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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 530, August 2, 2009 "They don't read it, they can't vote on it." ![]() Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise Before I answer my own question and go on my rant I'd like to let you know that I have just come home from the 41st Anniversary Reunion of The Khe Sanh Veterans. I would ask you please to take a moment to remember our Vietnam Veterans as the Heroes that they are. In a very Political and openly opposed war our men and women stood as they were told and said "No One Shall Pass On My Watch"? I am very emotional today because of the Heroes who took my hand and said they were Proud to meet ME! Me! I am embarrassed, those men stood nose-to-nose with some of the fiercest fighters of the century and walkedor were carriedout of the he Hell that our Politicians created for them. I am Proud to know the survivors and their support groups who celebrate Life every year by coming together and having a Reunion. Ponder this? there are 24 pages of single-spaced landscape format records of the Medals for Valor that were received by these Brave men. What have you done for your fellow man lately? But, I digress? What can I do? Is a most often asked question of libertarians like me, usually followed by; Where do I sign up? Do I have to pay to become a libertarian? What can I do to be a libertarian? These questions are as old as politics itself and I wanted to be sure in my head that I was bringing something new to the table before I started "workin' my jaw" on the subject. What can I do? Such a simple question, but how do we answer? I think I have finally found an answer worth repeating. Take ownership of yourself. In every way that that means, take ownership. Take ownership of your life and it's products and progress. Take ownership of where you livewhether you own it or rent it, treat it and care for it as though it were your own. Take ownership of your children and petsteach them and care for them until they can take care of their own lives, and then watch what you have created blossom into something incredible. Take ownership of who you arehow do you treat your fellow humans? Do you treat them with the same respect and dignity that you would demand for yourself? You should, anything less is a discredit to you and those who know, love or respect you. What you do effects everyone associated with you. Take ownership of your workdoes what you do affect others, of course it does, then be proud of your work and unafraid of showing-up someone else in their half-hearted efforts. Take ownership of the block where you liveis there trash out front, are there weeds growing through the sidewalk, can you bend over and make this world a little better place with just a moment of your time? Take ownership of your communityvolunteer, put yourself out there to help someone else. I do not mean take control, quite the contrary, Control is an Illusion and, no one is allowed to exercise control over another one or group of ones without their consent. What we talk about when we are discussing libertarianism is a way of life. A way of understanding (dare I say belief?) in the way we adhere to our principles, sometimes to our own detriment. What is a few dollars here or there to make the corrupt rulers happy? It's robbery sure, but we are the richest country on the planet? I think we can afford it, even as individuals. What are a few moments of our timenothing, considering that 110+ days each year are our own to do with as we please, I think we have the time. As a libertarian I want us to be the creators and discoverers and inventors, who try to make the world better today than it was yesterday. As a libertarian I want us to be the caretakers, first and foremost of our own lives and the products of that life, and the work that we do. That we destroy only when absolutely backed-into-a-corner necessary. As a libertarian I want to try to put people into office who will give us back the Freedom that is ours by the right of my Great-great-great-great-grandfather's blood. Capt. Thompson fought and bled for this country so you and I could sleep in peace at night. Knowing that old King George was chewing nails in frustration at his every action, he lived as he wanted me to liveFree, unfettered by a King who considered us his property, to do with as he pleased. As a libertarian I want us to be the ones who are more concerned about your Liberty and Freedom than even you are. As a libertarian I want us to believe that no one has been given the ability to tell us how to live, believe, or progress through our life. As a libertarian I want to believe that you have as much right to destroy your own life with whatever you want to shoot, snort, smoke, and eat or rub into your belly, as you have to build, raise, create, and invent new ways of doing the old things better. But, as libertarians, we agree on only one thingthe ZAPour Zero Aggression Principle, no one or group of ones has the right to tell us how to live, or die. No one or group of ones has the right to initiate force in any way against any other one or group of ones, to do so forfeits their rights as a one or group of ones. At such point where you are backed-into-a-corner stuck, we believe it is your right and your duty to do whatever you feel is necessary to end the conflict and walk away peacefully. Using whatever means are available to you at the time, holding in reserve the most extreme response (lethal force) until there is no other way out. But by the same right, those one or group of ones that have you cornered have the right to defend themselves with whatever means they have at their disposal, because though they were initiating force against you, we have to allow them the same rights that we demand for ourselveslike it or not. Are you Brave enough to live by these principles? I am.
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