Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 518, May 10, 2009

"Don't Tread On Me"

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An Anarchist's Declaration
by Michael Gogulski

Special to The Libertarian Enterprise

I wish no power* over you.

I wish that you have no power over me.

Where I have power over you, I shall seek to renounce it.

Where you have power over me, I shall pray that you renounce it, and so long as it be extant, I shall condemn it.

Where there are those who would try to give me power over you, I shall denounce them and condemn them.

Where there are those who would try to give you power over me, I shall laugh at them and condemn them.

Where you would use force to sustain any putative power relationship over me, I shall condemn you and resist you, and call to my brethren in our struggle against you.

Where a tyrant, a majority, a plurality, or a minority presume to grant you power over me, or over anyone else, I shall condemn it, resist it, renounce it and denounce it.

Where there are those who are subjugated beneath the boot heel of power, by “democratic” means or otherwise, I shall support their resistance, their condemnation, their denunciation and their renunciation.

I shall make no compromise with evil.

Signed: Michael Jude Gogulski, born free at Phoenix, Arizona, 8 August 1972.

Endorsements welcome.

* Replace the word "power" here with "privilege" if that vocabulary better suits your understanding.

Reprinted from with the author's permission.


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