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Real World Politics and Radical Libertarianism
(The Feature Article)

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of
A Reader Supported Web Magazine

Simon Jester
Simon Jester


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Big Head Press

Number 415, April 29, 2007

"How come our country is such a paradox?"
TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
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No, nothing about Imus. Some things are just too downright silly to even bother with more than rolling the eyeballs.

A very large issue this week, and since I'm feeling duller than usual, I'll just mention them ol' donations:

to enable us to keep the electric company and gas company and phone company happy, and then I'll just say "Enjoy Issue 415!"

Ken Holder


Letters to the Editor
from Michael [NoLastNameGiven], Frank Ney, Albert Perez, Dick Wetherbee, Rex May, Second Amendment Foundation, Ann Morgan, Michael McNeil

Real World Politics and Radical Libertarianism
by Anthony Gregory
In considering the actual political reality we confront and the realistic potential for libertarian reform, we often hear that radical principle will just not do, for only through gradualism and electoral compromise can we expect to see liberty advance. Becoming too devoted to the non-aggression principle or the most radical applications of free-market reasoning is seen as making the perfect the enemy of the good. Here and there, we must give the state an inch, we are even told, or else we will actually move further from our common goals.

What Else is there to Say?
by L. Neil Smith
An Amendment to the United States Constitution

Guns and College
by Darian Worden
I hope people aren't already too tired of the Virginia Tech shooting to hear what I did at my college afterwards. Now that I've had time to calm down, analyze things, and insert punctuation, I think my experiences are worth writing about.

Cho Seung-Whatever
by Jonathan David Morris
I think I've seen roughly 800 arrangements and spellings for the name of the kid who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech last week. I don't really care which version is accurate. I'm going with "Cho Seung-Hui."

by Andrew G. Eggleston Sr.
This is the big one, the one you can't get back without a lot of hard work and contrition if you unwisely decide to break it. With us (Libertarians) a loss of trust is much more significant than it is with say, Democrats—who want to hug-a-thug, take away everyone's ability to protect themselves, and have us pay for the privilege. The ability to "hug" someone who has killed a defenseless person, sidesteps around trust to insanity. A Libertarian gives trust; until you have betrayed it, and then the deal is off baby, don't bother trying to regain that trust without work. A Libertarian trusts his gun; he has cared for it and maintained it so that he can trust it when he needs it most—when it's life or death. We have people in this country that still trust the Federal Government to be benign towards its citizens, this is preposterous. The Federal Government has it's own agenda just like a corporation or company would, and believe me it only benefits you the taxpayer out of the slightest coincidence, most of the money seized by the government in the form of fines, taxes, levees, licensing, and outright seizure simply stays within the juggernaut—circulating like blood in a body.

by Ron Beatty
In all the news I've seen since the incident at Virginia Tech, the one thing I've noticed above all, from almost every source, is the sheer amount of FEAR in the news. Now, to a certain degree, this is somewhat understandable. However when it becomes an all-consuming, pervasive shroud hanging over our society, this is totally unacceptable.

by Chris Claypoole
I read an opinion piece in the Washington Post of Sunday, April 22, 2007 by an author named Jonathan Safran Foer, titled "Some People Love Guns. Why Should the Rest of Us Be Targets?" As you can imagine, this set me off a bit, so I wrote the following. I did not send this to the Post, as they demand exclusivity in order to be considered for publication.

Liberty or Libertine?
by Lady Liberty
In a recent column, I mentioned that I considered the Libertarian philosophy to be the closest to liberty, but that Libertarians (and libertarians, for that matter) often exhibited the same kind of all-or-nothing intolerance—even for each other—that plagues other organizations. I lamented that it was my opinion that the inability to work together even on an overall strategy such as a campaign platform was the single largest obstacle to getting more Libertarians elected.

The Forty-Something Generation
by L. Neil Smith
Warning: gun talk up ahead. This May 12th I'll be 61 years old. To my readers who are a great deal younger, I know this seems ancient, but believe me, it doesn't seem that way from the inside. When you're looking out at the universe with eyes the age of mine (and it'll happen to you so soon it'll make your head spin), it won't seem ancient to you, either. Everything that you love—pretty girls, steak and lobster, Jameson's, "Foggy Mountain Breakdown"—I love, too. The difference is, I've learned to appreciate them more than you can.

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