Letters to the Editor
from Curt Howland, Rex May, Boston T. Party, A.X. Perez,
Bill St. Clair, Rob Gillespie, and Crazy Al
There ain't no such thing as a right to health care
by F. Paul Wilson
There. I said it. Someone had to. The acronym would be
TANSTAARTHC. Nowhere near as euphonius as TANSTAAFL.
Operation Wolf Watch
by Don Meinshausen
As we all should know by now the state survives and grows
by getting information through informants. It was estimated that East Germany
had at least half the population informing on the other half.
Will You Fight?
by Rob Sandwell
A friend of mine who would best be described as a "young
professional" asked me this question over dinner the other night. "Will you
fight? Or will you leave the country?"
Goldman Sachs Laughs All the Way to Their Bank
by Jim Davidson
Today's Financial Times has two interesting stories
about Goldman Sachs. In one, they report that owners of Goldman Sachs bailed out
of $438 million in stock between September 2007 and April 2008, followed by sales
of $691 million in stock after Lehman Brothers failed in September 2008 over the
following eight months. Financial Times noted that these sales of stock liquidated
positions held by Goldman Sachs shareholders at a time when the government had
provided over $10 billion of taxpayer money to prop up the company.
Let Me Be King For Just One Year
by Russell D. Longcore
Let's face it, my friends. The Federal Government in its
present form is irretrievably broken. No tinkering, no new President, no new
laws will fix the Federal Government of the United States of America. If the
USA wants to avoid mass state secessions, a radical change must be embraced.
Dialog With a Propagandist
by Paul Bonneau
I was driving home one evening and decided to keep myself
awake by listening to the local version of NPR (National Propaganda Radio). I
entertain myself by sifting out the sly and sophisticated propaganda techniques
they use.
System? SYSTEM!!! We Don't Need No Steenking System!!!
by Wayne Grantham
In light of the gradual nationalization of medicine, I keep
hearing reference to a thus far undefined term, "health care system." Health
care system. What might be the definition of such a phrase?
Enough of the Green
by Sean Gangol
When I began to write this article I was hoping to have it
done by Earth Day, but I found myself occupied by other things. Not that it
matters, since the mainstream media and the government schools sprout off
green nonsense on a daily basis. Most of the green rhetoric is spread by
radical leftists that are more hell bent on destroying capitalism then
protecting the earth. I remember the misinformation that was fed to me
and my peers. They told us that landfills were filling up and recycling
was the only way to stop it. They made it seem like the environment was
getting worse and drastic action needed to be taken.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 33 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!