Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,175, September 25, 2022

I don't want to overthrow the government. I want to ignore it. The former grants government a legitimacy it hasn't earned. — Sam Hall

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter on It happened from Albert Perez

Letter on Scholae delendae sunt from Wayne Grantham

Letter on Thoughts for the day from TJ Mason

Letter from Albert Perez

It happened

Apparently American credit card companies have agreed to assign a merchant code to firearms and ammunition sales, or at least to gun stores. The claim is that this will help spot mass shooters and others inclined to abuse weapons to harm the rest of us. Since these abuses are a minority of gun and ammo purchases supporters of gun rights are concerned that this is unwarranted snooping into their business and a "backdoor" attempt to track who has guns so that the evil they* will know whose house to raid come the day of throwing out the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments and just start mass confiscation of firearms.

Of course, it could all merely lead to those of us using debit/credit cards to buy guns, ammo, and gun accessories getting inundated with mail circulars and online adverts for GA&A. Either way, I should not have to worry about being harassed because I used my card to buy a couple of boxes of practice ammo.

*This term "evil they" is being applied both seriously and sarcastically. On the one hand, sometimes it seems fears about anti-gunners being out to get us seem overblown. Then the anti-gunners turn around and go out of the way to prove the supporters of gun rights were not just being paranoid.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Wayne Grantham

Scholae delendae sunt

After decades of the deterioration of the government school systems and the ultra-corrupt universities, it's saddening to hear and read about conservatives touting "fixing the schools."

The schools will never be fixed. They cannot be "fixed." They were designed after the Prussian system which ultimately gave them the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime. Everyone in ranks and files. To this day, most government schools place the students in rows. Speak only when called upon.

Government teaches students what it wants them to know. Students aren't taught to reason, to think critically, to read and study anything other than certain things.

Students are taught that the "Civil War" was a fight to free the slaves. Truth: Lincoln didn't care about the slaves at all until he saw the political advantage in it. Very few southerners owned slaves. Very many wealthy northerners did.

The War Between the States and the secession were fought for RIGHTS. And while I vehemently disagree with the idea and the fact of slavery, I fervently support everyone's absolute right to his life, liberty and property.

As it stands, we are all slaves to a nearly complete slave state. Most of our earnings go to the state. We're regulated such that we might as well be marching in ranks and files throughout our lives. We still have freedom of speech, but the fascists of both parties are pushing to regulate that full time. They want to disarm us. They want to control where and how we live, what we eat and what we wear. They're doing everything they can to control where and how we travel.

So what to do? Vote? I kinda don't think that'll help. Violence? Most folks are too lazy. Maybe, when we get truly hungry.

So, we come to our best bet. Get your kids out of government schools and teach them about the real world. They don't need to be soldiers; they don't need to be assembly line workers building drones. They can learn to live!

Wayne Grantham
[email protected]

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Letter from TJ Mason

Thoughts for the day

Thoughts for a quiet Saturday afternoon.

Anyone who believes there are no fates worse than death has never studied history. Or, what the Biden Administration and the global progressives and oligarchs are doing.

It is a mistake to think of George Soros and his ilk as progressives. They are oligarchs who have learned to use the trappings and false promises of progressivism as their personal road to wealth,  influence,  and power. A road paved with the good intentions of those they delude into following them.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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