Letters to the Editor
from Darian Worden, A.X. Perez, Wayne Grantham, Remote Ancestor
Or Something, go-galt.org, Dennis Wilson, and The Editor
That Every Arm Be Manned
by L. Neil Smith
When I was just getting interested in firearms again (I had
burned out on paper-punching with a .22 rifle as a kid, and it took a while for
me to notice the wonderful world of pistols and revolvers) there was criminal
case that attracted national attention for a little while.
Can the Media Ever Tell the Truth?
by Sean Gangol
For years we have known how biased the mainstream media can
be when it comes to certain issues. This bias could be attributed to the fact
that most of these so-called journalists are completely ignorant about certain
issues. Another possibility is that they think everybody else is ignorant and
will believe whatever they are told. Whatever the reason, maybe this is why
more people are turning to alternative media outlets such as Fox News, talk
radio and various internet sources. These sources can be just as biased as
any of the mainstream news networks, but at least there are alternatives.
An Anarchist's Declaration
by Michael Gogulski
I wish no power over you. I wish that you have no power over me.
Don't Tread On Freedom!
by L. Neil Smith
It says here a central Louisiana man was recently stopped
on the road by a local police officer and detained for half an hour while his
background was checked to ensure he wasn't a member of an "extremist" group.
Why? He had just been to someplace called "Patriot Depot" where he had purchased
a bumper sticker and put it on his car. The sticker was a reproduction of the
famous and historical Gadsden Flag: a drawing of a coiled diamondback rattlesnake,
and the warning, "Don't Tread On Me".
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 23 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!