Wolves Slaughter Sheep: Shepherd Baffled
by Rex F. May
We're now in the middle of the news reaction to the Littleton high
school shootings. I just heard a newsdame ask someone if Hitler's
birthday had been 'confirmed'. I wonder if they have almanacs at the
news studio.
I guessed there might be a Hitler connection right off, and maybe a
Waco connection. Or maybe even an Earth Day connection. Somber
talking heads are trying in their pathetic way to 'make sense of it
Motive is an issue, of course, but not the central one. Man is
fallen, of course, or he is a killer ape, depending on your religious
orientation. It comes to the same thing. Every now and then somebody
decides to kill a bunch of people. That's the nature of man.
The central issue: Never mind what the motive was, and the means are
universal. What was the opportunity?
What you need to shoot a bunch of people without getting shot
yourself before you've killed as many as you want is a bunch of
people guaranteed to be defenseless! And what better place to find
such people than at a high school? Kosovo is too far to drive, after
all. Everybody agrees that under no circumstances are guns to be
permitted at a school. They keep passing laws to that effect. The
Governor of Colorado is saying that he will veto the 'concealed
carry' bill unless it includes a provision prohibiting concealed
carry at schools. So schools are all like little flocks of sheep,
protected by a shepherd with a limp staff, passing resolutions
declaring wolf-free zones.
What other place is famous for such shootings? The Post Office, of
course, which stringently prohibits anybody being armed in or near
the premises. So postal workers, who are probably no more disgruntled
than widget manufacturers, by and large, are well aware that if they
do go off the rails, they can get a lot of people before they're
brought down themselves. When was the last time anybody shot a bunch
of people in a police station? Or a redneck bar? No percentage in it.
Now we can expect a bunch of moronic politicians calling for two
things: Eliminating the means, which is impossible -- guns are
everywhere and will always be everywhere, simple as that. And
eliminating the motive, by lots of touchy-feely stuff. (President
Beelzebubba has already encouraged us to 'reach out' to youth). No
one will discuss eliminating the opportunity, i.e. seeing to it
that there are no defenseless groups of people, because the only way
to do that is to do something the established powers don't even want
discussed: Arm everybody! If the schools are in loco parentis, they
should be prepared to defend pupils. Anybody in charge of a group of
kids is responsible for their defense. All teachers should be armed
at all times. For that matter, all the older kids should have been
armed as well.
Think about it. Whether these punks were neo-nazis or Goth faggots or
Satan-worshipping Dungeons & Dragons gamesters or tree-hugging Earth
firsters, they could not have done what they did to armed people!
Yes, I know, it was a suicide mission. They expected to die, or
that's the conventional wisdom right now. They wouldn't have been
deterred by knowing they'd be killed. Sure they would. They wanted to
kill a lot of people and have fun doing it. It's no fun when you get
taken out before you get started. And let's say they were so flaky
they wouldn't have been affected by any of that reasoning and would
have gone ahead and done it anyway. Result: They would have gotten
some people, but not nearly so many.
In an ideal world, the entire student body and their parents should
sue the school district and the city and the state and the Federal
government and every executive who has contributed to this crime by
legislation that has made it a crime to defend yourself. Those kids
are dead because they weren't allowed to defend themselves, and
because the teachers and other school officials didn't defend them --
that, of course, would also have been against the law.
The above logic is impeccable. You won't hear it on the tube.
To order Rex May's book, click on:
From "Capitol Hill Blue":
at: www.capitolhillblue.com/April1999/042199/clintongunban042199.htm
According to White House sources, among the options being
prepared for Clinton's consideration:
- An outright ban on handguns and an expanded list of "non-sporting" weapons;
- Mandatory registration of all guns owned by Americans;
- Laws to make parents criminally responsible when their children use guns to commit a crime;
- Entering the many lawsuits that cities have filed against gun manufacturers (on the side of the cities);
- Federal funds to place metal detectors in all American schools;
- Federal money to place undercover police officers in schools;
Federally-mandated school dress codes that would ban gang
colors and other "non-appropriate attire;"
- Banning student shooting teams at schools.