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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 508, March 1, 2009 "The one hope we have is to aggressively reassert the libertarian principles that propelled the American Revolution and turned the world upside down." ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Another Letter from Jim Davidson Watch this video, which suggests a common denominator to all our current problems. I will have more specific observations in the near future. UNAgenda 21Sustainable Development
L. Neil Smith
![]() Hi, all! Libbie, who just made her debut in "Atlantea the Beautiful," is now available as a T-shirt, mousepad, cup and other incarnations at: And while I'm at it, I did a couple of bumper stickers with her on them: Rex May
It's official. Jim Rogers is selling his dollars. He's already left the USA to take up residence in Singapore. For those that know it, Singapore is a very pleasant, orderly, and peaceful country that has seen hardly any warfare since the Japanese occupied the city in 1942 and slaughtered on the order of 100,000 civilians, putting many others in prison camps for torture and abuse. Many Americans are uncomfortable with Singapore's restrictions on individual liberty. Rogers says in the interview cited above that he anticipates civil unrest in the USA in the near future. Perhaps he's talking about peaceful demonstrations, or perhaps about rioting. In any event, I don't think Jim (who I've had occasion to meet several times) is an especially clever observer of American social unrest. He does know a little about a great many countries. The impressive part of the interview, to me, is his plan to sell his entire portfolio of USA dollars in 2009. He's getting out of the dollar. I believe he's an incredibly noteworthy investor. He denies being a good market timer, but he is an excellent trend follower. He also identifies trends in markets, including currency markets, well before they are widely perceived by others. My friend James Turk projected a dollar collapse in his book published in 2004 "The Coming Collapse of the Dollar." I believe Jim Turk makes a good case. Sadly, his timing was way off. Nevertheless, I think Jim Rogers is right. The dollar is not the place to store your wealth. I suggest you consider gold and silver as alternatives. Jim Davidson
Ken, in response to Russell's How Do You Divorce Your Government, there is no need to be confrontational. Just drop off the key, lee; and get yourself free. There must be fifty ways to leave your lover. Just imagine this scenario. People start talking about secession. Start writing letters to the editor, talking it up in gatherings. "We're done!" "We want a divorce!" Don't get hot about it. Don't get angry. Just keep saying the marriage does not work any more, and it's starting to look like abuse. Say it over and over again. People start picking up on it: "Hey, why not? Do we really need all those idiots in DC?" Eventually the meme will be picked up in the legislature. Resolutions (preferably mild ones) will be cooked up. We don't want to shell Fort Sumter, or anything like that. We just want to let the world know we want out. Make our relationship an embarrassment to the abuser. Even if we can't "officially" get out, maybe it doesn't matter because she backs off and leaves us alone. Or maybe it becomes effortless when the Empire collapses. We're already doing it. In books, in free state organizations, in secession movements. Just keep it up... Paul Bonneau
Dear Editor, With regard to: Collecting Money for the Million Dollar Prize for Information Leading Directly to the Firing/Resignation of Rahm Emanuel We received today a $20 donation. I was able to match it, so we currently have $40 in hand for this project. The donor has requested a running tally in The Libertarian Enterprise. So, I am prevailing upon you to print my present letter for the purpose. I've also been informed by a friend that he is considering a double-match for contributions up to the first $1,000. He has not gotten back to me on that possibility. I'll be sure to let y'all know. Regards, Jim Davidson
[I'll keep a running tally on the main pagesee the green box in the second columnEditor] Re: "Libertarian Dogma" by Paul Bonneau Thanks to Paul Bonneau for bringing up some important points. I have long questioned the wisdom of regarding rights in the traditional fashion. I personally think that the only rights one can have are those which a man is willing assert for himself. Likewise, I think that attempting to use documents in order to enforce or facilitate rights is misguided. The US Constitution and Amendments haven't been terribly useful for protecting individual rights, as Abraham Lincoln and most other presidents have demonstrated. The courts have proven to be equally useless as an arena for defending individual rights, and we all know what kind of parasites usually wind up in legislative offices. Since anarchy seems to be as impractical as it is unpalatable (for most folks) as a utopian goal for a small planet with 6+ billion people, some serious re-evaluation of concepts is in order. Sean Clifton
Dear Editor, Re: "Letter from Simon Jester" With regard to Simon Jester's suggestion that a spouse turning in a weapon without the owner's permission could be charged as theft, I believe that is not the case in a great many jurisdictions. For various reasons having to do with the traditions of marriage making two persons into one person under the law, many states do regard the property of the spouses to be communal. Therefore a spouse cannot steal property from a spouse. Therefore a spouse cannot be compelled to testify against a spouse. It is tricky having two people regarded as one. There are obvious opportunities for abuse. It is a legal fiction, and not one that is very believable. But it does very likely prevent a spouse from being charged with theft for turning in a weapon belonging to his or her spouse. I view this sort of communal property as an early step on the path toward the tragedy of the commons. Each thing ought properly to be owned by one and only one owner. Community property and other collectivists ideas are bunk. Jim Davidson
They Eat their Own Krystalnacht led to the Night of the Long Knives. Stalin was infamous for his purges. The Ku Klux Klan self-destructed over who got the dues in the 1920's. It will be interesting to get a hold of the true to fact versions of the purges and power struggles behind the scenes in the People's Republic of China and Castro's Cuba. It may be cold comfort to the lovers of liberty, but the fact is the Twentieth Century's tyrants had a habit of eating their own, and tyrannical groups have fratricidal struggles on a regular basis. Or maybe it's the fact that we can use come the day we have to use force to protect and/or regain our liberty. A.X. Perez
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