescued from Nazi Germany after the war through Operation Paperclip and the “rat lines” taught them all about missile technologies, pharmaceutical poisons, concentration camps, torture, assassination, and other wickedness.  The people the funded in the Soviet Union, in Mao’s China, in Hitler’s Germany, and in imperial Japan extensively employed those tools seeking to keep power.  It is all falling apart for them.

A careful review of scripture makes it clear to me that God made us free beings and is going to keep us that way.  In any event, we have no choice in the matter of whether we oppose tyranny.  We are in a fight for freedom the likes of which the world has never seen.

As I mentioned in my recent reply to Al Perez’s letter, we have tools in our arsenal, including love and mercy, which cannot be destroyed.  Their weapons of fear and terror are easily destroyed.  Moreover, thanks in considerable measure to the tireless efforts of L. Neil Smith and many others, Americans have our guns.  We know how to use them.  They can come for some of us, but they won’t get all of us.  And the war can go on as long as we choose.  We control the rules of engagement, which as my friend Skip “the free rifleman” on Twitter says, are the zero aggression principle.  We are winning and will continue to win. 

Stay wary my friends.  Although the dinosaurs of central control and authority are dying, even in their death throes dinosaurs killed many small mammals.  Stay in touch with one another and don’t let anyone get too distraught.  Living through these times will prove to be the best revenge.


Jim Davidson is an author, entrepreneur, actor, dancer, and teacher.  He is working on and other business plans.  Find some of his essays at and among other places. 

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