Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,177, October 9, 2022

"[T]he herd instinct is powerful, and when it moves, it moves." — Boris Johnson, announcing his resignation.

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header! Please indicate a subject. Otherwise you risk the editor picking a subject completely irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Letter on What Went Wrong With the World-wide Socialist Revolutions? from Ken Holder

Letter on Problem With PayPal from Jim Davidson

Letter on Why it is the Left that is "fascist" from Douglas Keith Lockhart

Letter from Ken Holder

I was delighted to read "What Went Wrong With the World-wide Socialist Revolutions?" by L. Reichard White in Issue 1,176. It supplied what was missing from two books I have just read/am reading:

[Just read:] The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity, by David Graeber and David Wengrow (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021)


[am reading: ] Debt: The First 5,000 Years, by David Graeber (Melville House, 2021)

The author(s) seem unable to explain why all the terrible things they talk about happened. And the missing bit is that it is the results of the psychopathic/wiindigo/ hierarchies running things. The author(s) are aware that most people just want to be left alone, but never consider why they aren't. (Of course, in the Academic Word™ people probably know not to talk about that question. Taboo! Taboo!)

"Why they aren't" is by now the most important question we can ask about history, because it translates directly into "Why we aren't."

I would think by now it is obvious, but apparently not.

Ken Holder
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Problem With PayPal

Just so you know, the PayPal link at the bottom of my essay at your publication does no good at all. I cannot access my old PayPal account and I don't believe that PayPal would ever open a new account for me given their alignment with the communists in the current war against freedom.

I'm not really in agreement with the tradition established by our dear friend and good editor Ken Holder to have such links at the end of articles, simply because PayPal is, in my direct personal experience, no good at all. Twenty years ago those of us in the digital gold community knew that PayPal would destroy small companies by deliberately freezing their accounts and not letting them have their money for six months, or forever. It was actually in their business plan. So, PayPal has always been evil, as far as I can see, and not a good thing for free people.

It would be a service to me if you removed the link to PayPal. I would rather people not think they can pay me that way, both because they cannot, and because I believe it implies an endorsement of PayPal which I cannot and would not make.

You are free to publish this letter in your letters column if you wish. Also, I am agreeable to having my current phone number published, since I have lost touch with nearly everyone since the prosecutor made up a bunch of lies to tell the judge so as to steal my old cell phone.

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

Paypall link removed from this letter. Readers might prefer to give to the GiveSendGo account for Jim's defence fund. — Editor

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Letter from Douglas Keith Lockhart

Why it is the Left that is "fascist"

From Merriam-Webster: FASCISM: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

So how are the GOP "Fascist"? That description fits the Left in this country FAR more accurately than it does the Right.

  1. "Exalts nation and often race above the individual"

    To begin with I would argue that this is, in actuality, one of the least significant elements of Fascism, since it's often merely a tool for uniting the population. The "cause" can be anything, really, that unites the people and invites them to feel superior. It doesn't have to be "race" or even "nationality". It can be social status, such as "victim", and often has been. One of Hitler's early uniting themes was the terrible way the Germans had been "victimized" by the rest of the world. The Left, currently, employs similar tactics with minorities, preaching that they've all been "victimized" while at the same time elevating them as "superior" to all others. Demonizing one group of people over another is just as "fascist" as elevating one group over another. So that point goes to the Left.

  2. "Stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader"

    Well that's very much where we're at, right now. We have a senile President who seems to think he has the authority to mandate anything he wants thru "Presidential orders" and who has a weaponized DOJ/FBI to act as his "secret police" and enforce those orders as well as terrorizing anyone who criticizes him too vocally. The Left, in general, have acted autocratically since taking control of the House and Senate, shutting down debate and sidestepping attempts by any opposition voices to even be heard. They're aided in this by the Main Stream Media who, while they once took great pride in being a loud and dissenting voice to whoever was "in power", now acts as a defacto state propaganda machine. Another point to the Left.

  3. "Severe economic and social regimentation"

    This one is almost too obvious to need comment. It is the Left that seeks to regulate Americans both economically and socially. The Left are the ones that push for greatly increased government control of the economy in every sector and to the smallest degree while the Right seeks a return to free market economics. The Left seeks to heavily regulate every industry and every economic interaction among individuals to the degree that they are openly seeking the total control of the banking industry, the insurance industry and even food production and distribution, all in the name of "protecting" us, which is, of course, the common claim of ALL Fascists. As for social regimentation the recent activities of groups like Antifa and BLM, in recent years, fall under that category. But it extends far beyond that as the Left are actually pushing for the same sort of Social Ranking system that China has, putting an end to any pretense of individual privacy and rendering every person slaves to the state and to "public opinion", which will, of course, be carefully managed by the state. So another point to the Left.

  4. "Forcible suppression of opposition"

    In line with point number 3 one of the most important uses of the ability to regulate social interactions is to use that ability to silence your opposition. After setting a clear precedent, in recent years, across the nation that violence against anyone targeted by the Left as "opposition" will be tolerated and even overlooked, they then set out to demonize the Right by characterizing them as "Fascists", "Racists" and a terrorist group, inciting those more violent of their number to target anyone they so nominate. But the violence is the least of it as the MSM and those social media platforms that have aligned themselves with the Left target anyone they perceive as being on the Right, or even just opposed to the Left, by shutting them out, silencing them, blanking them or actively attacking them. Over the last few years they have effectively shut down open discourse on almost any subject. So the final point goes to the Left.

And there you have it. Clear evidence that the Left calling the Right "Fascist" is yet another instance of accusing someone else of the very crimes you, yourself, are guilty of... in spades!! The sort of tactic we would expect from a toddler caught with its hand in the cookie jar.

Douglas Keith Lockhart
[email protected]

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