Letters to the Editor
from Carl Bussjaeger, Derek Benner, Mike Blessing, A.X. Perez,
Jim Davidson, Crazy Al, Rich Bartucci, Dennis Lee Wilson, and Rex May
The Cure
by L. Neil Smith
Had enough, yet? As you are no doubt aware, the United
States Senate has joined the House of Representatives in forcing medical
Marxism down the throats of tens of millions of Americansa clear and
unmistakable majority, if democracy still means anything to youwhether
they want it or not.
Our Watchmen
by Chris Claypoole
The looming monstrosity that is the so-called health care
bill (yet to be worked out in conference committee) is reminding me a bit of
the Dark Freighter subplot of "Watchmen". It seems to drive those who are in
proximity to it to a form of madness that becomes a monomania. Harry Reid has
made repeated statements, on the record, that he will get something passed, no
matter what the bill does or does not contain, and regardless of the cost. And
the financial scoring, by the Congressional Budget Office, of the various bills
presented by the House or Senate, is another Washington, DC joke.
Secession, the Second Amendment and Sun Tzu
by Russell D. Longcore
In the 6th Century BC, Chinese warrior Sun Tzu wrote The
Art of War. It has been the definitive treatise on waging war for 26 centuries
now. Only thirteen chapters, it was translated first in 1782 when a French Jesuit
priest living in China, Joseph Amiot, acquired a copy of it, and translated it
into French. Subsequent translations have honed the text into English.
Detainees Are Not PersonsThis means you!
by Jim Davidson
The Obama administration coerced the Supreme Court to
make the following ruling: anyone the president declares to be an "enemy
combatant" who is detained by the USA military government is not a person.
Therefore, such unpersons have no rights, no protections under the
constitution. You are all slaves. Stop working, and you are the enemy.
Stop paying taxes, you are the enemy. Stop obeying mindlessly, you are
the enemy.
by Paul Bonneau
I have just got into re-reading Robert Pirsig's Zen
and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a book I read when it first
came out in 1974, a book that truly impressed me. But I have forgotten
much of it, and want to see if it has aged well. First thing it did was
bring back floods of memories, because this was in my heavy motorcycle period.
How Science Fiction Saved Me from HellI Mean Jr. High School
by Bob Wallace
I had a pretty good time in 6th grade, especially the last
half. Being only 11 years old, I naively assumed there would be a linear
progression. If 6th grade was this good, then 7th grade should be even better!
And 8th grade, still better! And so on.
The Fraud of "Global Warming" is a Plutocrat's Wet Dream
by Jim Davidson
Let's take this in two parts. First, global warming is a
theory that falsely claims that man made greenhouse gases, especially carbon
dioxide, especially that produced in industrial equipment and transportation
machinery, is threatening to cause a run away greenhouse effect that would
leave Earth in a few decades much like Venusunless drastic and economy
shattering steps are taken right now.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 56 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!