“Gun control is the idea that it‘s better to see a woman dead in an alley, strangled
with her own pantyhose, than to see her with a gun in her hand.”—T.D. Melrose
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L. Neil Smith
L. Neil Smith   1946-2021

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law

The Works (So Far) of L. Neil Smith

A New Covenant a.k.a. The Covenant of Unanimous Consent

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L. Neil Smith‘s
The Libertarian Enterprise
—An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue Number 1,169, August 14, 2022

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Government healthcare is the
first step to cyanide showers.
— Neil Smith (no relation)



L. Neil Smith‘s The Libertarian Enterprise does not collect, use, or process any personal data.

A Conspiracy Theory -- Sort Of
(The Feature Article)

Coercion is evil precisely because it thus eliminates an individual as a thinking and valuing person and makes him a bare tool in the achievement of the ends of another.
Coercion is evil precisely because it thus eliminates an individual as a thinking and valuing person and makes him a bare tool in the achievement of the ends of another.

Because money is a form of communication, currency manipulation by the government is a violation of the First Amendment. — L. Neil Smith

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A Request for Help

Dear reader,

We have in recent days received a request from a longtime friend of the Libertarian Enterprise for help. Our friend is currently being held in a small jail in a western state which shall remain unnamed for purposes of preserving anonymity, and claims to have been denied access to certain personal belongings (harmless items, including a book) which constitutes a violation of First Amendment rights. The only permitted method of communication is by way of a monitored service.

Our friend maintains innocence with respect to the charges, and whilst the Libertarian Enterprise will not comment on the particulars of the situation, we do believe that everyone is owed a fair trial and the ability to retain a lawyer, with whom one is able to communicate in confidentiality. To that end, we have set up a GiveSendGo page, and our friend, and we, would be extremely grateful for any help our readers would be able to kindly provide.


Yours in Liberty,

Rylla and Cathy Smith
Co-Publishers, L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Donations will show up as "Rule of Law", and will be directed to an account in Cathy's name which will then be provided to chosen counsel.


The Editor’s Notes
Ideas. Stuff. Links.

Letters to the Editor
From Albert Perez, Roger Clark
Quandries, and Comments

A Conspiracy Theory -- Sort Of
by L. Neil Smith
*BLAST FROM THE PAST* The Atlanta Declaration: Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon -- rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything -- any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission.
-- L. Neil Smith, WeaponsCon I, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1987


Africa Needs Conventional Fuels, Not Windmills and Solar Panels
by Manuel Tacanho
The energy and climate goals that Western governments, the United Nations, and other organizations are pushing on Africa constitute a crippling blow to its economies. As the least developed region, Africa should unequivocally prioritize economic development. One would think that amid energy poverty in Africa, Western governments and “development” institutions would prioritize energy security for African countries over energy transition.

Russia or the New World Order
By Alan Bickley
In 2003, most opposition to the Iraq War was confined to the argument that intervention there would do no good to the people of Iraq or in the intervening countries. This soon turned out to be a true argument, and those of us who made it then feel justified in making it now in the war between Russia and the Ukraine. Some of us, however, take the further step of hoping for a Russian victory. Since this is widely seen as a step into some kind of moral abyss, those of us who take that step have an obligation to explain ourselves.

Poor Honest Men
by Rudyard Kipling
Your jar of Virginny
Will cost you a guinea,
Which you reckon too much by five shillings or ten;
But light your churchwarden
And judge it according,
When I've told you the troubles of poor honest men.



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Our Mr. Smith has a new novel out, Blade of p‘Na You can get it right now Amazon.com:
Blade of p’Na cover
Nominated for the Prometheus Award of the Libertarian Futurist Society
Another book just recently issued in Kindle format:
Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May, Illustrated by Scott Bieser, Colored by Jen Zach

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Trigger Warning: This issue of this magazine (like all the others) may contain:

Humor, Snark, Truth, Thoughts That Might Be Different Than Yours, Ideas You Never Thought Of, Things You Never Heard Of, and so on.

There are NO “Safe Spaces!”

YOU have been WARNED! :-)

To submit articles, letters-of-comment, cartoons, pictures, etc., email: [email protected]

Products used and recommended by L. Neil Smith (read more):

Handy-Racker (small, medium, large) Buy at Amazon.com

Handy-Racker (Beretta 92, 94, 96 and M9, and clones) Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Green laser Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Red laser Buy at Amazon.com

Nullification Act

List of WikiLeaks mirrors:
Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime!
Free Bradley Manning
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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

Down With Power Audiobook!
The Down With Power audiobook read by Brian Wilson
Get it here!

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law
A cyberpamphlet by L. Neil Smith

Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems
Double mag rig  Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at: survivalsheath.com

Member of The Internet Defense League

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
Download .pdf
View publication

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive


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L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, run by Cathy L.Z. Smith and Rylla Smith, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Lately we have been earning as much as $10 per month (usually less) regularly. Sometimes I wonder why bother, you know? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.

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L. Neil Smith’s
The Libertarian Enterprise

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