Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,182, November 13, 2022

zan, zindiqi, azadi (women, life, freedom) — Motto of Iranian protesters.

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The Editor’s Notes
by Charles Curley
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

How to get yourself fired these days:

This is what cost me my job a while ago.

HR and execs had a town hall around the usual D&I pogrom to pontificate to us raysist and sexist rank and file. They had an unmoderated Q&A at the end where they passed the mike around. I raised my hand and brought my authentic self to work :)

Q) "You've stated our organization has to be more inclusive of women in our technology departments. I've looked at our org chart for the HR department and 87% of that department are women. What are you doing to attract more men to HR and make it more inclusive?" ( finally said, "We'll look into this)

Q) "You stated we have to set targets to alter our executive leadership to be more inclusive of women and visible minorities. I'm looking at you all now and most of you are what most would consider "white". I'm also assuming you have children. When they enter the workforce and are overlooked for promotion because of their genitalia and/or skin pigmentation, what words of encouragement will you offer them and tell them what you did to contribute their raysist and sexist impediments?"

(Dead silence...person tries to take my mike away)

Q) "One more question, please. If the D&I program is so necessary, are you all tacitly admitting guilt our company was raysist and sexist prior to the implementation of that program? If so, what apologies and compensation have you set aside to compensate past employees that were victims of this atrocity and where is the funding coming from?"

(The mike was taken away....the audience was silent and shuffling. Some were grinning. Some were stoic. Some looked at me with open hostility)

I was told they never held an AMA again without pre-screened questions.

Source: comment at Jamil Jivani: Clarence Thomas asks a question too many Canadians are afraid to

On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and state Attorney General Letitia James were rallying for the governor [Kathy Hochul, D, NY] at Barnard College.

It was no coincidence those stumping were all women. The governor's top goal at the event was to win over female voters.

Gov. Hochul turns to heavy hitters Vice President Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton at rally targeting women voters

But we're not sexist.

This week's motto is from a recent Economist article on the protests in Iran, and whether they could overthrow the current kleptocratic theocracy.

Our blast from the past is a riff on the Napster fiasco (remember Napster?), for an examination of intellectual property and how some of its owners are shooting themselves in the metaphorical foot.

Jim Davidson gives us a look at a startup that may help achieve a free country.

Sean Gangol returns as promised with a look at some libertarian movies. I'm sure we all have our favorites. This article may give you some new additions to your repertoire.

Last, but not least, the inimitable Leslie Fish reminds us of why you need a gun, in a great song.

Links! Have we got Links!

"Yet, as I explore in my new book, How Woke Won, despite few activists, organized groups, or political parties rallying around the word “woke,” the values associated with the term have come to dominate every aspect of society, from schools and universities to police, business, health care, and the judiciary. The creative industries—museums and art galleries, journalism and publishing—have proved particularly fertile ground for cultivating woke values. This has not happened overnight but over the course of several decades. And it has not happened because of the merits of woke thinking but because institutions, devoid of any intrinsic sense of purpose, were unable or unwilling to defend liberal values." How Woke Put Paid to Publishing

Speaking of wokery: an interesting analysis, written before the election on November 8th. The Collapse of Biden's Woketopia And the Realignment of a New America

Jamil Jivani: Clarence Thomas asks a question too many Canadians are afraid to: What does 'diversity' really mean, asks the U.S. Supreme Court's longest-serving Black [sic] judge.

1114 American children had healthy breasts amputated between 2016-2019 as part of sex change 'treatment' Everybody thought that gentital mulilation was terrible when Muslims did it. But now it's all of a sudden OK? Really?

"Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s parents have shifted nearly 2 million students from public schools to alternatives that include private schools and home schooling. For public schools, that represents a loss of about 4% of their enrollment." The Public School Exodus Will Revolutionize Education

America’s parents are revolting, and that's not just the AFT or NEA's opinion. "They are fed up with schools indoctrinating their children. And now they’re fighting back." About time!

An interesting news source. ground.

It's nice to see that at least one publisher has a spine. Publisher refuses to cave to demands that Amy Coney Barrett's book be canceled: 'We remain fully committed'

Usually when someone is canceled for something the person said, it is impossible to find out exactly what was said. This makes it impossible to make up one's own mind about the allegations. So it is a relief to read an article on the recent cancellation of Kanye West that gives a sample of Mr. West's offending speech. And, more important, makes a case for not canceling him. The unpersoning of Kanye West

A delightful term: "moral toddlers". And a good article about the current wave of political vandalism, and what's wrong with it. Moral Toddlers Making a Mess

Fans of The Prisoner, Patrick McGoohan's 1960s surreal TV series, will appreciate this video: Cars dodge massive baubles rolling down central London street.

Wait, sensible legislation out of Washington? Passed the Senate with unanimous consent? Who knew! Lawmakers want this to be the last time Americans turn back clocks for daylight saving

A rather technical explanation of why the market for petroleum distillates (mid-weight petroleum products like diesel fuel) is such a mess, at least in the US northeast. Why - What's Throwing The Distillates Market Out Of Whack?

How the media whitewashed Isis brides


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