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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 517, May 3, 2009 "What a maroon...." ![]() Special* to The Libertarian Enterprise Recently, a reader of mine named Holly wrote:
Hello, Holly My initial doubts about manmade global warming weren't scientific, but ... I guess you might say social. I am a novelist, andwhen I'm not conversant on a particular subjectI'm inclined to depend on my judgement of the character of the actors involved. To some, I know, that may seem like a terrible confession, but others who write for a living will understand. The real question, after all, is "Am I being conned?" That's a social question, not a scientific one. So,lacking other data, I looked at the character of those pushing the idea of Global Warming. They included leftist politicos I knew to be opportunistic liars in other contextsparticularly gun ownershipalong with movie stars and other brain-dead celebrities that flock to any cause that attacks private industrial capitalism and individual liberty. Some may criticize me for ad hominem thinking, but when you don't have reliable scientific information (which I didn't back then), what else can you rely on but your understanding of the personalities involved? There was also my experience with previous predictions of disaster
(some which I listed in the blog entry "The Badguys" that we're
discussing At least two shooters, maybe more, Kevin Costner to the contrary,
I suppose my perception of precisely who stood to benefit from the
spreading fear about Global Warming comes into it. Anyone who hates
technology, of course, or the present economic system. Also, hordes
who will get rich from all of the asinine proposals to reduce Global
Warminganyone who makes solar panels or water heating systems or
nasty little cars that go short distances very slowly, carrying almost
Most persuasive, I suppose, was an anthropological understanding I
have (that being my principle field of interest and study in college)
of what constitutes a religion. The planet gets transmogrified into a
goddess in the minds of the faithful, and all of the entities upon it,
the birds and bees and flowers and trees (to quote an old song)all
of the entities, that is, except humansbecome sacred objects.
Exhaling carbon dioxide becomes Original Sin. Better that a thousand
human babies should die than one single snail darter or a furbish
In fact, what the Earth needs, they often say, is a good plague.
This religious interpretation helped explain the fact that Global
Warming skeptics were increasingly being persecuted. They couldn't be
refuted, so university professors were being denied tenure or actually
having it taken away. Government employees concerned with the weather
were being reprimanded or threatened with firing. The new media were
full of that kind of thing. (If academiaor science itselfever
recover from this debacle, it will be thanks to people who had retired
or were just about to and didn't have anything to lose by telling the
Of course the "mainstream" media somehow failed to report lunacy
like this. And when hundreds of scientists who had literally signed on
with the Global Warming hoax managed to learn more, had second or
third thoughts, and withdrew their sanction, that didn't get reported,
either, except by those on the net like Matt Drudge who care about the
I guess the final social fact that made me suspicious was the
way peopleespecially legislatorswere being pushed, rushed
along, encouraged only to believe and act, not to think, "Because it's
too late for that, and even if it weren't, we can't risk not doing
There were, by now, lots of physical data to support skepticism.
It turns out, for example, that some of the first readings that seemed
to indicate increasing world temperatures came from a weather bouy in
the Pacific Ocean that was defective and had to be repaired or
replaced. My suggestion was that they preserve it as a monument to Al
Similarly, official weather stationsthose little white-painted
structures with the louvred box on topwere increasingly
being photographed where they had been placed near heat sources like
factory smokestacks, the backs of restaurants, and industrial heat
I thought for a while that the whole house of cards was going to
collapse when it was realized that most of the temperature readings
used to support the fraud were taken in "municipal heat islands", tiny
pinpricks on the map where human activity had indeed managed to raise
temperatures, usually by pouring concrete and asphalt over everything
that didn't move fast enough to avoid it. My hometown, for example, is
at least ten degrees warmer in the summer now than I remember as a
Then came the ice core evidence showing that a relationship did,
indeed, exist between changes in the mixture of atmospheric gases and
global heat fluctuations, but exactly in reverse of what was expected:
there was an average 800-year lag between a rise in temperatures and
increaseswhich followed the increasing temperaturesin carbon
I wouldn't want to leave out the thorough discreditation of the
fraudulent "hockey stick" model, a dramatic graphic presentation by
academic warmistas which, largely by means of ignoring the established
climate history of the past thousand yearsincluding the Medieval
Warming Period and the Little Ice Age, both of which are exceptionally
well-documented by the actual people living in those timesproduced
the desired results on paper, but bore no resemblance whatever to
Sort of like Keynesian economics.
I just heard about a nuclear submarine in the Arctic in the 1950s
that had no trouble poking its nose through the ice at the North Pole,
something, I gathered from the conversation, that can't be done easily
today. For all of you Obama and McCain voters out there, this means
the ice is thicker than it was half a century ago, not thinner as is
Most interestinglyremember seeing those spectacular photos
from the Dustbowl era in which whole towns are about to be swallowed
by a wall of airborne dust?according to weather service records,
the hottest 20th century decade was not the 1990s, as constantly
advertised, but the 1930s, with the highest temperatures recorded in
The 2008-2009 winter handed one public humiliation after another
to Algore and his warming wonks, as their lectures, meetings, and
rallys had to be postponed or cancelled due to record cold and heavy
snowfalls. It was their attribution of these lower temperatures to
Global Warming that confirmed my suspicion we are dealing with a new
The final nail in the coffin of manmade Global Warming was the
"inconvenient truth" that Mars and Jupiter are also warming up. I knew
for damn sure that my Durango wasn't responsible for that, nor were
anybody's cows. The sun was in a relatively sunspot-free period and
was shining a little more brightly on the many rocks whirling around
Sometime shortly after that, the warmoids felt a need to change
the name of the supposed phenomenon from "Global Warming" to "Climate
Change', the same way they'd stopped calling themselves "liberals" and
begun calling themselves "progressives". In both cases, with one lie
after another, one outrageous assault on life, liberty, property, and
reason after another, they'd dirtied their original brand name, left
it reeking on some fencepost somewhere, and found themselves a new
Many unanswered questions still remain, among other things, about
the benefits of rising temperatures. In many ways, the Earth would be
a far better place to live if it averaged five or ten degrees warmer.
The fact that there has been no great land rush among the warming
faithful to Alaska or Greenland sort of gives the whole game away, I
And now, despite careful selection (and misrepresentation) of
movies of icebergs "calving" in the Arctic and Antarctic, and phony
shots of polar bears swimming vainly in search of ice, it turns out,
according to a very recent satellite survey by the British government
(which stands to gain absolutely nothing by telling the truth) that
the icecaps either end of the world don't seem to be shrinking, after
I am not a footnote kind of a guythink of me as a 21st century
replacement for a newspaper columnist. But every factual thing I've
said here can be confirmed in a few minutes perusing the Internet.
Ironically, the one genuine world-ending catastrophe we face as a
speciesbeing struck by a wandering asteroidthe warmers ignore,
because it doesn't serve their economic and political interests, even
though there's a great deal that could be done, right now, to prevent
But that's a subject for another timeand for my novel, CERES.
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