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Scorched Earth

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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Simon Jester
Simon Jester


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Big Head Press

Number 410, March 25, 2007

"Every boy or girl should have a .410!"

Political Promises
Political Promises
Found on the 'net somewhere.


Every boy or girl should have a .410! True, when they grow up they'll need something with more power, the old .410 shotgun isn't all that whompy, especially compared to the 12 gage (or even the 20 gage), but for a kid, it's just about perfect. Even more perfect is the one I had as a kid: a double-barrel with a .410 on the bottom, and a .22 rimfire on top. How great is that? Savage doesn't seem to make that anymore. Too bad, although they do make one with 12 or 20 gage on the bottom and .22 rimfire or things like the .30-30 or .223 on top. Not the same.

Anyway, sorry about missing last week's issue. My wife's mom died and we had to deal with that. We miss her.

Over the last two weeks enough submissions arrived to make a full issue this week, and next week too. Remember, you can become a famous writer yourself by writing for TLE—payment never forthcoming, alas. That's because we don't have any money. Speaking of which, we really don't have any money, being a Reader-Supported Magazine. If you can spare a bit of spare change, help keep TLE going by donating it right here:

That's the bad news, the good news is here is Issue Number 410, so dig in and enjoy!

Ken Holder

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal

(This link may not work—we're trying to get it fixed)
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Press, 2004


Letters to the Editor
from Jim Davidson, L. Neil Smith, Kent Van Cleave, Albert Perez, and Jacob Lovell

Scorched Earth
by L. Neil Smith
Well, they're at it again, dammit. Not fifteen picoseconds after the Stupid Party got handed its head last November—I'm not saying they didn't richly deserve it, many times over—the smelly hounds of victim disarmament in the Evil Party began howling in anticipation of fresh legislative blood and, much more importantly, vastly increased funding.

Self-Interested Defenders of 'the Peculiar Institution'
by Vin Suprynowicz
From my last name, a lot of folks wouldn't think half my ancestors were English—Clarks and Bishops and Higginbothams, some active in the emancipation movement as much as three centuries ago.

Sunset's Coming, or, The Sunset Pledge
by Don "Free Traveler" Childers
We, the People of the Baby Boom Generation, hereby place our Federal employees on notice that the generation that shouted a resounding NO! to you over the Vietnam war, demanded true equality for all, and refused you permission to dictate what we could smoke or who we could sleep with, is looking over your shoulder again—and we don't like what we see.

Economics and Talk Radio
by Chris Claypoole
It is an axiom in economics that knowledge is disseminated among many, and that no one person, or small group of people, can have sufficient knowledge in real time that is superior to the unfettered free market. This is why collective farms, industries, and the like fail; it is why socialism (the control of the means of production by the state) cannot function effectively or efficiently. The many decisions made by millions (or even thousands) of individuals every day will guide the allocation of resources far more effectively and efficiently than any conceivable set of bureaucrats, even if they are benign (a risky supposition) and backed with the latest computers and information-gathering technology.

Proclamation on Lawful Victory of Welfare Over Ehe Evil
by Matúš Pošvanc
To the hands of all politically active saviors, revolutionists, representatives, policymakers and all other servant authorities. Dear all, do you know that too many people are not happy on our planet? It does not mean that sometimes people are not "happy" and don't drink at all.

The 2008 Presidential Blowout!
by Jonathan David Morris
Ah, the presidential election. It feels sort of weird to be discussing the 2008 presidential election. After all, it's only March 2007. However, that's what's in the news, and the news is what I write about.

Illegal Immigration Quiz
by Joseph Knight
(Q 1) Who will remove you from your home, job, family, and community to lock you in a cage like an animal for no reason other than what you smoke in your pipe or grow in your garden? A. Government or B. Illegal immigrants

Law Pollution
by Kent McManigal
Recently, I heard a politician mention that "America is a nation of laws". When I hear that phrase, I understand that the speaker has no moral compass at all. Every nation, by definition, is "a nation of laws". Germany was in the 1930s, the Soviet Union was during all of its existence, and America is today. Big deal. The problem arises when most, or even any, of those "laws" are counterfeit. This is the state America finds itself in today: a state of "law pollution". It is easy to shrug and say "enforce the laws we have instead of passing more". That is the normal "conservative" cop-out. The real patriot will say to stop enforcing the "laws" that are aimed at regulating something other than actual force or fraud; you know, the counterfeit ones. Then the amoral state-worshipper will whine: "If you don't enforce one law, where will it end? Which law will you stop enforcing tomorrow?" How about all the ones which are counterfeit? Who, other than a control-freak, could have a problem with that?

Elements of Destruction
by Lady Liberty
"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." Button seen at a science fiction convention. Last week, I endured a particularly frustrating telephone call. Because it was business-related, I held my tongue and my temper. I politely repeated myself numerous times. I answered the same questions over and over again. Despite this, the end result involved a decision in which I was directed to take a totally unrelated action that had nothing to do with the subject matter at hand and which never would.

Forge of the Elders: Okay, Here's the Deal
by L. Neil Smith
As most of my regular readers know, I've been involved—it seems like forever, now—in the effort of finding myself a new literary agent who can actually do something for me, and with whom I can get along.

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