Number 1,204, April 23, 2023

A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep. — Tywin Lannister

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The Editor’s Notes
by Charles Curley
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Just in case there might be any confusion, your editor is not a candidate for the presidency of the United States.

Alas, publication of Ares has been pushed out to August.

In This Issue

This is shaping up to be a rare all-fiction issue of TLE. Unlike some publications, we're actually telling you it's fiction.

This week's cartoon (meme) is courtesy of Dennis Wilson . Thank you! L. Neil suspected long ago that there was a connection between these tragic massacres and pushes for more gun control. I had selected it for this week before I came across the two links below on gun control.

We enjoy spotlighting new talent. Here is the first chapter of a novel, Monster, from Helena d'Argento. You'll want more!

David M. Brown has a short story for us with a bit of the flavor of the great Fredric Brown (1906-1972).


Your event here? Let your editor know!

Links! Have we got Links!

Why would Russia's Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights face an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court? ‘Just call me Masha’. In December, we told the story — ‘Dad, you have five days before they adopt us’ of how one father was able to get his child back from Moscow. Here's another side of that story.

Joe Biden’s woke conquest of Ireland Soft power can be pretty hard power.

Gender Researcher Silenced Over “Dangerous” Findings – Now Fighting Back

Opinion | Can the 19th Century Law That Banned Walt Whitman Also Ban Abortion by Mail? Why conservatives might win the legal war against abortion but lose the political war that would follow.

"The trans lobby could not be more different. This is an entirely self-infantilising movement. Words hurt us, the wrong pronouns wound us, disagreement makes us want to die – these are their warped rallying cries. Where the old warriors for equality were determined to prove their fitness for public life, the trans set seems hell-bent on doing the opposite. Their hyper-sensitivity to words and ideas, their belief that not being able to use the women’s loo at work is a genocidal assault on their people, sends the message that they really aren’t cut out for public life. It’s not equality they want, it’s special measures: protection from offence, forcefielding from scientific truth, constant validation of their identity." Why the trans movement is so intolerant

Why GOP culture warriors lost big in school board races this month Lessons for school board candidates.

The cluelessness of the American state: How did the state secrets of this mighty, imperial power end up on a Minecraft forum?

How To Nullify Daylight Savings, by Bretigne Shaffer.

Mass Shootings Are Not A “Uniquely American” Phenomenon An update on a point this publication has been making for years.

So now the gun controllers themselves are killing people in order to call for more gun control. Josef Stalin would approve. Louisville Shooter's Manifesto Details His Intent To Push Gun Control


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