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Number 1,155, May 8, 2022

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Jim Davidson

Another Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Fla. Sheriff: ‘We Prefer’ Homeowners Shoot Burglars. It ‘Saves Taxpayer Money

Finally someone else said it. For the longest time I thought I might be the only person on Earth to think this way! Thought I do think I remember Mary Ruwart said in “Healing Our World”; that taxpayers are robbed twice. First by the criminals. Then by the state for the cost of keeping them in prison.

Some bleeding heart progressive liberal out there is going to howl when they get wind of this one!

* * *

On May 1, 2022, at 5:55 PM, Kaptain Kanada wrote:

“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.” — Julian Assange

Run, do not walk, to your nearest bookstore and get State of Fear, by Michael Crichton.

Manuel Miles aka Kaptain Kanada


Kaptain K

Greatest irony behind that book was that Crichton set out to write a thriller about global warming and in the process of researching climate science and the environmental movement he discovered another facet of the Crisis Industry Complex that was even a little older than the one I wrote an article about 9/11 in 2019.

He ended up writing a novel about the discovery of a plot by environmental activists planning to trigger a natural catastrophe and blame it on anthropogenic climate change. Won’t detail it to avoid spoilers. It’s doubtful if this work will ever be turned into a blockbuster movie like the “Jurassic Park” franchise or “Timeline”. He probably would have been canceled by Hollywood by now if he were still alive.

They’d rather do Al Gore’s fear mongering documentary or the “Day After Tomorrow” based on the Whitley Strieber book about “the coming global superstorm”.

* * *

Re: Bill Would Allow Feds To Purge U.S. Military And Local Police Using Charges Of ‘Hate Crimes’

Stop Biden from Purging Patriot Dissenters

When World War 3 comes and they want them back they should decline to serve and let them draft all those useful idiots in ANTIFA and BLM to die for Biden’s crusade to make the world safe for political correctness.

Another thing; if Rick Perry (remember his monumental brain freeze in the 2012 Primaries that probably cost him the nomination?) were ever asked again to name which federal agencies he would abolish—he should begin with Homeland Security and the FBI which have become dangerous tools for out of control presidents to harass and destroy the lives of political enemies. Furthermore it ought to be a capital offense for a president let alone any public official to use the resources of government agencies to target people for personal or partisan reasons.

And furthermore we might as well go ahead and abolish the police because we certainly don’t want the Biden Administration to purge and fill the ranks with partisan loyalists who would be more than happy and eager to go door to door to confiscate guns and expropriate private wealth and round up people for the internment camps. When it comes to defending life , liberty and property-an armed citizenry can do just as well as most police officers and for no cost to taxpayers.

* * *

There’s something in Sun Tzu that advises not to interfere with enemies who are committing suicide.

Leave the abortion issue alone and let democrats reduce themselves to extinction so conservatives and libertarians can inherit the Earth and ultimately the stars.

Seriously this should be a strategic aim of those who love Freedom. Aim to play the demographics of a shrinking population to their advantage and fill the void.

On the flip side of things I expect once the Left gets wise to this trend-(they’re still running on the mindset of “Limits of Growth” and Paul Erlich’s “Population Bomb” of the 1970s)—they’ll be demanding policies like some of the former Communist Bloc nations such as Albania who in response to plummeting birth rates outlawed abortion and contraceptives and compelled women to get monthly gynecological exams so pregnancies could be detected and coddled by the State.

* * *

Albanian Women Remember Fear of Abortion During Communism

This was the case in late Cold War Albania. This poor lady threw herself belly down on a table to induce an abortion because she didn’t want to bring a child into the misery of a totalitarian state. It was a common thing under a communist regime whose pro-natalist leader regarded people as property of the State and treated women as breeding slaves whose patriotic duty was to birth future generations of citizens. Least the government suffer a scarcity of productive workers—or worse ; ideologically loyal minions to staff bureaucracies and enforcement arms to maintain control.

I wonder how much of this abortion issue is out of concern for the rights of the unborn vs rights of women to control their own bodies and how much of it is just a wedge issue to define partisan tribal identity and to woo certain voting blocs. I think it’s more the latter. The Left—ie progressives in particular—are worse verging on evil because in their zeal to implement central planning they’ve always wanted to have state control of human reproduction. In most cases to selectively improve the human population for the good of society, deny reproductive rights to opposition groups or demographic undesirables and prevent overpopulation. But like Albania—if they become alarmed at the prospect of a demographic implosion that might undermine their hold on power—they’ll go from “One Child” policies and compulsory abortions to forcing women to have babies in a heartbeat  or develop artificial wombs or cloning vats to raise people in tanks like Huxley’s “Brave New World”.

Am I cynical or what?

* * *

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

2. The Coming of the Persians (The Greeks and the Others) (Video Lecture)

Sean Gabb Newsletter, 8th May 2022
(See Below for Republication Rights)

Here is a series of lectures given by Sean Gabb in 2022, in which he discusses the influence of the Greeks on the other peoples of the Ancient World. For reasons of politeness and data protection, all student contributions have been removed.

This second lecture in the course explains how the Persians rose to supremacy in the Near East of the 6th century BC, and how they encountered the Greeks, and what the Greeks thought of them. It touches on Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great, and the Delphic Oracle’s advice to Croesus, and on the Ring of Polycrates. In short, it relies heavily on Herodotus.



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Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Editor, re: Letter from David M. Brown

Your letter writer David M. Brown offers his views on the evidence for the existence of God. I have, of course, prayed to God the Eternal Father that David be shown evidence of God by God. It is not my job to live David’s life, look at David’s experiences, nor teach David about the extensive and abundant evidence of God. God does not need my help to show David that God exists.

Now, I would say that I can question the wisdom of using or anything else from Microsoft as a software tool. No doubt David has compelling reasons for doing so, and can defend his choices as he sees fit.

God is in fact with those of us working to actually do anything about the mass murdering baby raping cannibals who own companies like Microsoft and admit that they take 8 million children off the streets of the world to rape, murder, and drink the blood from. Not sure whether David neglected to express any concern about that part, given his focus on my connexion to God. Perhaps David likes the status quo and wants it to keep going the way it is. I wouldn’t know, and see no reason to look further into his views.

It is not my job to convince David of God’s existence. If David wants to invite God into his life, David can read about how to do so. If David wishes to be an unbeliever, or feels determined to prove that God does not exist, that is for David to choose, not me.

In closing I would say, "choose ye this day who ye serve" whether it be Satan or God.

Your friend and brother,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Editor,

Thanks for your brief and largely positive book review of Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, by Kristin Kobes Du Mez. I find myself mystified by your thoughts on this book.

You wrote, "If you have ever investigated the ’Evangelical’ version of Christianity, I‘m sure you noticed something was off. A discussion of that can be found in the book Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, by Kristin Kobes Du Mez."

One of my first thoughts is to look at this word "Evangelical" to see what it means. It began life in the 1530s as "of or pertaining to the gospel." It lately seems to mean seeking to convert people to believe and follow Jesus which, according to the gospels, is directly requested of believers by Jesus. So I am myself not sure how one can be a part of any "version of Christianity" if one is not sharing the good news of eternal life and encouraging others to learn the truth.

It does seem strange that only "White Evangelicals" are horrid people, as suggested in the title of the book. I myself have been in many churches in recent years including ones of an Evangelical character and find them widely occupied by persons of colour, of various national origins, and having all sorts of other characteristics. In my experience there are black Evangelicals, and Spanish-speaking Evangelicals, as well as many from other walks of life and complexions, all of whom have the same view that Jesus really meant it when He said that we should share the good news. But, because of her evident communist outlook seeking to promote the divisive agenda of the mass murdering globalists, I suspect that Kristin is only interested in savaging the white people she wants to teach others to hate.

You also wrote: "Some folks like to call Protestants and especially Evangelicals ’Bibliolaters’, that is, they worship the Bible, and not God. Unfortunately for them, the Bible was not written by God, but by a large group of (mostly) men, each of whom had a different point of view they were trying to get across."

It is an interesting idea that a book that consists entirely of written prophecies, histories, and commandments would be regarded as the work of human hands. If it were the case that the book were venerated in place of God, that people put the bible on a pedestal and bow down and worship it, rather than God, that some claim of "idolatry" and being idolators could be considered. However, the actual reverence given in the Evangelical churches that I’ve visited is to God. The bible is used to understand what God wants, by reading the words of the prophets that God sent.

The actual writing and type setting of the bible certainly does come from human beings. Prior to printing presses, the bible’s constituent books were mostly hand copied from generation to generation. It is interesting, to me, that the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal character for character accuracy with the contemporary Hebrew scriptures in the bible, and for every book in the Old Testament except for Esther. You are free to make of it what you choose. Contrary to what some people say, God is for free will.

Further along, you wrote, "This results in that book of books being somewhat of a mess instead of a unified point of view, which somehow they expend great energy ignoring or covering-up."

It is unclear to me what expectation you have of the bible with respect to what you describe as a ’unified point of view." Perhaps you think that because God was unsatisfied with how things went with Adam and Eve that He then changed nothing and expected different results. In my understanding of the bible, God tried a bunch of different approaches. People didn’t get it, so there was a great flood (which coincides in time and extent to a geological event when the Laurentide, Cordilleran, and European ice sheets all melted at the end of the Younger Dryas period, and which is reported in the Epic of Gilgamesh and in other cultures around the world).

People did not follow the code Noah was given, either. So God tried choosing a people and gave them commandments. They didn’t follow those laws. So God brought His only begotten Son to be the perfect sacrifice, freeing us from our inability to keep the law through forgiveness and mercy on the part of God. Doing so restores to us the prospect of eternal life.

You also write, "And trying to pull the wool over their own eyes. Of course, self-deception is a common human activity, alas."

It is also the case that God has repeatedly said, in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, that many have ears and hear not and have eyes but see not. I myself have seen many miracles and do believe my eyes. I myself have heard directly from God, Jesus, Mary, and St. Gertrude, and do not deny my ears. Every one has choices to take.

You also say, "Note 1. Nor do they explain why they think God or anything else should be worshiped, a question to which I‘ve never found the answer."

Then please allow me to offer answers to this question. I worship God because God created the heavens and the earth, all the things within it, and all the people; because God is worthy of praise and worship; because God is awesome and does amazing things in my life and in the lives of others; because God has healed many and sent apostles, disciples, prophets, and the Holy Spirit to cast out demons and convert the multitude; and because God offers eternal life to those who repent their sins and seek God’s help staying turned away from sin. God is great, life is good, I am happy.

One other aspect of Kristen’s book is that she deliberately gives short shrift to the work of Evangelical persons in freeing the slaves, stopping the wars, and ending tyranny. I should point out that the members of my faith, the people known as Quakers, spent many generations running underground railways in Europe and North America, among other places, to help free slaves. They did so at considerable cost in suffering and death and without any request for remuneration from those they were helping to free. I’ve been in several Quaker libraries in Ohio where extensive documents, including primary source materials, are available to prove these facts.

It may not be a popular position, but I believe God wants us to be free from the tyranny and injustice of the mass murdering baby raping cannibals of Davos and the District of Corruption. Nevertheless, God chose for us to have free will, and does not compel anyone to believe Jesus or follow His teachings. It is, in fact, a teaching of Jesus that no one is to compel belief by others.

It is also my belief that the people who drink the adrenochrome blood of children worship demons. So it is well that God is on our side. If you have looked at the events of 2019 to present, and are not persuaded that spiritual darkness is involved in motivating those who are pushing the jabs and murdering children, I’m not sure what to say.

Your friend and brother,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

[See Editor’s Notes, this issue — Editor]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

incomplete thought

The right of a woman to control her body is absolute. The right of honest people to arm themselves as they consider appropriate to defend themselves and their loved ones is absolute. It so happens that one party respects the first right and denies the other while the second right is defended and the first denied by their opponents.

The American people will have to choose between parties come election day that wish to strip them of at least one essential right as the price of protecting others.

We need and deserve parties that are committed to defending all our rights and freedom, not forcing us to pick and choose between them.

I have left out nuance and shades of grey in the above. There is no nuance and grey area in freedom. One is totally free, partly free, or totally enslaved. At one time the most of humanity was closer to slavery than freedom. Then slowly but surely, our understanding of what it means to be human, bolstered by technology, grew and helped us realize we must be free and expand our idea of freedom.

America’s political parties act as a brake on this process.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain

The leaking of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s draft Majority Opinion on THOMAS E. DOBBS, STATE HEALTH OFFICER OF THE MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, ET AL, PETITIONERS v. JACKSON WOMEN’S HEALTH ORGANIZATION, ET AL. overturning ROE v. WADE opens a larger can of worms than people realize. Most obviously, the Democrats, who strongly support abortion rights also oppose gun rights. The Republicans, who support gun rights, oppose abortion rights. Women are stuck choosing to vote between those who support her right to control their body and those who support their right to the tools to defend themselves.

Second issue, from what are “they” trying to distract us? This issue will draw a lot of attention, but by roiling up this debate now we are distracted from rising interest rates, rising inflation, the danger of us getting into WW IV (the so called Cold War was WW III), the horror in the Ukraine if Russia isn’t beaten, fresh Covid 19 Omicron outbreak, and so on. Perhaps there is something worse getting ready to rear its head as an attack on our well being and freedom, but for at least an extra month we will be debating this issue and be distracted from what “they” don’t want us to see.

Maybe we should be trying to find out “their” secret.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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