How TLE Changed My Life

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of
Simon Jester
Simon Jester

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Number 341, October 16, 2005

 Tenth Anniversary Edition, Part 3 

Welcome to Connecticut
Welcome to Connecticut
(Thanks to Dennis Kabaczy for sending this.)


Here we are, half-way through October already. I've had to stop wearing the shorts and start wearing sweat-pants around the house. Soon it will be time for the thermal underwear. Cold weather is a-coming soon, and we're trying to hold-off on turning on the heating as long as possible. The cost of propane has gone up just like the price of gasoline. I just hope this is a mild winter, else we may freeze to death. And if that happens ... who's going to put out TLE?

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Ken Holder

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition. Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
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The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004


Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Scott Bieser, Susan Wells, E.J. Totty, and National SOS Radio Network

How TLE Changed My Life
by Ron Beatty
I know, you're going to say that this isn't possible. Well, in my case, it is.

LISTEN, Libertarian!
by Tim Condon
Libertarians are such losers. I know, this is not a way to endear myself to them, even when my best friends are all libertarian or near-libertarian. But success is staring them in the face, and a significant proportion of them deploy massive brainpower and argument to make sure that nothing ever gets better. It's incredible.

The Case of the Stolen Supreme Court Nomination
by Jonathan David Morris
PAUL PROVENZA: Hi there and welcome to Kid's Court, Nickelodeon's short-lived late '80s court program, where kids sue their best friends and siblings over trivial childhood matters, inspiring a whole generation of hot coffee cups and frivolous lawsuits. I'm your host, Paul Provenza. Like you, I was surprised by the brevity of my IMDb bio when I looked myself up after reading this column because I thought my name sounded familiar. I could've sworn I starred in Mad About You, but it turns out that was Paul Reiser. Anyway, this week on Kid's Court, it's the Case of the Stolen Supreme Court Nomination. First, let's meet our plaintiff, Just About Anyone Anywhere In America, who claims to be the rightful owner of the open Court seat, which George Bush recently handed to Harriet Miers.

Martial Law stops at the NH border:
An SOF soldier visits the Free State Project

by G. Monty
It was the major question on my mind. I was looking forward to putting the notion on the table. I wanted to canvass a representative cross section of folks who are members and organizers of the Free State Project ( and live in the state of New Hampshire. I got the chance to see New Hampshire and mingle with the local FSPers on Friday, August 5th at a barbeque thrown by Margot Keyes, the FSP Welcome Wagon Coordinator. It was wonderful to find myself in the middle of a crowd that valued individual Freedom as much as I do.

Speak Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace
by Lady Liberty
The First Amendment is perhaps the most popular of the enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights. As such, it's often viewed as all but sacrosanct. But, like all of the rest of the Bill of Rights, it's being chipped away whether we take note of the fact or not. In fact, virtually every facet of the First has been weakened just within the past few weeks.

Victims Versus Victimhood
by Wendy McElroy
Weeks after Hurricane Katrina, the anguish of its victims is still painful to see. Even people hardened by years of war and the sharp divisions within our culture, reach into their hearts and pocketbooks at the sight of it.

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