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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 444, November 18, 2007 "November 19th is National Ammo Day, described as a BUYcott of ammunition." ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Letter from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Letter from Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Another Letter from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Ken, I was beginning to think you were gone forever. Keep up the good work. Chris Kahn
"Duke" averred:
Wait. Doesn't entropy lead to decreased temperatures as energy diffuses itself throughout the universe? El Neil's correspondent "Duke" appears to be on point for supporters of the Corporate Socialist "Global Warming" scam. All best to all, Victor Milán
Dear Fellow LNS Fans, I have now uploaded all the video files of the 2007 London Conference of the Libertarian Alliance and Libertarian International. You can find them here: http://www.libertarian.co.uk/conferences/conf07record.htm [Including:
to be found at URL:
If you want better definition video files, you can get them by contacting me. Christmas is coming, and I am sure you all have difficult friends and relations. These are people who appear to have everything already, but who need someting original as a present. Let me, therefore, remind you of the following: The Column of Phocas, a very fine novel by Sean Gabb (8.99) Cultural Revolution, Cultural War: How Conservatives Lost England and How They Can Get it back Again, perhaps the definitive analysis of the New Labour Revolution in England (�9.99)) Buy now, buy many! Regards, Sean Gabb
Download my new book Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back Alert From Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
November 12th, 2007 JPFO Alert: Goody Guns Afficianado Sends Pictures We want to share a letter with you from one of our satisfied customerswe think you'll find the pictures delightful. "A few weeks ago I bought my first goody gun cookie cutter. You asked for pictures of completed cookies. So, I found a photo of a Glock and had a bakery create "edible art frosting" as well as create any other designs that they liked. There were three results that I photographed. Hope this helps others with some ideas. Most bakeries now can do the edible art designs. The group I brought them to were impressed with all of them. My bakery kept the cookie cutter so you may have noticed that I already have ordered my replacements. Thanks for all the good work you do.
These are truly the All-American cookie for Thanksgiving and the perfect Freedom Cookie for BOR Day on the 15th December. They are also Maccabee approved for Hanukkah on December 4th. With the supervision and help of the adults in their lives, boys and girls can turn their own kitchens into "Arsenals of Liberty" by making gun-shaped cookies to keep and share, while absorbing firearms safety lessons the public schools would never teach them, and which the mass media don't want to see taught. Goody Guns are handmade for JPFO in America by a Korean war veteran. Order now for the holidays. Goody Guns are at www.goodyguns.com The Liberty Crew PS: Don't forget our holiday store special: order videos and get one or more free books! Go to [here] for more information. PPS: We have had to make a recent emergency change of provider for getting alerts out which has resulted in a regretable hiatus for many. Please make sure to tell others to subscribe. Visit our alert archive / sign up to receive email alerts. Please sign up for JPFO membership. If you like what we do for you then please support usit is less than 7c a day. Go towww.jpfo.org/member.htm JPFO mirror site: www.jpfo.net JPFO
CCRKBA says Buy Ammo, Support Those Who Enable Exercise of Second Amendment BELLEVUE, WASecond Amendment supporters should buy ammunition November 19th to support freedom, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Monday, November 19th is National Ammo Day, described as a BUYcott of ammunition. The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens. According to the National Ammo Day website, each law-abiding supporter of the right to keep and bear arms is encouraged to buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition. Supporters are exhorted to "Make your support of the Second Amendment knownby voting with your dollars!" "Gun stores, ranges, and ammunition manufacturers across the country are under constant attack by a barrage of federal, state, and local regulations, frivolous lawsuits, and protests," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "If every gun owner bought 100 rounds of ammunition, that would put an estimated 7.5 billion rounds of ammunition into the hands of law-abiding gun owners dedicated to defending our constitutionally-protected individual right to keep and bear arms." Mark A. Taff, CCRKBA Executive Director, went one step further and encouraged gun owners to not only buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition, but to fire those rounds on their local gun range. "I can't think of a better way to spend a Monday evening than putting some rounds down-range to improve our marksmanship skills. Hitting what you aim at is crucial to responsible armed self-defense." Taff also stated that it was important to not only support your local firearms & ammunition dealers and ranges with money, but also with moral support. "The number of licensed gun dealers has plummeted, in part due to harassment by the BATFE, so it is important that firearms dealers know that gun owners appreciate the sacrifices they make and the abuse they endure to ensure that we have the practical ability to exercise our rights." Visit www.ammoday.com for more information about the 2007 National Ammo Day. Copyright © 2007 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.
Alert From Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
November 14th, 2007 JPFO Alert: The Big One In his latest effort, columnist and book author L. Neil Smith investigates "The Big One", referring not merely to the coming earthquake practically everyone expects will destroy southern California, but to any disaster, be it natural or man-madefrom the 1930s Dustbowl to 9/11, to Hurricane Katrinathat decent people lament as tragic, but which government greets as an opportunity and excuse to steal even more money from us, and tighten its death-grip on our lives. As bizarre as it may appear to anyone with moral sensibilities,the foul stench of death and destruction is the sweet smell of success to them. As usual, Neil also has one or two ideas how this can be dealt with effectively, and asks you to pass them on to anybody inclined to lend a hand. So click on over to www.jpfo.org/smith/smith-thebigone.htm for some interesting and unusual reading. The Liberty Crew PS: Don't forget our holiday store special: order videos and get one or more free books! Go to [here] for more information. PPS: We have had to make a recent emergency change of provider for getting alerts out which has resulted in a regretable hiatus for many. Please make sure to tell others to subscribe. Visit our alert archive / sign up to receive email alerts. Please sign up for JPFO membership. If you like what we do for you then please support usit is less than 7c a day. Go towww.jpfo.org/member.htm JPFO mirror site: www.jpfo.net JPFO
Bonus! A new strip from the splendid Scott Bieser is an excellent way to celebrate TLE's return to its rightful net.domain. All best to all, Victor Milán
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