Socialism's Dirty Little Secret
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Official Journal of the National Recall Coordinating Committees

A Reader Supported Web Magazine
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Number 530, August 2, 2009
"They don't read it,
they can't vote on it."

Impeach Me?!
Impeach Me?!
by Rex May (note new URL)
Stuff for sale:

L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.


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Went to see the heart doctor again this week. Got my dose of Calcium Channel Blocker increased. Other than that the echo-cardiogram showed my ol' ticker is in excellent shape, plumbing-wise, with just a small problem with the wiring. I've lived in houses like that.

I see that Our Readers have taken to heart Mr. Smith's essay "On Buttons and Clicks" I know this on account of I got a check in the mail for $9.80 from AdBrite. Dang! This is about 4-times the usual amount. Keep it up, y'all!

We are a Reader-Supported eMagazine:

Another way of helping out is by clicking on our advertisers and affiliates and spending some money with them. Yeah, I know. If ya can, thanks! See also "On Buttons and Clicks by L. Neil Smith"

(Don't forget L. Neil Smith's novel Ceres is being published on the web, with a new chapter every Monday:

Be sure and check-in at Neil's new blog-thing at "The Moratorium"

Ken Holder

Time Peeper


Birth Certificate?

Letters to the Editor
from Jim Davidson, Russ Longcore, Boston T. Party/Kenneth W. Royce, A.X. Perez, Dennis Wilson, and Rex May

Socialism's Dirty Little Secret
by L. Neil Smith
There is a common thread that runs through socialist governments like this one exactly the way the orange thread runs through a pair of jeans.

What Can I Do?
by Andrew G. Eggleston Sr.
Before I answer my own question and go on my rant I'd like to let you know that I have just come home from the 41st Anniversary Reunion of The Khe Sanh Veterans. I would ask you please to take a moment to remember our Vietnam Veterans as the Heroes that they are. In a very Political and openly opposed war our men and women stood as they were told and said "No One Shall Pass On My Watch"? I am very emotional today because of the Heroes who took my hand and said they were Proud to meet ME! Me! I am embarrassed, those men stood nose-to-nose with some of the fiercest fighters of the century and walked—or were carried—out of the he Hell that our Politicians created for them. I am Proud to know the survivors and their support groups who celebrate Life every year by coming together and having a Reunion. Ponder this? there are 24 pages of single-spaced landscape format records of the Medals for Valor that were received by these Brave men. What have you done for your fellow man lately?

Do Idiots Dream of Organic Dogs?
by L. Neil Smith
Although I've made a number of successful predictions myself—something people seem to expect of science fiction writers whether it's appropriate or not—my metaphorical tinfoil propellor beanie is off to the late Philip K. Dick, who really nailed it when he wrote about Americans' deeply pathological attitude toward animals in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", a subtheme that was conspicuously blue-penciled when the movie Bladerunner was adapted from the short story.

Corrupted Thinking
by Rob Sandwell
A coworker of mine said, "I don't think there should be a minimum wage, I just think that there should be a base level of compensation that employers have to pay in order to provide for basic subsistence."

And Charo, Too
by L. Neil Smith
She would likely be the only one to deny it, but my wife Cathy is a genius. Not only is she the quickest learner I've ever met, but she sees straight to the heart of a problem, undeterred by evasions and other intellectual detour signs, and the answers she arrives at reflect that same, direct beauty of line and form that her thinking does. Cathy also gets angry at the oddest things. I remember a moment in our lives when, once I explained it to her as a phenomenon of Quantum Physics, she was outraged over the famous Double Slit Experiment for a week.

What Gates and Crowley Have Taught Me
by A.X. Perez
After weeks of listening, seeing, and reading about the Gates-Crowley flap I have observed some important things. Many were just things I already knew, some have been lessons to me, others have shown that Americans still have some major lessons to learn.

Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 35 of a weekly cartoon series.

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

The Venus Belt cover
The Venus Belt

by L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition
Paperback, 166 Pages
Click cover pic to buy from

The Crystal Empire
by L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition

Tom Paine Maru
Tom Paine Maru

(Click to buy at
Reprinted by (An Imprint of Arc Manor)
Hope cover

(Click to buy at
Reprinted by (An Imprint of Arc Manor)

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last
of Klepton

Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas

by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008
The Probability Broach:
The Graphic Novel

by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004

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