THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 500, January 4, 2009 "We jump-start the Libertarian Revolution"
Send Letters to
Re: Harry Browne Dear Ken, We get letters ...
Well, thank you, Jerry, and a Happy New Year to you, too. I greatly enjoy getting this kind of mail from your kind of individual; it tells me that I'm right on track and should keep right on doing what I'm doing. Which I will. You'll be be gratified, I'm sure, to learn that my daughter and I are writing a new book about libertarian principle (remember that?) as it applies to policy. We're designing the book to be very inexpensive so that as many people as possible can afford to buy it. There will also be an international website and free downloads. Just for you, I'm attaching the first installment, which will be published in The Libertarian Enterprise this weekend and sent all over the world. I believe I'll ask our editor to include this letter, as well. What I suggest you do is start you own "Dawg's Hind Leg Party", dedicated to the crookedness so magnificently exemplified by the late Harry Browne, which you seem so angry that I helped to expose. (I suppose I should have just shut up and let Harry and his sleazy minions steal all the money they wanted from contributors who foolishly thought they were helping to make America free again.) As your first presidential candidate, I suggest the nearest thing to the late Harry, soon-to-be-former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. And as a personal New Year's resolution, I urge you to learn to spell and use your shift key. Have a nice life, L. Neil Smith
Al, In regard to "To Alter or Abolish," I suggest talking to Randy Kelton. If you aren't familiar with him you can get some information at: You can also check out his web site: He has been using Grand Juries to get indictments of public officials. Maybe he can help in this regard. D. Majewski
My Brother's Keeper? Hell no! It seems to be a recurring theme with next tenant of the White House, I've heard it in at least two speeches: "I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper." All joking aside, about how well Mr. Obama's brother(s) are "kept", this sentence makes my hackles rise like few others. I'd like to go on the record here and say, "Mr. Obama, and anyone else who thinks otherwise, I am most emphatically NOT my brother's keeper. I am most emphatically NOT my sister's keeper. I am most emphatically NOT the keeper of any sapient being, anywhere, at any time and no one can make me a 'keeper' of anyone." Joe L. Singleton
Dear TLE, I have just been forwarded this video which I think TLE readers will be interested in: Astounding. I had not heard of the "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report" before, but I'm hardly surprised. Appalled, disgusted, scared poop-less, sure. But not surprised. Curt Howland
Re: "They Hate Our Guns?" by Susan Callaway They do not merely hate our guns. They don't merely hate our knives and shillelaghs. They don't merely hate our handy blunt objects. They hate that we have the will to use our weapons to defend our lives, loved ones, liberty and property. They hate that we have the will to raise our fists if we have nothing else. They try to teach us to be helpless in the face of danger and oppression, to be brave only in their service, never in our own. They want to change men from wolves and coyotes into sheepdogs and then sheep to "rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing..." Yup, the Federals and the reavers are pretty much the same in the end. A.X. Perez
Pssst! About the Bomb Plot... ...and a Big Brother you can believe in: Also, the secret meeting has been postponed until next Tuesday at the usual place. Here's the agenda:
All conspirators should memorise the agenda, then eat the computer this email came on; you can't be too security-minded these days... yours for Peace and Liberty (secret code words for "Riot and Revolution"), Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada (my top secret nom de paix)
Free Market and the Auto Industry (or the banking crisis, whatever) We have this horrible bailout mania going and we're told it's because the free market failed and we have to do "something". But, it's been decades (if ever) that the free market was allowed to work in the auto industry and even longer since it was a factor in banking. It kills me how these heavily regulated businesses find themselves in trouble and people in the media and other wonks blame the free market. Ah well, this is what happens when the gov't holds a near monopoly on education, eh? Joe L. Singleton
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