

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Number 33, September, 1997

"A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim."

L. Neil Smith, Publisher
[email protected]

Cathy L.Z. Smith, Managing Editor
[email protected]

Vin Suprynowicz, Editor-in-Chief;
[email protected]

Ken L. Holder, Webmaster
[email protected]

Libertarian Enterprises (Glub! Glub!)

         TLE readers have expressed perplexity and disappointment over the recent irregular publication of their favorite online journal. We (meaning Cathy and yours truly) make no excuses at this end, but offer an explanation. We were already in dire straits over the resignation of our managing editor, when Mother Nature (or as we like to think of her, "Auntie Evolution") added to the thrill by filling our basement and selected portions of our living room and Subaru with water.
         We spent most of the next two months hauling 450 big green garbage bags of debris out onto our driveway, running 70 loads of laundry at a laundromat (a moment of silence, please, for our drowned washer and drier), getting a cast on our daughter's broken arm (not to mention keeping it clean, dry, and undamaged for several weeks, no easy task with an active 7-year-old), dealing with insurance adjustors, heating guys, plumbers, electricians, building contractors, and useless city geeks, all the while worrying, with the ground soaked and dark clouds overhead nearly every day, that it was going to happen all over again.
         Those who want more gory details will find them on my personal web site, the "Webley Page" at http://www.lneilsmith.org//flood.html.
         We spent some time on the phone, but some of you may have noticed that we didn't answer (or read) much e-mail; we owe mail to everybody in the Known Galaxy. We also started learning to live with a squished lumbar disk (see 450 big green bags, above), an unspeakably painful and exhausting process which is the main reason TLE issues have been as scarce as frog fur. We did manage to send out Issue 32, which folks seem to have enjoyed. With this issue to fill the gap, we plan to resume regular publication the first of next month with Issue 34.
         No permanent damage of any kind was done, even to my back, which is recovering nicely, thank you. Ryllie's cast comes off at the end of the week. Thank you for your kindly concern, your many wonderful offers of assistance, and especially your patience, all of which have helped make these past two months more of an interesting experience than an excruciating ordeal.


L. Neil Smith, Publisher
The Libertarian Enterprise

Delivery Schedule for The Libertarian Enterprise

         The Libertarian Enterprise is published on the 1st and 15th of every month. Back issues are available at our ftp site (individually and in zipped collections in 10-issue groups) and via WWW.
         Subscription is automated courtesy of EZLink, Fort Collins. To subscribe, please send email to [email protected]. In the body of the message, please type "subscribe [your email address]". To unsubscribe, please send email to [email protected]. In the body of the message, please type "unsubscribe [your email address]".
         We are compelled to discontinue e-mailing bite-sized bits of TLE to those with a limit on the size of messages they receive. Visit our ftp site at ftp://ftp.dimensional.com/users/boardman/enterprise/ to download back issues. The official The Libertarian Enterprise website at: http://www.webleyweb.com/tle/.
         Permission to quote articles from The Libertarian Enterprise is given by the author of the article and The Libertarian Enterprise, PROVIDED that the article is printed in full and recognition given to the author and The Libertarian Enterprise issue number.


1. Pragmatists vs. Ideologues: Part One, By George H. Smith [email protected]

2. Free Space, Reviewed by Claire Wolfe [email protected]

3. Pragmatists vs. Ideologues: Part Two, By George H. Smith [email protected]

4. The Libertarian Second Amendment Caucus, By L. Neil Smith [email protected]

5. Pragmatists vs. Ideologues: Part Three, By George H. Smith [email protected]

6. A Letter to the Publisher, By Jack McPherson [email protected]

Back to The Libertarian Enterprise 1997 Issues.