Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 410, March 25, 2007

"Every boy or girl should have a .410!"


Illegal Immigration Quiz
by Joseph Knight

Credit The Libertarian Enterprise

(1) Who will remove you from your home, job, family, and community to lock you in a cage like an animal for no reason other than what you smoke in your pipe or grow in your garden?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(2) Who demands that you surrender a portion of each paycheck to be used for purposes that they decide on rather than you?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(3) Who demands that you render tribute annually or be evicted from your property?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(4) Who demands that you take no medicine or medical treatment without their permission?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(5) Who tells you whom you may or may not hire?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(6) Who demands that you turn your children over to them daily for indoctrination?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(7) Who tells you with whom and under what conditions you may have sex?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(8) Who claims the right to enslave you or your children to fight their wars?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(9) Who can seize your property for any purpose they desire?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(10) Who tells you what you may or may not read, look at, and listen to?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(11) Who can kick in your door and go through your stuff with impunity?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(12) Who is most likely to disarm you?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(13) Which group claims to work for you, gets exorbitant salaries, but can't be fired unless you act in concert with large numbers of like-minded individuals?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(14) Who created and perpetuates the welfare state?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants

(15) Which of these terms is the antithesis of "freedom"?

    A. Government
    B. Illegal immigrants


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