Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,164, July 10, 2022

Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what your country is doing to you. — Dana Rohrabacher

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Dennis Wilson

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Bjorn Lomborg-- The Cost of Climate Alarmism - YouTube

This guy actually gets it. It’s a long term problem. but the cure as prescribed in the form of the Green New Deal is worse than the disease.

He notes that most models neglect human adaptation and the importance of wealth. People who are poor are more vulnerable to natural disasters. The problem with green policies is that they impose short term hardship for incremental long term gains that are dubious in regard to cost / benefit and most people understand that and inevitably they will vote politicians who try to impose such policies out of office.

Hopefully before the damage becomes irreparable.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another one.

Brings to mind one of Quinn’s Laws: “QUINN's FIRST LAW: Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent”. That’s what you get (on steroids) when you have a figurehead puppet running a nation at the behest of incompetent ideologues and crackpots.

Well, what did you expect when you ship more oil at great distances across the oceans to replace domestically sourced oil that has been shut down and reverse the trend from dirty old coal to cleaner natural gas? And it’s obviously (LOL) much safer and efficient to move oil by rail than with pipelines.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Dennis Wilson

Build a Supersedure Zone!

R. Buckminster Fuller offered some advice: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

L. Neil Smith BUILT a new model in 1985 when he prophetically wrote:

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED Witnesses to the Lesson of History -- that no Form of political Governance may be relied upon to secure the individual Rights of Life, Liberty, or Property -- now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental Precepts measuring our Conduct toward one another, and toward others:

That is the opening line to an amazing, very short and succinct Political Statement titled The Covenant of Unanimous Consent and is explicitly based on the moral concept embodied in the Non Aggression Principle.

To live together peacefully and productively:
Follow the Precepts of the Covenant and no “government” will be necessary;
Violate the Precepts of the Covenant and no amount of government will be sufficient.

So whither now, libertarian? Will you continue the futile effort of trying to change or stop a government that is hell-bent to tyranny and beyond the point of no return? Or will you heed the advice of Buckminster Fuller and LOOK TO A NEW MODEL such as that created by L. Neil Smith and explicitly based on the Non Aggression Principle? Will you continue to live and associate with the un-trustworthy and un-principled or seek out other Covenant Signatories and quietly build Covenant/Supersedure communities against the day when government finally runs out of other people's money as happened when the Berlin Wall came down?

Liberty Lovers:
Stop trying to fit into the dominant culture.
Stop trying to conform to something that doesn't fit you.
Be yourselves, even if nobody recognizes who you are but yourself.
That is what Liberty is about. The individual. The self.

Read the Covenant and the articles about the Covenant. If you agree, become a Signatory. Create a Supersedure Zone around you. Visualize the Zone. Extend it to the walls of the room you are in. Extend it throughout the apartment or building in which you live, extend it beyond to the property boundaries. Meet other Signatories and join your Supersedure Zones. If you are fortunate enough to have a neighbor who is Signatory, the Zone has just grown larger. If feasible, invite other Signatories to rent or buy part of your Zone. This extends the Zone to other people, making it stronger instead of larger.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Eventually a small community can have enough size to become somewhat self-sufficient and enough people to become self-reliant and self-secure. With the inevitable collapse of the USA Imperial Empire, such things become highly valuable.

Dennis Wilson
[email protected]

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