Number 1,190, January 15, 2023

By shameful default, libertarians have become America's last and only reliable stewards of the Bill of Rights. — L. Neil Smith

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header! Please indicate a subject. Otherwise you risk the editor picking a subject completely irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Jeff Fullerton on Advanced Nuclear Can Make Gasoline Out of Water | Energy Central

Albert Perez on Shameless plug

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Advanced Nuclear Can Make Gasoline Out of Water | Energy Central

This makes way more sense than replacing combustion engines with electric motors and batteries and pulling CO 2 out of the air and pumping it underground for no economic gain that amounts to a trillion dollar virtue signaling stunt and probably won’t work.

Rather than replace the entire global fleet of transport equipment, a practicable solution is to seamlessly substitute petroleum-based fuels with water-based fuels that are carbon-neutral, and comparable in price.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

Given enough power, you can transform anything into anything else, including elements. Given enough power. — Editor

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Letter from Albert Perez

Shameless plug

Recently I received an email announcing the release of of the FN 510 Tactical Pistol in 10mm. AP. This resulted in a great internal conflict for me On the one hand, part of me was reacting, "It will be mine. Yes, one day, it will be mine." A more rational part of me was reminding me that my hands are arthritic and my weak hand can barely stand firing five rounds of .40 Liberty, forget about 10mm. I wish everyone with healthy hands and wrists and any masochists reading this the joy of their 510. If it's good enough for the Danish Sirius Sled Patrol in the Arctic to carry to defend themselves against polar bears it should be good enough for self defense, silueta competition, and handgun hunting. The great thing is that you can purchase and carry one of these without some bureaucrat's permission or having to explain why you need such a powerful pistol instead of a smaller caliber weapon or for that matter any gun at all, at least in most American jurisdictions. It comes with a 22 round magazine, and a 15 round magazine for carrying concealed. Living where I do, I can't think of anything I'd need 22 rounds of 10 mm. from which to defend myself. And living in a free state I don't have to put up with some bureaucrat trying to put me in a position to find out by forcing me to only carry 10 round mags just on time to find out why I need more ammo in a magazine.

Meanwhile, proponents and opponents to gun control can debate the issue without fear of being forcibly silenced.

The joys of freedom.

PS, FN also released an FN 545 for those who think 10mm. is too big, 9mm. too small, and don't like the way .40 kicks. and again, no bureaucrat dictating our choices.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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