Letters to the Editor
from The Editor, James J Odle, Mike Blessing, L. Neil Smith,
Rex May, A.X. Perez, and the Don't Go Movement
No Bailout for America's Newspapers!
by L. Neil Smith
I have never had anything but contempt for America's
"greatest" newspapers. During my lifetime, a little over six decades, they
have never been anything but contemptible. Everything that was foreseeably
harmful to individual libertyor later proven to be sothey have
championed. Everything that would have been good for it, they have opposed.
Peaceful Dissent and Government Witch Hunts
by Anthony Gregory
As most readers of this are probably aware, the Campaign
for Liberty has been singled out, along with a few other political groups,
in a leaked Missouri state government report, "The Modern Militia Movement."
The document tells state officials to be on the lookout for violent extremists
while conflating them with pretty much anyone who criticizes the government.
Perhaps most troubling, the information apparently comes from the Department
of Homeland Security, meaning that similar documents could be circulating in
states other than Missouri.
Libertarian Novelist Reviewd in Daily Telegraph
by Sean Gabb
Here is a review of Richard Blake's "Terror of Constantinople".
It was published in The Daily Telegraph on the 21st March 2009. Mr Blake has
been a good friend of the Libertarian Alliance over the years, and anything
that enriches him can be taken as a benefit to the libertarian cause in England.
You and I Can't Buy the Guns Mexican Cartels Own
The Administration is Not Dealing Straight With Us on Mexico's Gun Problem
by Ralph Weller
Let's set things straight right up front. Yes, some guns
are being smuggled into Mexico from the U.S. Most are handguns. But, handguns
are being illegally trafficked from state to state and from the U.S. to Canada.
It should come as no surprise that guns are smuggled into Mexico. But, the
problem being portrayed by the U.S. media and our government is not as it
seems. You see, Mexico doesn't allow ownership of most firearms, so ordinary
Mexican people seeking self-protection will find a way to get them into Mexico.
As for the drug cartels operating in the border towns along the U.S., they have
other sources for their weapons and have become the prime supplier within Mexico.
Creating Monsters
by A.X. Perez
The time for Texas Schools to endure the Exit TAKS (Texas
Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) Test is upon us again. The Exit TAKS is
administered for the first time during Junior year in high school and must
be passed to receive a high school diploma. Basically it means you are
literate, numerate, and know enough general science and history, government
and geography facts and skills to function at about the sixth to eighth grade
level. Considering that national reading levels in the 1970's were at about
the 4th to 6th grade level, this is an improvement.
Thuggish Highways
by Paul Bonneau
I spend a lot of time driving around the states of Wyoming,
Montana, Idaho, Washington State and Oregon. One gets a strong impression of a
state by looking at the road signs, and watching the highway patrol. It's clear
in this group what the most thuggish, unfriendly state is: Washington. And Oregon
is the runner up.
Response to a Proposal for Serfdom
A Critique of Barack Obama
by Punkerslut
The economic, buyout plan of the United States government
is made with the thought that the New Deal of Roosevelt ended the depression;
but the unemployment during the "New Deal" only worsened during this period,
and continued to worsen during Roosevelt's "Second New Deal." Even then,
there is a tremendous difference in allocating taxes for public works, and
paying for non-productive "toxic assets." When we choose to pay for the debt
of these private firms, in their miscalculated business endeavors, we are
taking a gigantic opportunity cost. The value of these firms, once we have
paid for them, will be cut several fold. It is equivalent to buying a lottery
ticket as a means of guaranteeing economic success. There are a million other
alternatives to prosperity besides "scratch it tickets" and worthless assets.
What If?
by Ron Beatty
I am a writer. I have a couple of screenplays to my credit
and I'm working on a novel, which will probably never find a publisher because
the premise of it is unabashedly libertarian. When I start on a project, the
first thing that comes to mind is ...what if?
The Unnecessary Century
by L. Neil Smith
Like all of my fellow '46ers, I was born in the shadow of
the Second World War. Unlike most, my father was a professional military
officer, and I grew up and was educated all over the North American continent.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 17 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!