Number 1,196, February 26, 2023

If you see yourself as a victim, you become your own oppressor. — Candace Owens

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Eric Oppen on The Objectivist Divide

Jeff Fullerton on Climate change: World War II-style rationing of petrol, energy and meat could slash carbon emissions

Jeff Fullerton on Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democratic Party, calling it an 'elitist cabal of warmongers' - ABC News

Letter from Eric Oppen

The Objectivist Divide

The thing is, a lot of the "cultish" stuff that people talked about in Objectivism was mainly in New York City itself---in other words, in Rand's immediate orbit. According to Ronald Merrill, who was active in Objectivism in Colorado, the atmosphere was much healthier away from NYC.

Rand had a very powerful personality and had had to deal with incredible amounts of resistance to her ideas, which also had a lot to do with her attitude. While I do not like endless talk about the Nazis, the comparison that most people would get would be someone escaping the Third Reich, getting to America---and finding that all the fashionable intellectuals were loudly praising the New Order in Germany, and that any dissent from this was shouted down or ignored. When Rand came to the US, even before the Depression, there were quite a few people who had drunk the Soviets' Kool-Aid, and said things like "I have been over into the future---and it works!"

The "true believers" of Objectivism will probably always be a very small group of people. But Objectivism has a lot to offer, if you can separate Rand's writings and ideas from her personal quirks.

Eric Oppen
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Climate change: World War II-style rationing of petrol, energy and meat could slash carbon emissions

‘Currently, those living in energy poverty cannot use anywhere near their fair share of energy supply, whereas the richest in society are free to use as much energy as they can afford.'


You mean like Al Gore and his multiple mansions that consume more electricity in a month than the annual earnings of an average person could pay for? Or Bernie Sanders the millionaire socialist?

The bedbugs proposing such policies ought to be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Or hanged from the nearest lamppost!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democratic Party, calling it an 'elitist cabal of warmongers' - ABC News


The democrats are so in love with rationing stuff like they did in World War 2. They’re power drunken tyrants who want to keep the world in a perpetual state of crisis and conflict because it’s the only way they can justify what they want to do.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

She now runs the Tulsi Gabbard Show. — Editor

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