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Towards a Better Understanding of Americans Political Leanings Part 1
by Adam Baldwin
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

"Know the enemy and know yourself: in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.

When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril."
—Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This email is sent in the spirit of better knowing ourselves and our political rivals.

This is a synopsis (condensed version, I have borrowed liberally from the report.) of a report done recently by Pew Research on better understanding American’s political loyalties plus commentary of mine on this Pew Research report. As someone who tries to keep an open mind and enjoys listening to people who’s views whom I do not agree with in conversation; I find this report by Pew Research to explain how these differing political views of other Americans fit into the overall framework of America’s current political landscape. If you want to as I do and win elections and otherwise TABA (Take America Back Again) it is crucial to have a model as accurate as possible in understanding American political loyalties. I have sent out this email because I believe the information contained in it will give any American who is willing to take the time to look at it a better understanding of our current state of America’s political beliefs.

Note: quotations from the Pew Research Report are in quotation marks and italicized. While My commentary of the Report are contained in ( )[and I block indented it—Editor].

I do have some criticism of Pew’s Report. Pew looked at the American political landscape as if it is a strictly two-party system and it is not. American third parties throughout history have always been a minor, but at times have played a crucial role in the unfolding of events, and that is unlikely to change. Furthermore, the largest group of Americans do not identify themselves as Democrat or Republican at all but as independents. By omitting third party loyalties and Americans who do not consider themselves members of any political party this report by Pew Research I believe contains a fatal flaw and is not in my opinion the be all to understanding Americans political loyalties. In Spite of this reports fatal flaw of categorizing all American as loyal to one of two political parties in a two-party system; this report by Pew Reseach I found to be extremely enlightening in better understanding the political loyalties, political beliefs, what unites and divides the factions that make up each political party, and political factions of the Democrat and Republican parties. Furthermore, it breaks through the echo chambers/walls/burnt bridges of America’s increasing toxic partisan politics/tribalism to get a clearer idea just who the people on the rival political side of the aisle are.

The Full Pew Research report is linked below if you would like to take a more in depth look:

Pew Research has placed all Americans into one of 9 factions within the two-party system. The graph below is gist of Pew Researches conclusions:

"Pew Research Center’s new political typology provides a road map to today’s fractured political landscape. It segments the public into nine distinct groups, based on an analysis of their attitudes and values. The study is primarily based on a survey of 10,221 adults conducted July 8-18, 2021; it also draws from several additional interviews with these respondents conducted since January 2020."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(Because of the increasingly toxic partisan politics and man’s natural inclination towards tribalism I think we often forget that both the Democrat and the Republican parties are made up of uneasy political coalitions who disagree over many issues. If you consider yourself to be a member of either the Democrat or Republican parties it is important to remember that most of your fellow party members don’t actually agree with you on many issues. Likewise we tend to stigmatize the opposing political party (which ever one that might be) as the worse it has to offer and as if every member of the opposing political party all have the same set of beliefs when in reality it simply is untrue. I know a sample size of only 10,000 is pretty small but when you consider most national polls use a sample size of only 2-3,000 people. I would argue this is better than most.)

"Yet the gulf that separates Republicans and Democrats sometimes obscures the divisions and diversity of views that exist within both partisan coalitions—and the fact that many Americans do not fit easily into either one."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"These intraparty disagreements present multiple challenges for both parties: They complicate the already difficult task of governing in a divided nation. In addition, to succeed politically, the parties must maintain the loyalty of highly politically engaged, more ideological voters, while also attracting support among less engaged voters—many of them younger—with weaker partisan ties."
From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(It is Pew Research’s belief that both the Democrat and Republican parties are coalitions composed of four broad factions. The four factions of that composed either the Democrat or the Republican parties actually have very little they agree upon unanimously. Pew Research argued in their report that a horseshoe image would accurately demonstrate the 9 political factions they believe exist in America today, yet did not provide such an image in their report. The image below is one I made based upon their conclusions.)

(The Democratic Coalition is united in a general consensus that racial and economic inequality are a problem in the country, that the government should do more to solve society’s problems, and that the government almost always does a better job than most people give it credit for. Beyond these general ideas there is little that the Democratic coalition enjoys consensus on.)

"However, there are notable differences across the coalition around views of U.S. military might and—to some extent—views related to criminal justice and immigration. And in several key issue areas—including environmental policy, gun policy, abortion, racial equality and other topics—differences across the coalition are less about the issue itself than in the intensity of support for liberal positions and policies.

This is also the case when it comes to some aspects of economic policy. Despite sharing the beliefs that economic inequality is a problem in the country, that the economic system favors powerful interests and that government should play a role in addressing inequities, the Democratic-oriented groups differ both in their views about the magnitude of the problems and in their level of support for proposed solutions."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021


1. Outsider Left:

"More than nine-in-ten Outsider Left (94%) say that the economic system in this country unfairly favors powerful interests. Nearly half in this group (48%) say that government is almost always wasteful and inefficient, higher than in other Democratic-leaning groups. They are dissatisfied with national conditions: Just 26% say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country, which is lower than other Democratic-aligned groups except Progressive Left."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"To some degree reflecting the relative youth of this group, there is widespread support for making tuition at public colleges and universities free for all American students. Outsider Left are also very liberal on issues related to race and immigration. In addition, 41% favor cutting spending on local police, similar only to Progressive Left, and 54% say that the number of legal immigrants admitted to the U.S. should increase"

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left don’t feel very warmly toward the Democratic Party, despite the large share who lean in its direction and the overwhelming share who vote Democratic. On a “feeling thermometer” ranging from 0-100, where 100 represents the warmest, most positive feelings, Outsider Left give Democrats an average rating of 52, indicating feelings that are almost perfectly neutral. And they are significantly colder toward Republicans, giving them an average rating of 27."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left were—along with Progressive Left—the most likely to back Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primaries. Nearly four-in-ten (38%) supported Sanders in January 2020, compared with 18% who supported Sen. Elizabeth Warren and just 12% who backed Joe Biden."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left also are the typology group least likely to say there are substantial distinctions between the two parties: Just 23% say there is a great deal of difference between what the Democratic and Republican parties stand for."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Registered voters in the Outsider Left are much less likely to say it really matters which party wins control of Congress next year than those in most other political typology groups."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left were—along with Progressive Left—the most likely to back Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primaries. Nearly four-in-ten (38%) supported Sanders in January 2020, compared with 18% who supported Sen. Elizabeth Warren and just 12% who backed Joe Biden"

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left also are the typology group least likely to say there are substantial distinctions between the two parties: Just 23% say there is a great deal of difference between what the Democratic and Republican parties stand for."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(I recently had the opportunity to meet someone who is clearly a member of what Pew Research calls the Outsider Left. They consider themselves Democratic but critical of the Democratic party, Dislikes the Republican party, supported Bernie Sanders for President in 2016, believes the 2016 Democratic primary was totally rigged on behalf of Hillary Clinton, supports abortion, anti-war, Pro-single payer health care, Pro-labor union, believes offshoring are manufacturing base overseas was a mistake, believes the economy is headed for collapse, and are gun owner. I consider her to be the most libertarian leaning woman I have ever personally met; including every woman I have ever been acquainted with who have been members of the Libertarian party. I feel there is a substantial element of the Outsider Left that is ripe for recruitment by the liberty movement and/or Libertarian Party.)

"Registered voters in the Outsider Left are much less likely to say it really matters which party wins control of Congress next year than those in most other political typology groups."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left are by far the youngest political typology group. Four-in-ten are under the age of 30 and 83% are under 50. They are racially and ethnically diverse: About half (49%) are White, 20% are Hispanic, 15% are Black and 10% are Asian. Women make up 57% of this group."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Outsider Left also have somewhat less formal education than Establishment Liberals or the Progressive Left: 35% have at least a college degree. Two-in-ten members of this group are either full-time (14%) or part-time (6%) students, similar to the share of students in the Progressive Left and higher than the shares in any other group."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(The irony is the Outsider left is a faction of extremes. On one hand a substantial number of them are potential recruits for the liberty movement/Libertarian party. On the other hand another element of the Outsider left is clearly a primary source of foot soldiers/grunts/useful idiots of the ANTIFA/BLM, Revolutionary Communist extremeist left movements. The other primary source of the exremist Left foot soldiers/grunts/useful idiots being the Lumpentariat, i.e. the homeless, drug addicts, mentally ill, elements of the transgender homosexual community ect.)

"Outsider Left are one of the least religiously affiliated groups, alongside the Progressive Left. About half (51%) are religiously unaffiliated. Outsider Left are less likely to attend religious services regularly or say that practicing their religion is one of the most important things in their lives compared with all U.S. adults."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(If we are to successfully TABA (Take America Back Again) we need to tailor messaging, advertising, propaganda, education, psychological warfare operations, whatever you want to call it targeting the element of the Outsider Left that has strong libertarian leanings to both increase our own numbers and even potentially deny the extremist left or the Corporate-Statist recruits of their own.)

This Meme is specifically pocking fun at the Outsider Left

2. Democratic Mainstays:

"On many issues, Democratic Mainstays hold similar positions to other Democratic-oriented groups. About eight-in-ten (79%) prefer a bigger government providing more services over a smaller one providing fewer services. They overwhelmingly (85%) favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and nearly eight-in-ten (78%) say that a lot more needs to be done to ensure equal rights for all Americans regardless of their racial or ethnic backgrounds.

Still, there are some issues where Democratic Mainstays express significantly different views than those in some other Democratic-oriented groups. For example, when it comes to criminal justice, a majority of Democratic Mainstays (59%) favor the death penalty in cases of murder, and about seven-in-ten (73%) say that violent crime is a very big problem in the country today. Mainstays overwhelmingly think that funding for police in their area should either stay the same (42%) or be increased (47%); just 11% say it should be decreased.

Democratic Mainstays are also less likely to favor expansive policies on immigration than other Democratic-oriented groups: 28% think the number of legal immigrants admitted to the country should increase, compared with 44% of Establishment Liberals and majorities of Outsider Left (54%) and Progressive Left (63%). And they are the typology group most likely to say that both border security and a path to citizenship should be given equal priority in dealing with illegal immigration in the U.S.—57% say this.

Democratic Mainstays are the sole Democratic-oriented group in which a majority (80%) say U.S. policies should try to keep it so America is the only military superpower, and 84% say the size of America’s military should either stay the same (50%) or increase (35%).

When it comes to the Democratic Party, Democratic Mainstays are consistently one of the most positive typology groups. More than half (54%) say the Democratic Party makes them feel proud, similar to the share of Establishment Liberals who say this (57%) and higher than in any other group. And about half (48%) say that they are basically content with the federal government."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(Democratic Mainstays believe in a strong military, oppose illegal immagration, support Union made in the USA manufacturing, critical of free trade agreement like NAFTA, suspicious of Communist China, oppose defunding the police, Pro-religion, and are unaware/do not understand/or are uncomfortable with the extremist lefts social issues like critical race theory, and promotion of transgenderism. Sure looks like a prime recruiting ground for the Republican party/American First Conservatives to me. Democratic Mainstays appear to me to be heavily made up of racial minorities who regularly attend church services, traditional (I.e. think Boomer) Blue collar union membership, and those sorts well my dad and grandfather voted Democrat so, so do I regardless that times have changed types. I’m sure its the Democratic Mainstays who crossed party lines and voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and again in 1984. Democratic Mainstays are very conservative in their outlook and yet for some reason look fondly at the Democratic party and often loath the Republican party. I have met and worked with countless Democratic Mainstays in my years as a union construction worker.)

"Democratic Mainstays are among the most diverse groups in terms of race and ethnicity. Fewer than half (46%) are White, 26% are Black, 20% are Hispanic and 4% are Asian.

Three-quarters of Democratic Mainstays (75%) are religiously affiliated, the highest share among the Democratic-oriented groups. A quarter of Democratic Mainstays are Catholic, while 43% are Protestant. Democratic Mainstays have the largest share of Black Protestants of the political typology groups: 20%.

Democratic Mainstays are more likely than those in other Democratic-oriented groups to say practicing their religious faith is among the most important things to them personally (35%), while 76% say spending time with family is among the most important. They also attend religious services more frequently than those in other Democratic-oriented groups."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021


3. Establishment Liberals:

"Holding liberal positions on nearly all issues, Establishment Liberals are some of the strongest supporters of the current president and the Democratic Party of any political typology group.

While deeply liberal—roughly half describe themselves as either liberal (41%) or very liberal (12%)—Establishment Liberals are the typology group most likely to see value in political compromise and tend to be more inclined toward more measured approaches to societal change than their Progressive Left counterparts. Like other Democratic-oriented groups, most Establishment Liberals (73%) say a lot more needs to be done to ensure racial equality. Yet they are the only Democratic-aligned group in which a majority of those who say a lot more needs to be done also say this can be achieved by working within the current system."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(What Pew Research calls Establishment Liberals I usually refer to them as parasites. Joe Biden is the very definition of this sort. They tend to be wealthy and successful hypocrites no better or worse than the white shoe boy country club Republicans. I doubt most Establishment Liberals like their RINO co-conspirators in the destruction of our great Republic have ever done an honest dirty hard day’s labor in their lives and they tend to look down on those who do. They are removed from reality looking down upon the rest of use from their ivory towers. I would point out that this Pew Research Report has made clear to me that Establisment Liberals in fact have more in common with their Republican equivalent the so called Committed Conservative than any other faction even within their own party. Since Congress is made up mostly of politicians who belong to either the Establishment Liberal or the Committed Conservative political factions this goes a long ways in explaining why it often seems that the Democratic and Republican parties are just two sides of the same coin. )

"About eight-in-ten Establishment Liberals (83%) say they favor a bigger government providing more services, though in contrast to their Progressive Left counterparts they are more likely to say that government services should be modestly—as opposed to greatly—expanded. Overwhelming majorities in this group also say that government should do more to solve problems (88%), that government regulation of business is necessary to protect the public interest (86%) and that government often does a better job than people give it credit for (75%).

Nearly nine-in-ten Establishment Liberals (89%) say that compromise is how things get done in politics, higher than the share in any other political typology group. And about eight-in-ten (82%) say the Democratic Party makes them feel hopeful, which is the highest share of any group."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(What a bombshell of a quote. Those of us who are Conservative or Libertarian Leaning cannot comprehend that there are substantial amounts of fellow Americans who actually believe that government does a better job than what society gives it credit for, Wow! Clearly this is a seismic fault line deference between the left and the Right in this country. This is clearly something to keep in mind when engaged in dialogue or negotiation with the other side. Also note that Establishment Liberals are more likely willing to except a compromise agreement than no agreement at all amongst the political factions that make up American politics.)

"Establishment Liberals’ gender, age and racial and ethnic profile generally parallels that of the Democratic Party as a whole: They comprise more women than men (53% vs. 46%) and more are under the age of 50 than 50 and older. About half of Establishment Liberals (51%) are White, while 18% are Black, two-in-ten are Hispanic and one-in-ten are Asian.

Establishment Liberals are one of two typology groups in which nearly half (47%) have college degrees (a quarter have postgraduate degrees). About one-in-five (23%) live in upper-income households, a higher share than in any other Democratic-oriented typology group.

Establishment Liberals stand out for their current satisfaction with the direction of the country and optimism about the future. Roughly half (51%) say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the country today, compared with 36% of Democratic Mainstays and even smaller shares in other typology groups."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(Note the very privilege they accuse everyone else of suffering from. I argue that the greatest political divides in this nation are: 1. Americans with rural ethics Vs American with urban ethics, 2. The Sacred Masculine Vs the Sacred Feminine, and 3. Those with great wealth Vs everyone else.)

"Establishment Liberals are one of the two most educated typology groups, alongside the Progressive Left. Members of this group are 15 percentage points more likely than U.S. adults overall to have a college degree, and 11 points more likely to have a postgraduate degree. They are also among the most well-traveled typology groups. Nearly two-in-ten (19%) say they have visited 10 or more countries outside the United States.

Establishment Liberals are quite similar to U.S. adults overall in terms of age: 19% of this group are between the ages of 18 and 29, 34% are ages 30 to 49, 24% are 50 to 64, and 23% are 65 and older. This typology group is roughly tied for the second highest share of Black adults of any typology group (18%, compared with 15% of Outsider Left, though both trail the 26% of Democratic Mainstays) and is tied with the Outsider Left for the highest share of Asian adults (10%). About half of this group (51%) are White adults and 20% are Hispanic adults.

Nearly nine-in-ten Establishment Liberals (88%) said they had received all of the necessary shots to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of August 2021, the second-highest share of any group after the Progressive Left. And about two-thirds of Establishment Liberals (68%) report getting political news from CNN in a typical week, making the cable network their most-used source out of 26 major outlets asked about in March 2021."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021


4. Progressive Left:

"Roughly two-thirds of Progressive Left (68%) are White, non-Hispanic, by far the largest share among Democratic-aligned groups. Progressive Left are the second youngest typology group—71% are ages 18 to 49. Progressive Left are also highly educated, with about half (48%) holding at least a four-year college degree, making it one of the two most highly educated groups overall.

Progressive Left are more liberal than the three other Democratic-oriented groups on many issues. For example, while majorities in all four of these groups favor a bigger government providing more services, Progressive Left are most likely to express this view. When asked a follow-up question about how much bigger the government should be, 63% of Progressive Left say government services should “greatly expand” from current levels—a far higher share than any other group.

Their liberal outlook is not limited to issues related to the size and scope of government. Their views on race and racial equality also distinguish them from other typology groups: Sizable majorities say White people benefit from societal advantages that Black people do not have and that most U.S. institutions need to be completely rebuilt to ensure equal rights for all Americans regardless of race or ethnicity.

Progressive Left broadly support substantial hikes in tax rates for large corporations and high-income households. They are the only typology group in which a majority express positive views of political leaders who describe themselves as democratic socialists. And Progressive Left are more likely than any other typology group to say there are other countries that are better than the U.S.

Although they are one of the smallest political typology groups, Progressive Left are the most politically engaged group in the Democratic coalition. No other group turned out to vote at a higher rate in the 2020 general election, and those who did nearly unanimously voted for Joe Biden. They donated money to campaigns in 2020 at a higher rate than any other Democratic-oriented group."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(The Democratic party faction most likely to believe in White Privilege is the least racially diverse faction in the democratic party, and is among the most likely to be financially secure among all demographics in the nation. You just can’t make this stuff up! I have some criticism of this faction that Pew Research is calling Progressive Left. I would argue that Pews Progressive left is actually made up of two or more political faction; Namely Democratic socialist and Post-modernists. Further many of those who identify as Democratic Socialist are likely to be members of a third party such as a communist party or the Green party than as members of the Democratic Party. From recent candidate statements in the voters guide I would say the Green Party looks to have evolved into more of a party of Post-modernism than environmentalism and as such have to wonder if many post-modernist are likewise not members of the Democratic party.

Also note they believe America needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. The Progressive Left as Pew Calls them don’t want reform but political revolution and the destruction of the US Constitution which they view as an outdated racist document." Both the Progressive Left and of Conservative Populist factions who are totally oppose two each other but do agree that America needs a political revolution.

"Holds no loyalty to the historical identity of this country." On the new American left, it is the Progressive Left as Pew calls them that Sam Culper of Forward Observer is referring to.)

"Nearly seven-in-ten Progressive Left (68%) are White adults, making this group less racially and ethnically diverse than the other Democratic-oriented groups—though still more diverse than the three most conservative groups in the typology.

Progressive Left are the second youngest political typology group (Outsider Left are the youngest), and they are substantially younger than the overall population. About a third (34%) are under the age of 30 and 71% are under the age of 50. They also are one of the two groups (along with Establishment Liberals) with the highest share of college graduates: About half of Progressive Left (48%) have a college degree."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"A large majority of Progressive Left (86%) say that people who have immigrated to the United States illegally generally make the communities they live in better. They also are more supportive than other political typology groups of increasing the number of legal immigrants coming to the U.S. Progressive Left also are particularly likely to say that greater social acceptance of people who are transgender is a good thing for the U.S.—88% say this, including 75% who say this has been very good for the country."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(Based on Pew Research data it appears it is only about 10% of the electorate that is actually pushing this open borders rhetoric. Listening to the corporate press I would think its 50-60% of the electorate support such policies.)

"Nearly seven-in-ten Progressive Left (68%) are White adults, making this group less racially and ethnically diverse than the other Democratic-oriented groups—though still more diverse than the three most conservative groups in the typology.

Progressive Left are the second youngest political typology group (Outsider Left are the youngest), and they are substantially younger than the overall population. About a third (34%) are under the age of 30 and 71% are under the age of 50. They also are one of the two groups (along with Establishment Liberals) with the highest share of college graduates: About half of Progressive Left (48%) have a college degree."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

"Progressive Left have been particularly cautious when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic: In late August, 79% reported wearing a mask all or most of the time when in stores and other businesses. And, as of that same period, 94% said they had received all of the required shots to be fully vaccinated—the highest share of any group."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

( Millennials and likely Gen-Z were both raised overly protected and sheltered from the world and they were indoctrinated in the public school system to trust the State. If you believe in the fourth turning cycle as members of the Hero generation, millennials should be very community mind/self conscious which they seem to be. Take all this together is it any wonder they fear Covid-19 more than the rest of use or are more likely to virtue signal their compliance?)

"Roughly two-thirds (68%) say they would prefer to live in a community with smaller houses that are closer together, also the highest of any typology group. And members of this group are particularly likely to get political news from NPR and The New York Times in a typical week."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(Can you say smart home, cubical apartment, green new deal, UN Agenda 21, Zeitgeist movement, environmental communism?)

"Roughly half of Progressive Left (52%) are religiously unaffiliated, which is comparable to the share among Outsider Left and higher than other political typology groups.

In a very different way, Progressive Left also have distinctive views on religion. Nearly three-quarters (74%) say it is not important at all to believe in God in order to be considered good and moral. And they are more likely than other typology groups to say the decline in the share of Americans belonging to an organized religion is good for society (51%)."

From Pew Research Report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, Nov 9, 2021

(Perhaps this is why the Religious Right and Leftist Communists have such blind hatred for one another. They really have a diametrically opposing view of reality.)

It is from the Progessive Left faction that Extreme leftist Groups such as ANTIFA/BLM, ELF, Social Gun Club of America, Redneck Revolt derive most of its leadership from and some of its rank and file members.

Look at the connections between Outsider Left, Establishment Liberal, and Progressive Liberal they all share deep ties to public education especially Higher education. I do not think this is a coincidence. Public education has become a brainwash factory, the madrassa of the left if you will that is churning out legions of democratic socialist and post-modernists. If this is fact is not confronted and something is not done, we stand the very real risk of losing our nation to the extremist left in as soon as another generation. I fear it is necessary for the survival of the Republic to end all taxpayer funding of Higher education at the very least, if not the outright abolition of public education. Hayek argued that the Military is the most socialist institution in a society, perhaps the education system is the second most socialist institution is a society?)


Hopefully Next weekend I shall email out Part 2 a look at the Conservative factions that make up the Republican party and more.

Yours in Liberty,
Adam Baldwin

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