Number 1,198, March 12, 2023

One of the greatest favors that can be bestowed on the American people is economy in government. — Calvin Coolidge

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header! Please indicate a subject. Otherwise you risk the editor picking a subject completely irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Albert Perez on RE: Gentlemen. Start Your Halberds!

L. Reichard White on Masters of the Universe??

Albert Perez on Re: A New Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Letter from Albert Perez

RE: Gentlemen. Start Your Halberds!

Gentlemen, Start Your Halberds!

Just make sure you deny politicians the power/right to have professional duelists to fight as their champions as I understand kings and others did in the past.

Regarding Anatomy of a Cover-up and FBI Gone Wild. I am reminded of the trial of Wen Ho Lee in which the defendant was held in solitary confinement for 280 days without bail. Apparently, the evidence against him was top secret material he was accused of putting in the wrong hands. It could not be revealed in open court and he could not be tried without doing so. Wen Ho Lee and the government reached a plea deal in which 58 of 59 charges were dropped and he was essentially released for time served for a guilty plea on the remaining charge. The judge apologized and Lee later received a 1.6 miilion dollar settlement from the government and the media. Even then the government denied it was paying damages. Talk about cover-ups and the Feebies going wild!

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from L. Reichard White

Masters of the Universe??

It broke cover late in 2008. Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke eventually branded it "The Great Recession."

As the myth goes, Fed Chair Bernanke, Sec. of Treasury Hank Paulson, his right-hand man Neel Kashkari, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Christopher Dodd -- and the rest of The Masters of the Universe -- stepped up to save us from total economic disaster with what they called a "break the glass" rescue.

"...they told us that unless we acted, the financial system of this country and maybe the world would melt down. They used those words in a very kind of calm voice." --Sen. Christopher Dodd

They indeed "acted." None the less, we ended up with what Bernanke would later describe as "the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression." Would things have been any worse if they hadn't tinkered with the economy, especially since it's that very tinkering that causes economic disasters?

As the saying goes, "There's nothing more sobering than meeting your heros up close and personal."

With the stage set by Ron Paul, here they are in their own words -- up close, personal, and more than a little sobering: The Masters of the Universe and how they "handled" "the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression" - - -

So, leaving Fed Chair Bernanke, NY Fed Chair Geithner, the SEC's Cox, and the U.S. Treasury's Steel speechless, as Sen. Jim Bunning asked, "How do you let the entire financial system become so fragile that it could not tolerate one failure?"

The answer is, as you may know but The Masters of the Universe apparently don't, "All you have to do to make the economy fragile is violate the U.S. Constitution by abandoning the gold standard."

What do you suppose will happen THIS time?

HERE for updates, additions, comments, and corrections.

L. Reichard White
[email protected]

Particularly timely in view of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. — Editor

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Letter from Albert Perez

Re: A New Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

People have a problem with understanding the concept "Yesterday is being created tomorrow at this very moment," and the other one that we exist as 4 dimensional objects rotating in a five-dimensional universe. I'm going to stop now because if I think about this too hard I get headaches.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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