Issue 1,211

The Editor’s Notes

 by Charles Curley [email protected] Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise If a tree falls in a forest and the major news media don't report it, does it make a sound? If a bureaucrat screws up in a swamp and the major media don't report it, did the...

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Letters to the Editor

Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Send Letters to [email protected] Note: All letters to this address will be considered for publication unless they say explicitly Not For Publication Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects....

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Homeschooling is Key to Preserving Liberty

by Ron Paul Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise The most recent release from the federally funded Nation’s Report Card shows that 40 percent of eighth graders lack even a basic understanding of US history, while only 14...

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The Hunt: A Review

 by Sean Gangol [email protected] Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise Warning: Contains Spoilers About three years ago, a movie titled The Hunt (2020) was set to be released into theaters, but was delayed when people feared that it would cause an...

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